Stop mercury pollution now


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
(CNN) -- This November, the Obama administration is expected to move forward with long overdue safeguards that would finally protect our families from mercury pollution. As the mother of four children, I can only say it's about time.

The EPA was first charged with limiting toxic air pollutants such as mercury during the Bush administration -- the first Bush administration. I don't know how many children have been exposed to dangerous levels of this neurotoxin during the subsequent 20-plus years of foot-dragging, but I do know that my eldest daughter was one of them.

When Sophie was 4 years old, we discovered that her mercury levels were elevated. We were already concerned because her learning had leveled off and in some notable ways even backslid. But it was only by chance that we realized she was being poisoned. Because we lived in an old house with lead paint, we had been following our pediatrician's advice to have our children tested regularly for lead and other heavy metals. Only because of this were we lucky enough to learn about our daughter's elevated mercury levels before it was too late.

How does a healthy, well-nourished child get mercury poisoning in her own home? By far the most common exposure to mercury comes from eating contaminated fish. Sophie adored tuna fish sandwiches and ate one or two a week. That was a small amount but enough to cause her harm. When, on a doctor's advice, we took fish out of her diet, her mercury levels declined.

We must stop allowing mercury pollution -
Duh, what's gonna happen when the mercury light bulbs burn out and they are thrown away in landfills? How fullproof is the manufacturing process that uses mercury to make millions of light bulbs? You practically have to call a haz-mat team when one breaks.
I didn't realize that people were on Mercury. When did we land and what sort of polluting are we doing there?
99% if the mercury in the ocean comes from hydro-thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean. What is the EPA proposing to do about that?

This jihad against Mercury is a scam who's real intent is to shut down the use of coal.

Only the morons are fooled.

(CNN) -- This November, the Obama administration is expected to move forward with long overdue safeguards that would finally protect our families from mercury pollution. As the mother of four children, I can only say it's about time.

The EPA was first charged with limiting toxic air pollutants such as mercury during the Bush administration -- the first Bush administration. I don't know how many children have been exposed to dangerous levels of this neurotoxin during the subsequent 20-plus years of foot-dragging, but I do know that my eldest daughter was one of them.

When Sophie was 4 years old, we discovered that her mercury levels were elevated. We were already concerned because her learning had leveled off and in some notable ways even backslid. But it was only by chance that we realized she was being poisoned. Because we lived in an old house with lead paint, we had been following our pediatrician's advice to have our children tested regularly for lead and other heavy metals. Only because of this were we lucky enough to learn about our daughter's elevated mercury levels before it was too late.

How does a healthy, well-nourished child get mercury poisoning in her own home? By far the most common exposure to mercury comes from eating contaminated fish. Sophie adored tuna fish sandwiches and ate one or two a week. That was a small amount but enough to cause her harm. When, on a doctor's advice, we took fish out of her diet, her mercury levels declined.

We must stop allowing mercury pollution -
Mercury pollution in the Great Lakes region is much greater than previously reported, and people eating some of the fish there face potential health risks, a new report concludes.

Despite general declines in mercury levels in the area over the past four decades, mercury concentrations still exceed human and ecological risk thresholds and are rising again for some fish and wildlife, according to the report published in Ecotoxicology. Also, new studies cited in the report suggest that mercury's adverse effects on fish and wildlife occur at much lower levels than previously believed.

"We looked at six commonly eaten game fish and found that average mercury concentrations in these fishes exceeded the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) human health criterion in 61 percent of the study region," says the report's co-principal investigator James G. Wiener of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. He said it's unclear why mercury concentrations are rising in some fish.

The report finds that atmospheric emissions are the primary source of mercury deposition in the Great Lakes basin and it projects that further controls on those emissions will lower mercury concentrations in the food chain.

"The good news is that efforts to control mercury pollution have been very beneficial," says David C. Evers, executive director and chief scientist at Biodiversity Research Institute, and the principal investigator of the "Great Lakes Mercury Connections" study.

The report, funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, represents the work of more than 170 scientists, researchers, and resource managers who used more than 300,000 mercury measurements to document mercury pollution in the Great Lakes region. It's a collaboration of the Biodiversity Research Institute in Gorham, Maine, the Great Lakes Commission based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Study: Great Lakes' mercury pollution poses health risks
Mercury pollution in the Great Lakes region is much greater than previously reported, and people eating some of the fish there face potential health risks, a new report concludes.

Despite general declines in mercury levels in the area over the past four decades, mercury concentrations still exceed human and ecological risk thresholds and are rising again for some fish and wildlife, according to the report published in Ecotoxicology. Also, new studies cited in the report suggest that mercury's adverse effects on fish and wildlife occur at much lower levels than previously believed.

"We looked at six commonly eaten game fish and found that average mercury concentrations in these fishes exceeded the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) human health criterion in 61 percent of the study region," says the report's co-principal investigator James G. Wiener of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. He said it's unclear why mercury concentrations are rising in some fish.

The report finds that atmospheric emissions are the primary source of mercury deposition in the Great Lakes basin and it projects that further controls on those emissions will lower mercury concentrations in the food chain.

"The good news is that efforts to control mercury pollution have been very beneficial," says David C. Evers, executive director and chief scientist at Biodiversity Research Institute, and the principal investigator of the "Great Lakes Mercury Connections" study.

The report, funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, represents the work of more than 170 scientists, researchers, and resource managers who used more than 300,000 mercury measurements to document mercury pollution in the Great Lakes region. It's a collaboration of the Biodiversity Research Institute in Gorham, Maine, the Great Lakes Commission based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Study: Great Lakes' mercury pollution poses health risks

you stop eating the fish. More regulations fcukk everybody..............what the far left doesnt ever get. Fcukk everybody else WHILE you also fcukk the fish eaters. These people are mental cases.

s0n..........time to not live in fantasy-land anymore. The world you dream of aint happening...........100% certainty. You can spend every minute of every day for the rest of your life posting up shit like this and the difference wont be dick. IM telling you s0n.........find something else to be OCD on before its too late...........
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Mercury is in fillings of many peoples teeth, along with, fumigants to stop mold from growing on stored seeds, and

The most commonly identified
mercury-added products include
some types of thermometers,
barometers, thermostats, batteries
and fluorescent bulbs. Other
products that may contain mercury
include detergents and cleaners,
medical products, cosmetics, old
pesticides and old paints.

The state of Iowa did not originally have any mercury in the soils until man added it in there. The soils are now contaminated with mercury from the seeds, animals waste and other products that leach merury into the waters and ultimately into the soils.
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coal-fired, plants produce plenty of mercury among other compounds.

And have for How many years, yet no epidemic until NOW? Give me a break. Further you RETARD what will replace those plants that produce 60 percent of our electricity?

the suddenly higher rates of autism have been blamed on vaccines.

And proven to be a false accusation, but never mind paranoid delusional claims unsubstantiated if they will muddy the water for a Liberal.

Is there no lie you won't tell?
And have for How many years, yet no epidemic until NOW? Give me a break. Further you RETARD what will replace those plants that produce 60 percent of our electricity?

the suddenly higher rates of autism have been blamed on vaccines.

And proven to be a false accusation, but never mind paranoid delusional claims unsubstantiated if they will muddy the water for a Liberal.

Is there no lie you won't tell?

Hey idjit do a search on here and just see how many right leaners still push the vaccine/autism link as fact.
the suddenly higher rates of autism have been blamed on vaccines.

And proven to be a false accusation, but never mind paranoid delusional claims unsubstantiated if they will muddy the water for a Liberal.

Is there no lie you won't tell?

Hey idjit do a search on here and just see how many right leaners still push the vaccine/autism link as fact.

So YOUR defense for lying for your own gain is cause someone else did so first?
coal-fired, plants produce plenty of mercury among other compounds.

And have for How many years, yet no epidemic until NOW? Give me a break. Further you RETARD what will replace those plants that produce 60 percent of our electricity?

Nothing since the Repubs are in the "job-creators" (coal lobby's) pockets RETARD
coal power: air pollution | Union of Concerned Scientists
Burning coal is a leading cause of smog, acid rain, global warming, and air toxics. In an average year, a typical coal plant generates:

170 pounds of mercury, where just 1/70th of a teaspoon deposited on a 25-acre lake can make the fish unsafe to eat.

225 pounds of arsenic, which will cause cancer in one out of 100 people who drink water containing 50 parts per billion.

114 pounds of lead, 4 pounds of cadmium, other toxic heavy metals, and trace amounts of uranium.

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And proven to be a false accusation, but never mind paranoid delusional claims unsubstantiated if they will muddy the water for a Liberal.

Is there no lie you won't tell?

Hey idjit do a search on here and just see how many right leaners still push the vaccine/autism link as fact.

So YOUR defense for lying for your own gain is cause someone else did so first?

Explain where I lied. And if you can do that explain how I gained from it.
coal-fired, plants produce plenty of mercury among other compounds.

"Plenty?" Now's there's a scientific quantity. With geniuses like you making government policy, we're all headed for the promised land.
Hey idjit do a search on here and just see how many right leaners still push the vaccine/autism link as fact.

So YOUR defense for lying for your own gain is cause someone else did so first?

Explain where I lied. And if you can do that explain how I gained from it.

Ok you fucking retard. You admit you have seen the threads on mercury supposedly causing autism. Then you would also have seen the absolute proof posted in said threads that such a claim is FALSE, with evidence and facts to back it up.

YET you posted that mercury was causing autism in this thread. SO you pick, did you lie or are you just to fucking stupid to know the truth?

As for benefit you support this Administration and its lies, misinformation and illegal activities. This administration wants to ban mercury, which you support.

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