Stoned out of his mind liberal & Calexit supporter admits middle class is fleeing California on T.V.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

This shit's hilarious. Liberals are smoking crack if they think Californians will vote to leave America. Even if they get the signatures and rig the election to make it happen, Trump will send in the military and put down this Confederate uprising faster and harder than Abraham Lincoln bitch slapped the Confederate Democrats into submission.
He didn't just admit it, he said they want them to leave to make room for the illegals.

I say let California go. Seriously, fuck them. Build a wall and treat them like old Germany.
He didn't just admit it, he said they want them to leave to make room for the illegals.

I say let California go. Seriously, fuck them. Build a wall and treat them like old Germany.

Nope. They want to leave, fine. We keep the coastline.
He didn't just admit it, he said they want them to leave to make room for the illegals.

I say let California go. Seriously, fuck them. Build a wall and treat them like old Germany.

Nope. They want to leave, fine. We keep the coastline.

I also laugh that he thinks they're going to lease land to America for our military bases. Yeah, you and what army is going to enforce that?
He didn't just admit it, he said they want them to leave to make room for the illegals.

I say let California go. Seriously, fuck them. Build a wall and treat them like old Germany.
The left has wanted the middle class, especially the white middle class out of California since the 70s and Jerry Brown was governor the first time.

Kamala Harris, as attorney general, promised to drive employers out of the state. She got rid of many. She sued and regulated Toyota out of the state.
Think about how much we'll save when we stop paying government benefits to Californians.
I wonder what currency they will use?

This shit's hilarious. Liberals are smoking crack if they think Californians will vote to leave America. Even if they get the signatures and rig the election to make it happen, Trump will send in the military and put down this Confederate uprising faster and harder than Abraham Lincoln bitch slapped the Confederate Democrats into submission.

At least the intelligent people know when to leave the sinking ship. Those that are too stupid to know better(liberals) will ride it till it is under the sea and nothing left, just like Detroit. Liberals breed misery and poverty, that is called fairness...
The kicker is progressives suggest it's CONSERVATIVES who would bring us back to the dark ages. I bet the house progressives don't even see why the irony.

Let me know when a progressive says something accurate as opposed irrational and/or simple projection.
Think about how much we'll save when we stop paying government benefits to Californians.
I wonder what currency they will use?

You won't "save" anything, California pays in more to the federal government than it takes out, not to mention accounts for 11% of total U.S. Exports and 13.3% of national GDP.

I don't know about you but I'm not particularly keen on seeing the U.S. Economy shrink by 13.3% our trade deficits rise by 11% and having to make up for around $100 billion a year in gross federal revenues that California overpays.

This shit's hilarious. Liberals are smoking crack if they think Californians will vote to leave America. Even if they get the signatures and rig the election to make it happen, Trump will send in the military and put down this Confederate uprising faster and harder than Abraham Lincoln bitch slapped the Confederate Democrats into submission.

I have friends in California and the sad fact is that most of the state is actually conservative! But they are controlled by the Liberals who live along the coast.

Screen Shot 2017-08-04 at 3.19.17 PM.png

The State is controlled by San Diego, LA and SanFran. But where the guy goes wrong is that those moving away are NOT taking "Californian Values" with them to other states, they're moving to get the hell away from the madness. If they were good with Californian Values, they wouldn't be leaving in the first place! So they will be left with the Hollywood Elite and the poor, and as he said, they will be replaced by more poor immigrants (illegals). So eventually they will have a whole state with even higher spiraling debt and COL with the 30% rich elitists and 70% poor who cannot do anything but be supported by THEM.
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Think about how much we'll save when we stop paying government benefits to Californians.
I wonder what currency they will use?

You won't "save" anything, California pays in more to the federal government than it takes out, not to mention accounts for 11% of total U.S. Exports and 13.3% of national GDP.

I don't know about you but I'm not particularly keen on seeing the U.S. Economy shrink by 13.3% our trade deficits rise by 11% and having to make up for around $100 billion a year in gross federal revenues that California overpays.

You won't "save" anything,

Sure we will. All the Californians who paid into SocSec and now won't receive benefits.
I will be curious to see how California will pay their $2.6 trillion share of the national debt.
Think about how much we'll save when we stop paying government benefits to Californians.
I wonder what currency they will use?

You won't "save" anything, California pays in more to the federal government than it takes out, not to mention accounts for 11% of total U.S. Exports and 13.3% of national GDP.

I don't know about you but I'm not particularly keen on seeing the U.S. Economy shrink by 13.3% our trade deficits rise by 11% and having to make up for around $100 billion a year in gross federal revenues that California overpays.

You won't "save" anything,

Sure we will. All the Californians who paid into SocSec and now won't receive benefits.
Uh-Huh....So you're proposal is for the Federal Government to steal (even more) money from the tax payers in California in order to "save" money? What makes you any different from the elected thieves that run Washington?

Not to mention you need some help with your math, California represents 13.3% of GDP which represents a loss (based on 2016 numbers) of $2.46 TRILLION a year in economic activity, so even stealing their SS contributions doesn't "save" you any money.

I will be curious to see how California will pay their $2.6 trillion share of the national debt.
LOL, you want to steal Californians SS contributions and then expect them to pay "their share" of the national debt? In case you missed it, I say again, Californians have been OVERPAYING into the Federal pig trough, so on balance they'd be OWED money from the tax payers of the remaining states.

Bottom line: From an economic perspective the U.S. needs California more than California needs the U.S. at least until the left wing dingbats that are running the state get finished turning it into a completely bifurcated "progressive" hell hole.

This shit's hilarious. Liberals are smoking crack if they think Californians will vote to leave America. Even if they get the signatures and rig the election to make it happen, Trump will send in the military and put down this Confederate uprising faster and harder than Abraham Lincoln bitch slapped the Confederate Democrats into submission.

I have friends in California and the sad fact is that most of the state is actually conservative! But they are controlled by the Liberals who live along the coast.

View attachment 142083

The State is controlled by San Diego, LA and SanFran. But where the guy goes wrong is that those moving away are NOT taking "Californian Values" with them to other states, they're moving to get the hell away from the madness. If they were good with Californian Values, they wouldn't be leaving in the first place! So they will be left with the Hollywood Elite and the poor, and as he said, they will be replaced by more poor immigrants (illegals). So eventually they will have a whole state with even higher spiraling debt and COL with the 30% rich elitists and 70% poor who cannot do anything but be supported by THEM.

I disagree. They ARE taking their values with them, because liberals are by nature cause and effect challenged. I've watched Nevada turn blue, and it's primarily due to the Ca. exodus.

This shit's hilarious. Liberals are smoking crack if they think Californians will vote to leave America. Even if they get the signatures and rig the election to make it happen, Trump will send in the military and put down this Confederate uprising faster and harder than Abraham Lincoln bitch slapped the Confederate Democrats into submission.

I have friends in California and the sad fact is that most of the state is actually conservative! But they are controlled by the Liberals who live along the coast.

View attachment 142083

The State is controlled by San Diego, LA and SanFran. But where the guy goes wrong is that those moving away are NOT taking "Californian Values" with them to other states, they're moving to get the hell away from the madness. If they were good with Californian Values, they wouldn't be leaving in the first place! So they will be left with the Hollywood Elite and the poor, and as he said, they will be replaced by more poor immigrants (illegals). So eventually they will have a whole state with even higher spiraling debt and COL with the 30% rich elitists and 70% poor who cannot do anything but be supported by THEM.

I disagree. They ARE taking their values with them, because liberals are by nature cause and effect challenged. I've watched Nevada turn blue, and it's primarily due to the Ca. exodus.

Yeah, maybe. Liberals are like a disease germ, they all need to be lobotomized. Give them factory work where they are less dangerous. I would have hoped that those moving out were SICK of the liberalism and saw the harm it had done to the state and were moving to get AWAY from it!

I know people in California, in the valley, and they feel as I do. They merely grit their teeth and try to bear it.

I didn't consider that maybe a lot of the people moving out are liberals just trying to get away from the high COL and over-crowding.
Think about how much we'll save when we stop paying government benefits to Californians.
I wonder what currency they will use?

You won't "save" anything, California pays in more to the federal government than it takes out, not to mention accounts for 11% of total U.S. Exports and 13.3% of national GDP.

I don't know about you but I'm not particularly keen on seeing the U.S. Economy shrink by 13.3% our trade deficits rise by 11% and having to make up for around $100 billion a year in gross federal revenues that California overpays.

You won't "save" anything,

Sure we will. All the Californians who paid into SocSec and now won't receive benefits.
Uh-Huh....So you're proposal is for the Federal Government to steal (even more) money from the tax payers in California in order to "save" money? What makes you any different from the elected thieves that run Washington?

Not to mention you need some help with your math, California represents 13.3% of GDP which represents a loss (based on 2016 numbers) of $2.46 TRILLION a year in economic activity, so even stealing their SS contributions doesn't "save" you any money.

I will be curious to see how California will pay their $2.6 trillion share of the national debt.
LOL, you want to steal Californians SS contributions and then expect them to pay "their share" of the national debt? In case you missed it, I say again, Californians have been OVERPAYING into the Federal pig trough, so on balance they'd be OWED money from the tax payers of the remaining states.

Bottom line: From an economic perspective the U.S. needs California more than California needs the U.S. at least until the left wing dingbats that are running the state get finished turning it into a completely bifurcated "progressive" hell hole.

Uh-Huh....So you're proposal is for the Federal Government to steal (even more) money from the tax payers in California in order to "save" money?

Steal money from foreigners? LOL!

LOL, you want to steal Californians SS contributions and then expect them to pay "their share" of the national debt?

Before you leave, pay your share of the debt.
After you leave, why would you still get US benefits?

I say again, Californians have been OVERPAYING into the Federal pig trough

Then they'll have the funds to pay their own citizens SocSec.
If snowflakes can't blame someone, they have no purpose.

The live the victim culture so they need a boogeyman keeping them down.

They aren't going anywhere.

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