Stone em....


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
'Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to Death'

"That [stoning gay people to death] goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.

When a Facebook user messaged Esk to clarify further, he responded:
I never said I would author legislation to put homosexuals to death, but I didn’t have a problem with it."

Oklahoma Tea Party candidate Scott Esk supports stoning gay people to death.


"Still, the Tea Party has also been around long enough to have a record, of sorts. Let’s look at the legacy: No significant legislation, no changes for the better in American life, and no compromise, of course, with the majority of voters who say in numerous polls that the Tea Party has been mostly a negative force in politics. One follows the other, since by the absolutist nature of their philosophy Tea Party members believe that any effort to govern with those they disagree with is traitorous."

Here's an old republican who would be a rino today. "Mark my word, if and when these preachers [tea party] get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry M. Goldwater
This is why good Republicans have been working to eliminate TP influence and candidates.

The work is picking up steam. While Cantor was ousted (which does not break my heart), Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell have demonstrated that diligent work and upweeding the TP opposition is not very difficult.
I doubt you will get a good response from the TP here.
The Tea Party is the Klan..

...anti immigration



..they are silent on minimum wage hikes..and oil company subsidies..

....wonder why:doubt:
Stone em....

'Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to Death'

"That [stoning gay people to death] goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.

When a Facebook user messaged Esk to clarify further, he responded:
I never said I would author legislation to put homosexuals to death, but I didn’t have a problem with it."

Oklahoma Tea Party candidate Scott Esk supports stoning gay people to death.


"Still, the Tea Party has also been around long enough to have a record, of sorts. Let’s look at the legacy: No significant legislation, no changes for the better in American life, and no compromise, of course, with the majority of voters who say in numerous polls that the Tea Party has been mostly a negative force in politics. One follows the other, since by the absolutist nature of their philosophy Tea Party members believe that any effort to govern with those they disagree with is traitorous."

Here's an old republican who would be a rino today. "Mark my word, if and when these preachers [tea party] get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry M. Goldwater

People have the right to be as bigoted as they want. For anyone not to tolerate them is just as bigoted. We live in a free country where people are free to think as they wish. You don't like it? There's the door!
'Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to Death'

"That [stoning gay people to death] goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.

When a Facebook user messaged Esk to clarify further, he responded:
I never said I would author legislation to put homosexuals to death, but I didn’t have a problem with it."

Oklahoma Tea Party candidate Scott Esk supports stoning gay people to death.


"Still, the Tea Party has also been around long enough to have a record, of sorts. Let’s look at the legacy: No significant legislation, no changes for the better in American life, and no compromise, of course, with the majority of voters who say in numerous polls that the Tea Party has been mostly a negative force in politics. One follows the other, since by the absolutist nature of their philosophy Tea Party members believe that any effort to govern with those they disagree with is traitorous."

Here's an old republican who would be a rino today. "Mark my word, if and when these preachers [tea party] get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry M. Goldwater

People have the right to be as bigoted as they want. For anyone not to tolerate them is just as bigoted. We live in a free country where people are free to think as they wish. You don't like it? There's the door!

So people who have a problem with bigots are bigots? That's some serious circular logic right there. That said, I have no problem with bigots per say but, at the same time, we should adopt no policy or law in the this country that satisfies bigotry because, bigotry is not allowed to be used as a foundation for law per the Constitution so all they get is the freedom to be bigots and that's it.

The other problem I have with bigots is that they refuse to admit to their bigotry but rather, instead, attempt to use flawed logic to impose their views on others because in their hearts, they know that their hatred is has no logical basis. In other words, most are hypocrites and the ones that do admit to their bigotry are politically and socially irrelevant. As such, their only recourse is violent revolution. One in which, if they actually attempted would be put down almost before they get started.

They can always leave the country. I'll help them pack. I hear the Middle East is a great place for bigots. They get to murder gays and infidels and get medals and cookies and such for their efforts. All they have to do is accept Allah as their lord and savior. Seems like a good gig.
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'Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to Death'

"That [stoning gay people to death] goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.

When a Facebook user messaged Esk to clarify further, he responded:
I never said I would author legislation to put homosexuals to death, but I didn’t have a problem with it."

Oklahoma Tea Party candidate Scott Esk supports stoning gay people to death.


"Still, the Tea Party has also been around long enough to have a record, of sorts. Let’s look at the legacy: No significant legislation, no changes for the better in American life, and no compromise, of course, with the majority of voters who say in numerous polls that the Tea Party has been mostly a negative force in politics. One follows the other, since by the absolutist nature of their philosophy Tea Party members believe that any effort to govern with those they disagree with is traitorous."

Here's an old republican who would be a rino today. "Mark my word, if and when these preachers [tea party] get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry M. Goldwater

People have the right to be as bigoted as they want. For anyone not to tolerate them is just as bigoted. We live in a free country where people are free to think as they wish. You don't like it? There's the door!

So people who have a problem with bigots are bigots? That's some serious circular logic right there. That said, I have no problem with bigots per say but, at the same time, we should adopt no policy or law in the this country that satisfies bigotry because, bigotry is not allowed to be used as a foundation for law per the Constitution so all they get is the freedom to be bigots and that's it.

The other problem I have with bigots is that they refuse to admit to their bigotry but rather, instead, attempt to use flawed logic to impose their views on others because in their hearts, they know that their hatred is has no logical basis. In other words, most are hypocrites and the ones that do admit to their bigotry are politically and socially irrelevant. As such, their only recourse is violent revolution. One in which, if they actually attempted would be put down almost before they get started.

They can always leave the country. I'll help them pack. I hear the Middle East is a great place for bigots. They get to murder gays and infidels and get medals and cookies and such for their efforts. All they have to do is accept Allah as their lord and savior. Seems like a good gig.


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