Stimulus did not create jobs


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Stimulus did not create jobs expected but is was not a complete failure. It did save jobs and now governors like Scott Walker what to take those jobs away with taking 700,000 jobs away from teachers, firemen and policemen in order to balance the budget but will drive up unemployment and add to the deficit. Right Wing Nuts are hell bent on undoing everything Obama as accomplished. If not for the stimulus the unemployment would be worse and a recession would have become a depression. Cutting 700,000 jobs will be the loss of million in tax revenue because 700,000 workers will not be paying taxes and will be drawing unemployment and applying for food stamps which the rest of the taxpayers will be paying for.
Taxes have to be raised across board to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and it will not be a burden on anyone. Not exactly raising taxes but paying taxes comparable to the past when the economy was booming. The Reich don’t want to balance the budget or pay down the deficit. They just want Obama to fail at any cost. As Rush said.
Laying off 700,000 public employers will be a jobs buster and will do nothing to balance the budget or pay down the deficit. If this what we have to look forward to with the Reich in charge, hold on because we are in for a wild ride into a full blown depression,
Supreme court ruling on the Rev. Phelps cult gives radical Islam the right to spew their hate anywhere in the USA at any time. How does this differ from the New Black Panthers ranting?
Governor Rich Scott intend to create 700,000 in 7 years? Whoope.

"I am the only candidate in this race with a comprehensive plan that will get our fiscal house in order, balance the budget and create long-term, good-paying jobs," Scott says introducing the plan, which is sometimes called the "7-7-7" plan. "My 7-step plan isn't complex. In fact, it's very simple. And it's common sense.

"I've created jobs in the private sector. As governor, my 7-step plan will create 700,000 in 7 years."

Is he smiling while saying this?

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