Stimulus create nearly 3 million jobs.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Um...where are they? Saved is a bs statistic (NOBODY before Obama used that crap), that is NOT created, dont be a robot.
Are we talking about the jobs the CBO report identified that cost $180,000+ each to the tax payer in additional debt, or just pure Bull Shit?
Liberals have a history of making up stuff. Remember Naomi Wolfe saying 3000 women die a second during the Super Bowl (hate that macho game little feminists!!!!) from beatings. When you do the math it's like more than all the women in the US at the end of the game. And that number was PUBLISHED, noone checked it.
or the Mitch Snyder 300,000 homeless, but he didnt want them in the census, becuase his power base would have gone waaaay down if they found out it was alot less.
Your a funny one do you believe your lies or are you just a paid blogger? :D actually 4 million more jobless, a couple million jobs just gone out of country, and a few million just quit looking. That's one of those Bill Clinton had a surplus :D that was money not spent his last quarter. Lmao he borrowed $454 million a day. Better then Bush's 1.5 billion a day and Obama is up to 4.1 a day. Any second the worlds economy could collapse because of one idiot.(well couple helping him I'm sure).

Excuse autospell mistakes ty this posting box is out of sight on my phone a lot and sucks lol
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OK, but how is a guy like romney who clearly supports outsourcing going to create and save more american jobs?
He will demand federal capital gains tax laws lowered to nothing at first probably then lower start up business taxes down from 35% . Same stuff that Reagan did whom Kennedy did before. Obama is doing great if he's KGB or Chinese. Mitt can make pro business policies anyone educated before say 95 should understand capitalism though. After that kids under 29 seem lost causes :lol: jk kinda
He will demand federal capital gains tax laws lowered to nothing at first probably then lower start up business taxes down from 35% . Same stuff that Reagan did whom Kennedy did before. Obama is doing great if he's KGB or Chinese. Mitt can make pro business policies anyone educated before say 95 should understand capitalism though. After that kids under 29 seem lost causes :lol: jk kinda

Let us see how well you understand capitalism.

If you give one rich person 100 dollars, or ten poor people ten dollars, which creates more demand and consumes more?
Economists Agree: Stimulus Created Nearly 3 Million Jobs
August 30, 2010 by USA Today
by David J. Lynch
Economists Agree: Stimulus Created Nearly 3 Million Jobs | Common Dreams

Romney said federal taxes do not pay teachers salary? Who is out of touch? Tax payer's money do.

Federal tax dollars pay local teachers?? Must be all those saved jobs. What happens when the stimulus money runs out there sparky??

Guess we know who's out of touch and it ain't Romney.
Economists Agree: Stimulus Created Nearly 3 Million Jobs
August 30, 2010 by USA Today
by David J. Lynch
Economists Agree: Stimulus Created Nearly 3 Million Jobs | Common Dreams

Romney said federal taxes do not pay teachers salary? Who is out of touch? Tax payer's money do.

FEDERAL - shitbrain. Key word there.

FEDERAL funds DO NOT pay local teachers salaries, you stupid fucking imbecile.

Local budgets do - assbrain.

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