Still Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Clinton Conflicts, Arrogance and Duplicity
By David Limbaugh
March 6, 2006

Given her husband's insatiable ego and unquenchable quest for public affection, presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton will face some hard choices during her campaign, which has already begun.

I'm not talking about her predicament of always being cast in Bill's shadow and thus having a difficult time establishing her own identity. I think she's already done that, even if it is somewhat of a moving target, depending on what persona she believes is expedient at the time.

Indeed Bill wants Hillary to be president, if for no other reason than in his mind it will validate him, not to mention that it will vicariously extend his tenure. He would not consciously do things to make her ascension more difficult because he does not intentionally hurt himself -- except when overcome by an irresistible impulse, such as Monica Lewinsky, or perhaps, his unrelenting gravitation toward the limelight.

So it's not surprising that just when Hillary is attempting to submit herself as the Democrats' preeminent national security hawk by simulating outrage at the Dubai Ports deal as an "unacceptable risk," the avuncular ex-president is advising UAE leaders on how to convince American officials the deal poses no security risk.

Clearly unembarrassed by this contradiction, Hillary told the New York Post she was unaware her husband had given Dubai officials advice on the matter a few weeks ago.

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