Stewart Mocks Olbernotaman! :)

Yeah it must be really ROUGH to see him switch sides like that, isn't it?

I mean, imagine how it would feel if, oh, I dunno, Glenn Beck started taking pot shots at Rush Limbaugh...

I feel for the left, watching Obama emerge as a marxist after so much rhetoric about hope and change, after all the promises and sweet talk to...

it's gotta be rough.

Not rough at all for those of us on the side of the truth.

Only rough for hypocrites.

Stewart was funny. And guess what? Olbermann thinks it was funny too.

What does Obama and your right wing lies about his political policies have to do with this?
They need to dump Leno and put Stewart on the Tonight Show
Good for John. Other than this clip I never watch his bias show.
I did see olberpuke the night he said that because I just had to see how ms amerika was covering the Ma. message to the new marxist party. After olber's comment, I turned the channel back to Fox and left it there, as usual.
Good for John. Other than this clip I never watch his bias show.
I did see olberpuke the night he said that because I just had to see how ms amerika was covering the Ma. message to the new marxist party. After olber's comment, I turned the channel back to Fox and left it there, as usual.

the world will be a better place when your simple mind leaves it
Good for John. Other than this clip I never watch his bias show.
I did see olberpuke the night he said that because I just had to see how ms amerika was covering the Ma. message to the new marxist party. After olber's comment, I turned the channel back to Fox and left it there, as usual.

the world will be a better place when your simple mind leaves it

Spoken like a true marxist robot!:cuckoo:
I saw mentions on Twitter that Jon Stewart went after Keith Olbermann in last night’s Daily Show, and wondered just how hard Stewart would hit him over his hysterical, over-the-top tirades this week. Answer: no haymakers, but plenty of hard jabs. The best part for Hot Air readers comes at the end, when Stewart comes closest to a knockout by pointing out the MS-NBC “news” host’s hypocrisy for calling Brown sexist and supportive of violence against women for a comment someone yelled out at a rally after Olbermann’s super-special Special Comment about

Hot Air Blog Archive Video: Stewart slams Olby


That IS funny!
John Stewart's the best. He's on this Hope For Haiti telethon too...

Do you righties love him when he speaks the truth about the ones on your side of the aisle too?

Or are you hypocrites, only loving the truth he brings when it falls on a Democrat?

Well, let me say this....I feel no urge to boycott him or call for a boycott because he made fun of a Leftie Pundit.

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