Steelers Robbed of Post-Season as Horrible Officiating Continues in NFL


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
First of all, IN NO WAY do I argue for the Steelers. They stunk, they played bad, and they don't deserve to be in the post-season with better teams. Sure they can play great, the problem is that with such inconsistency as to regularly lose to the worst teams when they should have won with one arm tied behind their back.

But they are not in the Wild Card Hunt for one particular reason: Cleveland lost to the Ravens by two points. The Browns/Ravens game was not aired here but after it was over, a local news channel air bits of it. Specifically:

LATE IN THE GAME, Baltimore went in for a TD and the runner jumped over the crowd with the ball BUT NEVER ACTUALLY CROSSED THE PLANE. He was clearly short on the reply. Then he lost the ball and Cleveland recovered the fumble and ran it back for a TD of their own WHICH WOULD HAVE WON THEM THE GAME and the Steelers Wild Card.

But rather than let the play play out, an official whistled the play dead right after the ball was fumbled robbing Cleveland of the TD WITHOUT his knowing that Baltimore had scored or not or what had happened, even though he could have let it play out and they could have reviewed it all later to sort out the details.

Browns fans furious over quick whistle from officials

I saw the video and the article does not do justice to the fact of how the Browns (and by default the Steelers) were robbed) in what was apparently just one of many disastrous game and season changing blunders by NFL part-time referees.

NFL officiating has now become so contently bad that they must now be considered the third opponent. Had that play not been wrongly whistled dead, Cleveland would have won, and the Steelers not the Ravens would be in the play offs as the 4th seed.
The NFL has some major work to do training their officials and they need to tighten up reply, especially on scoring plays. There were also several vicious targeting hits I remember this year that were not called at all. Since players careers can end on plays like that, I believe a Coach should be able to challenge a targeting hit that WAS NOT called.
First of all, IN NO WAY do I argue for the Steelers. They stunk, they played bad, and they don't deserve to be in the post-season with better teams. Sure they can play great, the problem is that with such inconsistency as to regularly lose to the worst teams when they should have won with one arm tied behind their back.

But they are not in the Wild Card Hunt for one particular reason: Cleveland lost to the Ravens by two points. The Browns/Ravens game was not aired here but after it was over, a local news channel air bits of it. Specifically:

LATE IN THE GAME, Baltimore went in for a TD and the runner jumped over the crowd with the ball BUT NEVER ACTUALLY CROSSED THE PLANE. He was clearly short on the reply. Then he lost the ball and Cleveland recovered the fumble and ran it back for a TD of their own WHICH WOULD HAVE WON THEM THE GAME and the Steelers Wild Card.

But rather than let the play play out, an official whistled the play dead right after the ball was fumbled robbing Cleveland of the TD WITHOUT his knowing that Baltimore had scored or not or what had happened, even though he could have let it play out and they could have reviewed it all later to sort out the details.

Browns fans furious over quick whistle from officials

I saw the video and the article does not do justice to the fact of how the Browns (and by default the Steelers) were robbed) in what was apparently just one of many disastrous game and season changing blunders by NFL part-time referees.

NFL officiating has now become so contently bad that they must now be considered the third opponent. Had that play not been wrongly whistled dead, Cleveland would have won, and the Steelers not the Ravens would be in the play offs as the 4th seed.

That play happened before halftime. That would not have won them the game. It would not have even given them a lead. It would have cut into the Ravens' 20-7 lead at the time. And that's assuming it would have been a TD: who knows if Peppers would have been able to go down and score had the whistles not blown and many of the players stopped trying?

I imagine the ref blew the whistle because he was calling it a TD. You say he didn't know if it was a score or not, but that's what the refs do, make those sorts of judgement calls. It turns out they were wrong in this instance, but I'm guessing blowing the whistle is the proper procedure if the line judge feels that the ball crossed the plane of the goal line.
It was called a TD, so of course the whistle was blown. That's just bad luck. How about the phantom holding call on Jackson's TD that was called back or the offensive pass interference for blocking downfield on a play that actually looked like the defender was holding the receiver? It's a fast game and mistakes will be made. The Browns should have tried for a FG on 4th down. B'more would have. Thank God they didn't have Justin Tucker.
First of all, IN NO WAY do I argue for the Steelers. They stunk, they played bad, and they don't deserve to be in the post-season with better teams. Sure they can play great, the problem is that with such inconsistency as to regularly lose to the worst teams when they should have won with one arm tied behind their back.

But they are not in the Wild Card Hunt for one particular reason: Cleveland lost to the Ravens by two points. The Browns/Ravens game was not aired here but after it was over, a local news channel air bits of it. Specifically:

LATE IN THE GAME, Baltimore went in for a TD and the runner jumped over the crowd with the ball BUT NEVER ACTUALLY CROSSED THE PLANE. He was clearly short on the reply. Then he lost the ball and Cleveland recovered the fumble and ran it back for a TD of their own WHICH WOULD HAVE WON THEM THE GAME and the Steelers Wild Card.

But rather than let the play play out, an official whistled the play dead right after the ball was fumbled robbing Cleveland of the TD WITHOUT his knowing that Baltimore had scored or not or what had happened, even though he could have let it play out and they could have reviewed it all later to sort out the details.

Browns fans furious over quick whistle from officials

I saw the video and the article does not do justice to the fact of how the Browns (and by default the Steelers) were robbed) in what was apparently just one of many disastrous game and season changing blunders by NFL part-time referees.

NFL officiating has now become so contently bad that they must now be considered the third opponent. Had that play not been wrongly whistled dead, Cleveland would have won, and the Steelers not the Ravens would be in the play offs as the 4th seed.

the NFL is a corrupt cartel,what many here dont get and i am guessing you are one of them,these games are as rigged and as scripted as pro wrestling. like the year we had a harbaugh superbowl,it happend because that was what the NFL WANTED,a Harbaugh superbowl.

the new england cheatriots with shady brady and bill belicheat are in the superbowls all the time cause they have the refs in their pockets.

i mostly stick to buying NFL games over the net from yesteryear as a result.
First of all, IN NO WAY do I argue for the Steelers. They stunk, they played bad, and they don't deserve to be in the post-season with better teams. Sure they can play great, the problem is that with such inconsistency as to regularly lose to the worst teams when they should have won with one arm tied behind their back.

But they are not in the Wild Card Hunt for one particular reason: Cleveland lost to the Ravens by two points. The Browns/Ravens game was not aired here but after it was over, a local news channel air bits of it. Specifically:

LATE IN THE GAME, Baltimore went in for a TD and the runner jumped over the crowd with the ball BUT NEVER ACTUALLY CROSSED THE PLANE. He was clearly short on the reply. Then he lost the ball and Cleveland recovered the fumble and ran it back for a TD of their own WHICH WOULD HAVE WON THEM THE GAME and the Steelers Wild Card.

But rather than let the play play out, an official whistled the play dead right after the ball was fumbled robbing Cleveland of the TD WITHOUT his knowing that Baltimore had scored or not or what had happened, even though he could have let it play out and they could have reviewed it all later to sort out the details.

Browns fans furious over quick whistle from officials

I saw the video and the article does not do justice to the fact of how the Browns (and by default the Steelers) were robbed) in what was apparently just one of many disastrous game and season changing blunders by NFL part-time referees.

NFL officiating has now become so contently bad that they must now be considered the third opponent. Had that play not been wrongly whistled dead, Cleveland would have won, and the Steelers not the Ravens would be in the play offs as the 4th seed.

the NFL is a corrupt cartel,what many here dont get and i am guessing you are one of them,these games are as rigged and as scripted as pro wrestling. like the year we had a harbaugh superbowl,it happend because that was what the NFL WANTED,a Harbaugh superbowl.

the new england cheatriots with shady brady and bill belicheat are in the superbowls all the time cause they have the refs in their pockets.

i mostly stick to buying NFL games over the net from yesteryear as a result.

Why do that when you can watch them live as they happen for free?
First of all, IN NO WAY do I argue for the Steelers. They stunk, they played bad, and they don't deserve to be in the post-season with better teams. Sure they can play great, the problem is that with such inconsistency as to regularly lose to the worst teams when they should have won with one arm tied behind their back.

But they are not in the Wild Card Hunt for one particular reason: Cleveland lost to the Ravens by two points. The Browns/Ravens game was not aired here but after it was over, a local news channel air bits of it. Specifically:

LATE IN THE GAME, Baltimore went in for a TD and the runner jumped over the crowd with the ball BUT NEVER ACTUALLY CROSSED THE PLANE. He was clearly short on the reply. Then he lost the ball and Cleveland recovered the fumble and ran it back for a TD of their own WHICH WOULD HAVE WON THEM THE GAME and the Steelers Wild Card.

But rather than let the play play out, an official whistled the play dead right after the ball was fumbled robbing Cleveland of the TD WITHOUT his knowing that Baltimore had scored or not or what had happened, even though he could have let it play out and they could have reviewed it all later to sort out the details.

Browns fans furious over quick whistle from officials

I saw the video and the article does not do justice to the fact of how the Browns (and by default the Steelers) were robbed) in what was apparently just one of many disastrous game and season changing blunders by NFL part-time referees.

NFL officiating has now become so contently bad that they must now be considered the third opponent. Had that play not been wrongly whistled dead, Cleveland would have won, and the Steelers not the Ravens would be in the play offs as the 4th seed.

the NFL is a corrupt cartel,what many here dont get and i am guessing you are one of them,these games are as rigged and as scripted as pro wrestling. like the year we had a harbaugh superbowl,it happend because that was what the NFL WANTED,a Harbaugh superbowl.

the new england cheatriots with shady brady and bill belicheat are in the superbowls all the time cause they have the refs in their pockets.

i mostly stick to buying NFL games over the net from yesteryear as a result.

Why do that when you can watch them live as they happen for free?

well yeah if money is that big a deal to you then do it that way but i myself like to remember the good old days when the sport was not corrupt as it is is no issue for me so i dont mind in the least buying old games from yesteryear when the game was enjoyable to watch and not corrupt as it is now.
Do you believe the NFL is rigged.....because I do!

the stuff in this link makes perfect sense how same as pro wrestling,these games are scripted in advance. If it were not for the Rams being back in LA a a dream come true for me that i have waited for 20 plus years,i would have nothing to do with the NFL.

the Rams are the ONLY team i ever watch now,it used to be i did not care WHO was on monday night football,i always watched it and never missed those games.those days are over. i never watch the superbowl anymore since as i said,if the Rams are not in it,i could care less. The ONLY reason i watch the Rams games is because i LOVE their LA colors,:Dthe yellow and blue.that was the ONLY reason i became a rams fan in the first place. win or lose it dont matter to me,i am STILL in heaven when i get to watch and look at those cool bad ass uniforms,best uniforms ever in the NFL bar none.:dance: them WINNING is just a bonus for me.:D

same thing with baseball before the owners and players destroyed the game with free agency so the small market teams can no longer compete with big market teams.

i just buy the old playoff and world series from yesteryear now. I DID however watch the cubs in the world series.was glad to see them finally win the whole thing after so long.
Mudwhistle made a great thread on the chargers/ravens that game was scripted for the chargers to lose.He made some very excellent points in his thread.

NFL Screws Chargers Because They Cannot Allow Playoff Game In Stadium With 27,000 Seats

btw toobfreak have you seen this thread here of mine?

you should go tell all your friends now that there will be an NFL team in vegas but it WONT be the Raiders. I took everyone to school on that in my OP here and in the third post. patriot was the ONLY one who read it obviously cause he was the ONLY one that talked about the facts i gave.

NFL Screws Chargers Because They Cannot Allow Playoff Game In Stadium With 27,000 Seats

oh and I am sure you find it hard to believe yourself but keep this in mind way back in 2014.I said the Rams would be back in LA TWO YEARS before it happened,yet NOBODY around here believed me then EITHER. they thought i was rambling clueless nut.well as i proved them wrong,THEY were the rambling clueless nuts.:abgg2q.jpg: so who you going to listen to? THOSE morons here at this site? or ME? :abgg2q.jpg:

Hope you will take the time to look a the facts i posted in the OP here and ESPECIALLY in post# 3:biggrin:

Breaking. Oakland has ALSO filed a lawsuit against corrupt!!!

if you DO you will be able to brag to all your friends in town what a genius you are a year from now when you called it now and they did not believe you same as i MYSELF got to rub it in to everyone here that i called it and they were too arrogant to man up to it that they were wrong and i was right on the rams coming back.:laughing0301:

they get angry when i bring it up cause they hate hearing the TRUTH that it was so obvious they were coming back even a CHILD could have figured it out yet THEY could not.:laugh::lmao::laughing0301:

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