Stay out of wiener’s fruit of the looms.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Politicians need to stay out of Wiener’s Fruit of the Looms. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener in the privacy of his home as long as it does not affect me. I don’t appear that he sent any pictures to anyone who did not want them so where is the crime? I did not care about what Clinton did with Monica as long as he did the work of the people and he did that very well. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener as long as the keep doing the work we hired him to do. Evidently he was doing his job while he was doing private things and that is all I care about. I heard Clinton was on the phone with Russia while being services by Monica.

What is did makes him look like a boy scout compared to what hundreds of Right Wing Radical Hypocrites did He lied. So what? Politicians lie to us every time they open their mouth and we know it.

Wiener’s Wiener much ado about nothing. If we involved ourselves with the private live of our leaders we would not have time to think about anything else.

Maybe Wiener should apply for a job advertising Fruit of the Loom underwear.

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Politicians need to stay out of Wiener’s Fruit of the Looms. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener in the privacy of his home as long as it does not affect me. I don’t appear that he sent any pictures to anyone who did not want them so where is the crime? I did not care about what Clinton did with Monica as long as he did the work of the people and he did that very well. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener as long as the keep doing the work we hired him to do. Evidently he was doing his job while he was doing private things and that is all I care about. I heard Clinton was on the phone with Russia while being services by Monica.

What is did makes him look like a boy scout compared to what hundreds of Right Wing Radical Hypocrites did He lied. So what? Politicians lie to us every time they open their mouth and we know it.

Wiener’s Wiener much ado about nothing. If we involved ourselves with the private live of our leaders we would not have time to think about anything else.

Maybe Wiener should apply for a job advertising Fruit of the Loom underwear.

When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality
Newsvine - When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality

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Um, I am sure you would be saying this if he was a conservative Republican as well then right?

IMO usually we should ignore what they do in their private lives. But he took this to a whole new level, when he not only lied, but falsely Reported he had been hacked. If you or I did that we would likely face Criminal Charges.

Why should a congressperson be any different.

Politicians need to stay out of Wiener’s Fruit of the Looms. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener in the privacy of his home as long as it does not affect me. I don’t appear that he sent any pictures to anyone who did not want them so where is the crime? I did not care about what Clinton did with Monica as long as he did the work of the people and he did that very well. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener as long as the keep doing the work we hired him to do. Evidently he was doing his job while he was doing private things and that is all I care about. I heard Clinton was on the phone with Russia while being services by Monica.

What is did makes him look like a boy scout compared to what hundreds of Right Wing Radical Hypocrites did He lied. So what? Politicians lie to us every time they open their mouth and we know it.

Wiener’s Wiener much ado about nothing. If we involved ourselves with the private live of our leaders we would not have time to think about anything else.

Maybe Wiener should apply for a job advertising Fruit of the Loom underwear.

When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality
Newsvine - When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality

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Um, I am sure you would be saying this if he was a conservative Republican as well then right?

IMO usually we should ignore what they do in their private lives. But he took this to a whole new level, when he not only lied, but falsely Reported he had been hacked. If you or I did that we would likely face Criminal Charges.

Why should a congressperson be any different.

Besides he very poor judgement in doing this, leaves him open to blackmail and extortion.
No, she wouldn't. She would be leading the Jihad against who ever it was.

the problem is not that other folks got into them, but he needed to broadcast the microscopic contents to the universe.
WEiner is a fool. He acted republican like on this one. Well, not exactly.....he was sending his pics to women, so he is not exactly republican like.

He should pull a palin and quit. He needs to not be in the news anymore and go tend to his beautiful wife. How can a man that smart be so damn dumb?
WEiner is a fool. He acted republican like on this one. Well, not exactly.....he was sending his pics to women, so he is not exactly republican like.

He should pull a palin and quit. He needs to not be in the news anymore and go tend to his beautiful wife. How can a man that smart be so damn dumb?
That's questionable, him being a Liberal plus his wife aint all that, she's just slim.

I told my wife if I ever found out she was sending pics of her "girly bits" to other men she'd be out the door! But if she was sending them to other women, well then we'd have to discuss that! :lol:
I'm sure Weiner very much appreciates the OP touting the theory that Weiner's Weiner is Much Ado About Nothing.

Politicians need to stay out of Wiener’s Fruit of the Looms. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener in the privacy of his home as long as it does not affect me. I don’t appear that he sent any pictures to anyone who did not want them so where is the crime? I did not care about what Clinton did with Monica as long as he did the work of the people and he did that very well. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener as long as the keep doing the work we hired him to do. Evidently he was doing his job while he was doing private things and that is all I care about. I heard Clinton was on the phone with Russia while being services by Monica.

What is did makes him look like a boy scout compared to what hundreds of Right Wing Radical Hypocrites did He lied. So what? Politicians lie to us every time they open their mouth and we know it.

Wiener’s Wiener much ado about nothing. If we involved ourselves with the private live of our leaders we would not have time to think about anything else.

Maybe Wiener should apply for a job advertising Fruit of the Loom underwear.

When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality
Newsvine - When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality

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Um, I am sure you would be saying this if he was a conservative Republican as well then right?

IMO usually we should ignore what they do in their private lives. But he took this to a whole new level, when he not only lied, but falsely Reported he had been hacked. If you or I did that we would likely face Criminal Charges.

Why should a congressperson be any different.

I agree with the OP. I am not interested in his personal life but his, and other politicians, who LIE when they are caught and especially try to blame it on a right-wing conspiracy, as Weiner did, should be removed from office, for lying to the public and in face of so much evidence. This trait of those who do that, goes to their character, but in the end, which way they decide to conduct their future, will all come back to bite them in one way or another. Even though Weiner isn't generally liked by many Democrats, because of his arrogance and narcissism, apparently they are satisfied with his representation of his constituents and some feel he is an asset to the goals of Democrats .

My disappointment in him is with his judgment and my sympathies are with his wife who probably trusted him when he told her before their marriage 11 months ago abouth his online flings and that they were all...over. All very sad.

Politicians need to stay out of Wiener’s Fruit of the Looms. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener in the privacy of his home as long as it does not affect me. I don’t appear that he sent any pictures to anyone who did not want them so where is the crime? I did not care about what Clinton did with Monica as long as he did the work of the people and he did that very well. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener as long as the keep doing the work we hired him to do. Evidently he was doing his job while he was doing private things and that is all I care about. I heard Clinton was on the phone with Russia while being services by Monica.

What is did makes him look like a boy scout compared to what hundreds of Right Wing Radical Hypocrites did He lied. So what? Politicians lie to us every time they open their mouth and we know it.

Wiener’s Wiener much ado about nothing. If we involved ourselves with the private live of our leaders we would not have time to think about anything else.

Maybe Wiener should apply for a job advertising Fruit of the Loom underwear.

When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality
Newsvine - When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality

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Interesting Freudian slip from LOL. When republicans commit adultery they are what? Hypocrites? Why aren't democrat politicians hypocrites when they commit adultery? Maybe nobody on the left expects their politicians to live up to any moral code. It must be nice to run as a democrat. You don't have to worry about any of that family values and morality B.S. No wonder Clinton got away with sodomy in the Oval Office. Democrats don't give a damn.

Politicians need to stay out of Wiener’s Fruit of the Looms. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener in the privacy of his home as long as it does not affect me. I don’t appear that he sent any pictures to anyone who did not want them so where is the crime? I did not care about what Clinton did with Monica as long as he did the work of the people and he did that very well. I don’t care what Wiener does with his Wiener as long as the keep doing the work we hired him to do. Evidently he was doing his job while he was doing private things and that is all I care about. I heard Clinton was on the phone with Russia while being services by Monica.

What is did makes him look like a boy scout compared to what hundreds of Right Wing Radical Hypocrites did He lied. So what? Politicians lie to us every time they open their mouth and we know it.

Wiener’s Wiener much ado about nothing. If we involved ourselves with the private live of our leaders we would not have time to think about anything else.

Maybe Wiener should apply for a job advertising Fruit of the Loom underwear.

When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality
Newsvine - When You Vote Republican You Get Immorality

Is this lewd?
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From Fruit Of The Loom Underwear | Find the best Men's & Women's Underwear and Other Clothing Apparel - Fruit Of The Loom Underwear

Well I do care and nobody was in "Wiener’s Fruit of the Looms" he decided to show the world his "Wiener’s Fruit of the Looms" despite the fact that he is a public Servant moreover a PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVE who is paid to represent the people of this nation, I fully expect these people to comport themselves as such.

I'm sure a person such as yourself doesn't care as long as its not the opposite party that does it that much we've seen from your posts.

There is an expectation of proper behavior one expects from people we elect to office as it stands now people such as yourself are sending the message to these idiots that what ever they do or feel like doing is quite all right with you. Just how far are you willing to allow them to go?
People love to put Clinton on a pedestal and forgive him for porking Monica Lewinsky in the Oval office with a cigar. Clinton practically single handedly took down the American worker.

Clinton was for and fought for the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000 which opened China's market of cheap labor to U.S. businesses. Clinton didn’t care if the bill cost the U.S. taxpayers their jobs. Now, look at the state of the country and the economy.

Weiner isn’t fit to serve as a U.S. Congressman he has the common sense of a titmouse. He’s a paid liar in a puppet show and he will sell out America to the highest bidder if and when he’s given the chance.

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