Stat's daily tidbits of weird but not worthless factoids, one topic per day!

23.07.2015 FRENCH FACTOIDS!!!


It is illegal to name a pig "Napoleon" in France.

The most visited tourist attraction in France? Not the Eiffel Tower, not Le Louvre. Paris Disneyland!

Charles VIII had six toes on one foot and hid this fact by wearing and promoting square toe shoes.

The storming of the Bastille was more of a symbolic act. During that day, there were only 7 prisoners and 4 of them were there because of check forging.

More here:

Fun French Factoids by star henthorn on Prezi

69 Fun Facts About France

25.07.2015 Only 5 more months till Christmas!!



Facts on Christmas in July

Christmas in July can occur at any time during the month of July. But many celebrate the holiday on July 25.

"The tradition of celebrating Christmas in July probably began during the 1980s...

...In Australia, "Christmas in July" is also known as "Yulefest".

The "Christmas in July" celebration is believed to have originated in Australia in July, 1980 when a group of Irish tourists had the proprietor of a hotel in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales to hold a party called "Yulefest"."

Some more at da link!

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