Statistician Rethinks Gun Control After Digging into the Data


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Funny how that works. Letting actual facts help form your opinion. Shame more aren't willing to do that. Too many are listening to the hype. The leftists have been pushing for gun control for ages. Has nothing to do with saving lives and everything to do with disarming people. The politicians enjoy armed security while seeking to force the rest of us to give up the only means of protection we have. Our families are just as precious.

They use shootings to promote their policies though anyone who looks closely at what they have done and the effects it has had on public safety would quickly dismiss the gun control crowd as ignorant. Nothing they proposed would have stopped any of the shootings. A compliant media echoes their sentiments while refusing to make the hundreds of cases public where law-abiding citizens stopped murders by using their legally-owned guns.

A history lesson is needed here. Countries who banned guns ended up killing their own citizens. They pretend they care about people's safety. What they care about is power and total control over a helpless society. No one has the ability to band together and fight against tyranny when no one is armed.

Look up the Reichstag Fire of 1933. It ended constitutional rights in Germany and enabled the National Socialistic German Workers Party to take over the country. I know most libs won't bother with history. The more you know about the tactics used by dictators, the more you would have trouble supporting today's leftists. History is repeating itself. Of course, how can people learn from it when the schools have rewritten much of it in an attempt to indoctrinate students?

I can't think of a country where things ended well for the people after citizens were banned from owning guns. It ends with government slaughtering millions. Yea, the people went along because they believed the government cared about their safety. Those who disagreed were ridiculed until people became conditioned to remain silent. Political correctness ruled the conversation. Same shit is happening now and there are still some idiots who actually believe that leftists just want us to be safe. Bullshit. They want us helpless, silent and submissive.

Statistician Rethinks Gun Control After Digging into the Data
There's a time that everyone should pay attention to facts and listen to both sides. Rather than be sheep or identify with a party, make a decision on what a change would/could actually mean.

If it means taking away one of our rights, give it great thought. Would we be leading others down a dangerous past when we didn't have that right?
There's a time that everyone should pay attention to facts and listen to both sides. Rather than be sheep or identify with a party, make a decision on what a change would/could actually mean.

If it means taking away one of our rights, give it great thought. Would we be leading others down a dangerous past when we didn't have that right?

Once we allow government to start taking away rights, they won't ever stop. Every tyrant in history knew they had to disarm people in order to conquer them. Nothing has changed.

Leftists try to push the idea that guns are the reason for violence and that laws will magically end murders. Apparently, they have some believing that criminals will suddenly find it difficult to obtain weapons. Of course, they'll keep the ones they already have. And they must think that these crazed killers will just give up any plan to hurt people if they don't have a gun. Of course, they will get them somehow.

What if they didn't have guns? They are still angry, crazy and ready to kill. They simply go another route, one that will likely end in even more deaths.

Shooting is actually a difficult way to take a lot of people out. The left has made it a little easier by declaring many places as gun-free so that takes away a criminals fear of being shot. I'm sure they hope that everyone else obeys the law. Then they have to enter a school, which for some reason has little security and unlocked doors. You can have doors that open from the inside but not from the outside. A simple solution that no one wants to practice. They have to aim and shoot at running targets. I wouldn't guess it was that easy.

A crime show I watched showed a killer who wanted to murder people in a movie theater. No gun. He blocked the fire exit doors in the rear of the theater. At the only front door, he simply walked in and pour gasoline. He threw a lit match. Everyone died because there was no way out.

If this was a major problem, the left might actually focus on the root cause of the issue. They wouldn't blame gasoline or matches. They would blame the individual or the mental illness that goes untreated. Fires do not threaten a tyrant.

The things that kill the most people each year in this country do not threaten tyrants. Only thing a government fears is a population that can fight back. Millions of people have been slaughtered by their own government after guns were banned. Never, ever trust anyone in power when they want to disarm you. It's not for your protection. It is for their protection.

That is why politicians do not care about the thousands killed each year by drunk drivers, medical malpractice, or killers who use their own hands or knives. They don't want people fighting back against a government that seeks to fundamentally change this country. They don't want people understanding why our forefathers gave us the second amendment and why they warned us repeatedly about the politicians we have today.
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yes,,we all know,,the left is having a cow over the 17 deaths in Boca Raton{close enough}...yet..not a peep over what happens in Chicago every nite?
There's a time that everyone should pay attention to facts and listen to both sides. Rather than be sheep or identify with a party, make a decision on what a change would/could actually mean.

If it means taking away one of our rights, give it great thought. Would we be leading others down a dangerous past when we didn't have that right?

Once we allow government to start taking away rights, they won't ever stop. Every tyrant in history knew they had to disarm people in order to conquer them. Nothing has changed.

Leftists try to push the idea that guns are the reason for violence and that laws will magically end murders. Apparently, they have some believing that criminals will suddenly find it difficult to obtain weapons. Of course, they'll keep the ones they already have. And they must think that these crazed killers will just give up any plan to hurt people if they don't have a gun. Of course, they will get them somehow.

What if they didn't have guns? They are still angry, crazy and ready to kill. They simply go another route, one that will likely end in even more deaths.

Shooting is actually a difficult way to take a lot of people out. The left has made it a little easier by declaring many places as gun-free so that takes away a criminals fear of being shot. I'm sure they hope that everyone else obeys the law. Then they have to enter a school, which for some reason has little security and unlocked doors. You can have doors that open from the inside but not from the outside. A simple solution that no one wants to practice. They have to aim and shoot at running targets. I wouldn't guess it was that easy.

A crime show I watched showed a killer who wanted to murder people in a movie theater. No gun. He blocked the fire exit doors in the rear of the theater. At the only front door, he simply walked in and pour gasoline. He threw a lit match. Everyone died because there was no way out.

If this was a major problem, the left might actually focus on the root cause of the issue. They wouldn't blame gasoline or matches. They would blame the individual or the mental illness that goes untreated. Fires do not threaten a tyrant.

The things that kill the most people each year in this country do not threaten tyrants. Only thing a government fears is a population that can fight back. Millions of people have been slaughtered by their own government after guns were banned. Never, ever trust anyone in power when they want to disarm you. It's not for your protection. It is for their protection.

That is why politicians do not care about the thousands killed each year by drunk drivers, medical malpractice, or killers who use their own hands or knives. They don't want people fighting back against a government that seeks to fundamentally change this country. They don't want people understanding why our forefathers gave us the second amendment and why they warned us repeatedly about the politicians we have today.
Yep, we have much bigger fish to fry...
Take your pick.
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
I can't think of a country where things ended well for the people after citizens were banned from owning guns. It ends with government slaughtering millions. Yea, the people went along because they believed the government cared about their safety. Those who disagreed were ridiculed until people became conditioned to remain silent. Political correctness ruled the conversation. Same shit is happening now and there are still some idiots who actually believe that leftists just want us to be safe. Bullshit. They want us helpless, silent and submissive.


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