Statist Wistful Admiration Of China’s Communist Party


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Statist Wistful Admiration Of China’s Communist Party​

By: James Raider


China’s ascendance in our consciousness has been growing steadily for a generation, and we wonder what more impact it will have than has already been felt by our economy and our society. We cannot accurately predict China’s future or its actions going forward, but as it flexes its newfound powers to reshape global conventions, we should remain vigilant that our own perceptions not be warped by ideologically, or otherwise tainted assertions.

Our enthusiastic media collectively extol the moral legitimacy of China’s communist model of political rule which controls 1.3 billion people, and predicts that China's surpass of the U.S. economy is just over the horizon - scarcely visible as that may be through the toxic haze. Should untarnished freedom be a fundamental human right nurtured within a true democracy, then such adoration of China by our leaders, scholars, pundits and so many others, challenges the core tenets at the heart of the Constitution.

Defenders of the ethos imposed through coercion within China, rationalize that stomping all over individual rights is a necessity which protects the needs of the collective. Somehow when such justification is vaunted by our own self-anointed intelligentsia with the always present caveat that, “after all, how else can you rule over 1.3 billion people?” . . . . we capitulate. All the while our internal turbulence leaves us in visceral disarray. The virtuosos of the PR machines make it all right that we send (through spending) trillions of our dollars to enrich a regime which recent history (1950s and 1960s) has evidenced as the most ruthless in human history.

As China today shuffles its leadership we are provoked into accepting that the shifting of nameplates is founded on meritocracy and not on handpicked automatons perpetuating dictatorship. The reality that much of the current Chinese leadership is formed by the natural laws of heredity and that the sons of well-known revolutionaries today take up the mantel, does not appear to trouble our cognoscenti in the West. Xi Jinping who will be shortly confirmed as China’s leader is one such “princeling.” We should remember that in China the Communist Party controls the army and one only touches the levers of power after having held very senior military posts (read: demonstrated ruthlessness).

Should we accept the propaganda (East and West) that virtue rises to the top and that China’s leadership is genetically virtuous and molecularly superior? How affected are we when our media refers to China’s “Communist era,” as if it was some unfortunate ephemeral occurrence of the past, or simply a fading authoritarian dragon which lost its repressive teeth? Just because the Communist Party has carefully allowed some private sector to coexist with state controlled enterprises, does not mean it has relinquished any authority over business, over media, over education, and it is on guard against any de-politicization of the country’s vast military machine. The secretive Organization Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee controls ‘assignments’ in government and industry. The boot is firmly on the neck.

Recent leaks which the Central Propaganda Department missed, suggest that the high level of corruption within the Communist Party is pervasive. The submissive population cannot react since it knows the potential of the beast camouflaged behind smiles. It knows the despotic force which controls its nation. This is the virtuosity that is so confident that it siphons its billions off-shore, acquiring hard assets like real estate in safe havens like San Francisco, Sidney and Vancouver. The pretence of stability provided by the virtuous Communist Party may not be so well founded given that it cannot explain why so many of its wealthiest have ensured themselves foreign ‘pieds-a-terre?’ It is incapable of explaining why so many of the wealthy have moved their families offshore while they continue to amass personal wealth within China. One acquaintance close to such events reminded me that it is very expensive to move money offshore from China because there are so many hands which have to be taken care of on the way out. Is this virtuosity so prevalent that millions of people, both rich and not as rich, leave the country for foreign shores as soon as they possibly can?


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Statist Wistful Admiration Of China
plagiarize much? Paste 3+ paragraphs of an article &, to put frosting on the cake, add no zany rw commentary of your own= plagiarism asswipe.

glad to help :)
Hardly, China suffers from the same weakness of character, leadership and ethics in politics as does all nations at times. China is a rising power, but I doubt that world leaders in politics will be the end of their cheap labor and natural resource exploitation. Many countries will oppose their rise and usurpation of current world leadership.
Fear them if you must but they are still a paper tiger in the field of military might, and that is what makes a nation great and makes other nations fall in line.
On the other hand our extended military force and cost of operation is weakening our industrial base, right along with corporate greed.
Capitalists love China more than anyone, and will be happy when America is just like that, run by greedy bastards who do not even have to pay lip service to personal and collective liberties or the environment.
The key ingredient to China's success is enslavement of it's own people, in the name of government.
plagiarize much? Paste 3+ paragraphs of an article &, to put frosting on the cake, add no zany rw commentary of your own= plagiarism asswipe.

glad to help :)

Hmm.., If it were plagiarism as you claim, why would I site the sources of information? Only your friends Biden and Oblamer plagiarize repeatedly and continously. I'm sure that even you as a staunch Lefty uses plagiarism regularly from TPM, DailyKos and others.
The key ingredient to China's success is enslavement of it's own people, in the name of government.

Incorrect, that was how it was during the Mao era, now it is government abandonment of the people to corporate enslavement. Mao would have never allowed such a clear example of capitalist exploitation as Foxcon to exist. China is now the worst nightmare of a communist state having been corrupted by the worst of capitalist greed and exploitation.
Capitalists love China more than anyone, and will be happy when America is just like that, run by greedy bastards who do not even have to pay lip service to personal and collective liberties or the environment.

There's no such thing as "collective liberties." The term is an oxymoron. Further, I don't I understand the meaning of "personal liberties." It probably means the right to an abortion or government subsidized birth control. This country was founded on individual rights, not "personal liberties."
Obama Wishes He Were President of China:

President of China? | The Weekly Standard

See that's how Politics in America IS these days:

Democrats Want to Control all the People.
Republicans want to Control all the Businesses.

Both Parties lie when they say they're "For Freedom and the American People" When are the American People gonna' wake up to that fact?

After Football Season is over. Maybe.
The key ingredient to China's success is enslavement of it's own people, in the name of government.

Incorrect, that was how it was during the Mao era, now it is government abandonment of the people to corporate enslavement. Mao would have never allowed such a clear example of capitalist exploitation as Foxcon to exist. China is now the worst nightmare of a communist state having been corrupted by the worst of capitalist greed and exploitation.

Half the people of China would love a chance to work at Foxcon. They can earn 3-4 times as much as they earn on the farm, and they have a nice clean apartment to live in. If you had your way, 500 million people would have to go back to back breaking work stooped over in the rice fields up to their knees in muck.

Liberals are such great humanitarians.
The key ingredient to China's success is enslavement of it's own people, in the name of government.

Incorrect, that was how it was during the Mao era, now it is government abandonment of the people to corporate enslavement. Mao would have never allowed such a clear example of capitalist exploitation as Foxcon to exist. China is now the worst nightmare of a communist state having been corrupted by the worst of capitalist greed and exploitation.

True, the Chinese people, their individual rights unacknowledged by the state, are at the mercy of both the Communist Party and corporate entities, with no legal recourse to address the abuse by either.
The key ingredient to China's success is enslavement of it's own people, in the name of government.

Incorrect, that was how it was during the Mao era, now it is government abandonment of the people to corporate enslavement. Mao would have never allowed such a clear example of capitalist exploitation as Foxcon to exist. China is now the worst nightmare of a communist state having been corrupted by the worst of capitalist greed and exploitation.

Hmm..., Do you know if they still charge the families the cost of the bullet they used to execute the victim? Oh yeah that's right. now before they execute they remove those organs that are transplantable. Waste not, want not. Right?
The key ingredient to China's success is enslavement of it's own people, in the name of government.

Incorrect, that was how it was during the Mao era, now it is government abandonment of the people to corporate enslavement. Mao would have never allowed such a clear example of capitalist exploitation as Foxcon to exist. China is now the worst nightmare of a communist state having been corrupted by the worst of capitalist greed and exploitation.

Half the people of China would love a chance to work at Foxcon. They can earn 3-4 times as much as they earn on the farm, and they have a nice clean apartment to live in. If you had your way, 500 million people would have to go back to back breaking work stooped over in the rice fields up to their knees in muck.

Liberals are such great humanitarians.

What a laugh, Foxcon is a suicide machine with an unlimited number of peasants ripe for the grinder. In a country where poverty is so prevalent and preventable it is fine for you to speak of relative prosperity but it all sucks, every bit of it, and it is what you want for Americans whenever you attack labor rights.
The key ingredient to China's success is enslavement of it's own people, in the name of government.

Incorrect, that was how it was during the Mao era, now it is government abandonment of the people to corporate enslavement. Mao would have never allowed such a clear example of capitalist exploitation as Foxcon to exist. China is now the worst nightmare of a communist state having been corrupted by the worst of capitalist greed and exploitation.

Hmm..., Do you know if they still charge the families the cost of the bullet they used to execute the victim? Oh yeah that's right. now before they execute they remove those organs that are transplantable. Waste not, want not. Right?

So you are against capital punishment? That's a surprise. China bears little resemblance to communism anymore, it's a corrupt dictatorial plutocracy that has a population of serfs that has never known liberty or rights, perfect for capitalist worker exploitation the supposed anathema of communism. The fact that so many western corporations operate there with so many Chinese citizens under the yoke is proof plenty that Chinese dictatorial communism is dead and replaced with plutocracy, amazing how they pretty much look the same at ground level.
OP: Pure Pubcrappe Propaganda for the drones...Romney and Pub greedy idiots more like....the Big Lie. No examples, just hateful BS for tools of Plutocrats.
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