Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada in response to the situation in Israel


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

A real leader, unlike what we have here in the Untied States...

Ottawa, Ontario
13 July 2014

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement in response to the situation in Israel:

“The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification. It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.

“Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions. Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.

“Canada is unequivocally behind Israel. We support its right to defend itself, by itself, against these terror attacks, and urge Hamas to immediately cease their indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli civilians.

“Canada reiterates its call for the Palestinian government to disarm Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups operating in Gaza, including the Iranian proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”

- See more at: Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada in response to the situation in Israel | Prime Minister of Canada
I would much prefer if Canada stayed out of this conflict between the Arabs and the Jews, it's none of our business to get involved. Let Israel fight it's own battles for a

change. :eusa_whistle:
Canadian Prime Minister Condemns Obama, West for Not Supporting Israel


In a stunning rebuke of President Obama’s tepid calls for Israel to show "restraint" in response to daily rocket fire on Israeli civilian targets by Hamas terror redoubts in Gaza, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, long considered Israel’s best friend and strongest defender, all but condemned President Obama by name for what he regards as Washington’s irresolute support for Israel during its time of grave crisis.

In perhaps his most strongly worded statement to date, Prime Minister Harper proclaimed that self defense is "not merely an Israeli right" to be exercised only in the abstract, but an "Israeli obligation" that must be defended by all Western nations.

“Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions will encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions,’’ Harper said in a rare Sunday statement. “Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts [by Hamas] are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict."

Forget about the U.S.-Israel relationship being the bulwark of Israeli security, say some. Israel’s best friend and staunchest defender is no longer found in Washington, but rather in Ottawa.

Canadian Prime Minister Condemns Obama, West for Not Supporting Israel
Canadian Prime Minister Condemns Obama, West for Not Supporting Israel


In a stunning rebuke of President Obama’s tepid calls for Israel to show "restraint" in response to daily rocket fire on Israeli civilian targets by Hamas terror redoubts in Gaza, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, long considered Israel’s best friend and strongest defender, all but condemned President Obama by name for what he regards as Washington’s irresolute support for Israel during its time of grave crisis.

In perhaps his most strongly worded statement to date, Prime Minister Harper proclaimed that self defense is "not merely an Israeli right" to be exercised only in the abstract, but an "Israeli obligation" that must be defended by all Western nations.

“Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions will encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions,’’ Harper said in a rare Sunday statement. “Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts [by Hamas] are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict."

Forget about the U.S.-Israel relationship being the bulwark of Israeli security, say some. Israel’s best friend and staunchest defender is no longer found in Washington, but rather in Ottawa.

Canadian Prime Minister Condemns Obama, West for Not Supporting Israel

(X)How is that when Israel runs and owns Obama and America and just about all of the West. It's not Israel that needs sympathy, it is the Palastinians who had their land stolen by Israel, and are the ones in need of sympathy. :eusa_whistle:
Canadian Prime Minister Condemns Obama, West for Not Supporting Israel


In a stunning rebuke of President Obama’s tepid calls for Israel to show "restraint" in response to daily rocket fire on Israeli civilian targets by Hamas terror redoubts in Gaza, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, long considered Israel’s best friend and strongest defender, all but condemned President Obama by name for what he regards as Washington’s irresolute support for Israel during its time of grave crisis.

In perhaps his most strongly worded statement to date, Prime Minister Harper proclaimed that self defense is "not merely an Israeli right" to be exercised only in the abstract, but an "Israeli obligation" that must be defended by all Western nations.

“Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions will encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions,’’ Harper said in a rare Sunday statement. “Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts [by Hamas] are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict."

Forget about the U.S.-Israel relationship being the bulwark of Israeli security, say some. Israel’s best friend and staunchest defender is no longer found in Washington, but rather in Ottawa.

Canadian Prime Minister Condemns Obama, West for Not Supporting Israel

(X)How is that when Israel runs and owns Obama and America and just about all of the West. It's not Israel that needs sympathy, it is the Palastinians who had their land stolen by Israel, and are the ones in need of sympathy. :eusa_whistle:

^ Because it isn't so.

And you just made the point of it not being so even stronger.

A real leader, unlike what we have here in the Untied States...

Ottawa, Ontario
13 July 2014

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement in response to the situation in Israel:

“The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification. It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.

“Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions. Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.

“Canada is unequivocally behind Israel. We support its right to defend itself, by itself, against these terror attacks, and urge Hamas to immediately cease their indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli civilians.

“Canada reiterates its call for the Palestinian government to disarm Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups operating in Gaza, including the Iranian proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”

- See more at: Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada in response to the situation in Israel | Prime Minister of Canada

A real leader...who the fuck are you kidding. He is the leader of an insignificant country. He can say anything he wants and it simply doesn't matter.

A real leader, unlike what we have here in the Untied States...

Ottawa, Ontario
13 July 2014

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement in response to the situation in Israel:

“The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification. It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.

“Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions. Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.

“Canada is unequivocally behind Israel. We support its right to defend itself, by itself, against these terror attacks, and urge Hamas to immediately cease their indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli civilians.

“Canada reiterates its call for the Palestinian government to disarm Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups operating in Gaza, including the Iranian proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”

- See more at: Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada in response to the situation in Israel | Prime Minister of Canada

A real leader...who the fuck are you kidding. He is the leader of an insignificant country. He can say anything he wants and it simply doesn't matter.

Israel needs principled people to stand with her, Harper is one of those people. Canada does have the 11th largest economy in the world which means they do have some pull

Since the Palestinian Authority was created in 1993, Canadian governments have provided the Palestinians with $650 million in aid.

Canada provides $66M to Palestinians | Canada | News | Toronto Sun
There is no doubt to my view that Canada stands while many other countries sit. Still, Canada is energy self-sufficient where many of those who sit either aren't or follow a socialist agenda...

...or both.

Then there's the 56 Muslim countries that stand behind the Palestinians... order to push them ahead.

And Canada showed just how fast it can ramp up and fight well in times of war. WWI and WWII has made that rather clear.
Canadian Prime Minister Condemns Obama, West for Not Supporting Israel


In a stunning rebuke of President Obama’s tepid calls for Israel to show "restraint" in response to daily rocket fire on Israeli civilian targets by Hamas terror redoubts in Gaza, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, long considered Israel’s best friend and strongest defender, all but condemned President Obama by name for what he regards as Washington’s irresolute support for Israel during its time of grave crisis.

In perhaps his most strongly worded statement to date, Prime Minister Harper proclaimed that self defense is "not merely an Israeli right" to be exercised only in the abstract, but an "Israeli obligation" that must be defended by all Western nations.

“Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions will encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions,’’ Harper said in a rare Sunday statement. “Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts [by Hamas] are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict."

Forget about the U.S.-Israel relationship being the bulwark of Israeli security, say some. Israel’s best friend and staunchest defender is no longer found in Washington, but rather in Ottawa.

Canadian Prime Minister Condemns Obama, West for Not Supporting Israel

(X)How is that when Israel runs and owns Obama and America and just about all of the West. It's not Israel that needs sympathy, it is the Palastinians who had their land stolen by Israel, and are the ones in need of sympathy. :eusa_whistle:

^ Because it isn't so.

And you just made the point of it not being so even stronger.

(X)Harper has to be seen butt-kissing Israhell otherwise Jewish money won't be rolling into his party. Israhell is nothing but a hellhole and not worth the time of day. Take a poll and let's just see what Canadians really feel about our being friends with Israhell? Harper doesn't speak for all Canadians as he likes to pretend that he does. The world is waking up to Israhells crimes against humanity. Harper really has no choice but to capitulate.
Canada should be worried about Jews?:lol:

Canadian intelligence chief concerned by citizens joining militant groups
  • Michel Coulombe highlights al-Qaida, Isis, al-Shabaab links
  • Says: ‘Well over 100 Canadians’ have joined militant groups

Canadians who go abroad to join militant groups such as Islamic State (Isis) pose a threat on their return home and could use their foreign contacts to set up networks in Canada, the country’s intelligence director said on Saturday.

Michel Coulombe, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, wrote in a Globe and Mail article that “well over 100 Canadians”, both men and women, have left the country to join groups such as al-Qaida and al-Shabaab.

“The most obvious national security threat is the one posed by extremists who return,” Coulombe said. “How many are coming back to Canada more radicalised than when they departed? Will their status as veterans of a foreign conflict better enable them to recruit other Canadians?

Canadian intelligence chief concerned by citizens joining militant groups World news
The leader of the free world (Our Boy Barry) should not make gross pronouncements of support for one side in a dispute when the equities of the matter are mixed. It would be OK to denounce the rocket attacks as "terrorism," which they are, but the Palestinian grievances are real - not only with respect to Gaza, but in the West Bank and Jerusalem as well. Seen in that light, Mr. Harper's statements are at bit troubling, if you want to know the truth.
The leader of the free world (Our Boy Barry) should not make gross pronouncements of support for one side in a dispute when the equities of the matter are mixed. It would be OK to denounce the rocket attacks as "terrorism," which they are, but the Palestinian grievances are real - not only with respect to Gaza, but in the West Bank and Jerusalem as well. Seen in that light, Mr. Harper's statements are at bit troubling, if you want to know the truth.

Israel needs to be reined in. Only Americans can do that job because American taxpayers give Israel billions every year in foreign-aid. If it were not for America giving Israel free money they would have to quit bombing the Palestinians to smitherings and come to a peace settlement. Americans are mostly to blame for their apathy.

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