State legislatures & federal courts on a collision course


Apr 9, 2009

August 2, 2012
Ninth Circuit Court Blocks Arizona's *** Abortion Ban
by Jodi Jacobson

On Wednesday afternoon, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit blocked enforcement of Arizona's 20-week abortion ban, signed into law earlier this year by Governor Jan Brewer. On Monday night, the Center for Reproductive Rights and the American Civil Liberties Union filed an emergency appeal with the Ninth Circuit Court seeking an injunction blocking the law from going into effect tomorrow, after a district court judge refused to do so.


Personal opinions regarding abortions cast aside,
we are approaching a point
where those who look upon good government
as something akin to godliness
have reached a point where they consider that
courts too often legislate rather than interpret laws
and so
such persons are coming
to oppose the status quo of governance by court decisions.
Persons familiar with government
who are capable of distinguishing good government from bad
are aware that the legislatures of the several states
are the agencies that enact most of the laws
directly affecting substantial rights of our people
and that such legislatures
are light years
closer to understanding the needs
and the desires of the majority of our people
and are thus better positioned to protect majority rights
than are our courts, our minorities, and the owners of our news media.

What I have said may not sound, or be, important now

but as the economy worsens

the establishment must consider it to be so.

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