State Department releases graphic anti-ISIS video

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
This new State Department youtube video should prove to be as effective in stopping ISIL recruiting. As was Moochell's #hashtag campaign in stopping Boko Haram's kidnapping of young girls in Nigeria. .... :cuckoo:

Washington (CNN) -- The brutal mock ISIS recruitment video starts with a simple phrase: Run. Do not walk to ISIS land.

Complete with crucifixions, Muslims being whipped, shot in the head at point-blank range and thrown into ditches, the grisly video is the latest State Department effort to push back against ISIS recruiting efforts by highlighting the group's barbaric nature.

The video, which uses the group's own propaganda footage posted online, illustrates ISIS actions by advertising so-called "useful skills" ISIS sympathizers can learn if they join the group: blowing up mosques with Muslims inside, crucifying and executing Muslims and plundering public resources.

Entitled "Welcome to the 'Islamic State' land," the video was posted on a dedicated YouTube channel. It was produced by the State Department's Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, which seeks to combat ISIS extremist narrative on social media.

State Department releases graphic anti-ISIS video -
Sunni Man, you seem to be an OK guy but your tacit defense of what is going on in the ME is actually scary. One of those 5 times today, could you please ask Allah to do something about those who are perverting Islam? Certainly doesn't seem like Muslims have much interest in doing so.

This video might actually be more of a recruiting tool then a deterrence. After all it was put out by a liberal administration so we can expect the outcome to be the direct opposite of the stated intent.
I just think the idea of the most powerful country and military in the world resorting to the production of Youtube video's in an effort to combat terrorism is beyond ludicrous. .... :cool:
Some poor IT staffer was bored so they gave her something to do-----all of Obama's staff are women aren't they ?


Some poor IT staffer was bored so they gave her something to do-----all of Obama's staff are women aren't they ?

I just think the idea of the most powerful country and military in the world resorting to the production of Youtube video's in an effort to combat terrorism is beyond ludicrous. .... :cool:

I just realized something. With 9/11 just around the corner I hope this poorly made video doesn't cause riots.

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