State Department Blasts Ecuador for Dissolving US-Backed NGO


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The U.S. State Department criticized the Ecuadorean government for shutting down a media watchdog funded by the controversial USAID.

The U.S. State Department issued a statement on Thursday criticizing the Ecuadorean government’s decision to close media watchdog Fundamedios.

“We are very concerned about the increasing restrictions on freedom of expression and freedom of association in Ecuador, particularly the Ecuadorian government’s September 8 decision to initiate legal steps intended to dissolve Fundamedios, a non-governmental organization that monitors and defends press freedom,” Spokesman John Kirby said in a statement issued Thursday.

RELATED: How the US Funds Dissent against Latin American Governments

The Ecuadorean government has yet to issue an official statement responding to the U.S. Statement Department remarks.

The Quito based organization was informed of its closure earlier this week after the government accused the organization of failing to stick to its mandate by inserting itself into the country’s politics.

Fundamedios is partly funded by USAID, receiving a US$300,000 donation in 2012, U.S. Ambassador to Ecuador Adam E. Namm told El Telegrafo.

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Another USAID adventure gone awry. Color me surprised.

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