Star Wars: Battlefront II


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2004
Near Atlanta, GA
Got this game the same day as Episode III, and it's SWEET, much better than the original. For those who haven't played the original, the two Battlefront games are similar to Battlefield 1942. Each level is a battle from the Star Wars universe and you play as a soldier. You may spawn as any of a number of character classes, each of which is differently armed, and you fight across the battlefield, capturing command posts (spawn points) and respawning (changing class if you want) when you die until one side runs out of reinforcements or captures and holds all command posts for 20 seconds. In addition to the infantry battles, there are also many vehicles from Star Wars, from the lowly speeder bike to the towering AT-AT, that can be boarded and controlled. You can even hack into an enemy vehicle and take it over if you want, although this is hard.

For those of you who played the original, here's the new stuff.

Space Battles - The pilot class has been moved to space battles only (same armament and abilities) along with the better armed marine. In a space battle, both teams spawn in a hangar, where they can snag fighters, bombers, or transports to fly. From there, you can take on one of three roles. You can take out enemy craft, bomb enemy capital ships to take out specific system, or even board the enemy ship with a squad of troops to attmept to disable the systems from the inside. The battle is not based on reinforcements. Destroying ships and systems grants your team points. First to 180 wins.

Heroes - Whenever certain conditions are met (upgrade purchase in Galactic Conquest, objectives met in campaign, or a timer or hero points in skirmish and multiplayer), you may play as a hero from the movies. The heroes range from Jedi (Mace Windu, Yoda, Obi-Wan (prequal), Ki Adi-Mundi, Aayla Secura, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, Dooku, Palpatine, Darth Maul, Luke Skywalker), to exceptional soldiers (General Greivous, Jango and Boba Fett) to simply awesome people (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia). All heroes have special abilites and powerful weapons that allow them to far exceed the abilities of normal players. However, there are a few restrictions. Heroes have a time limit represented by a lightsaber. When it runs out, the hero goes bye-bye (but can later be used again if the conditions are met again). The meter has time knocked off for all damage the hero takes and has more added for every enemy the hero kills. The hero cannot heal any other way and also can only get more ammunition (if they use any) from ammo packs left by dead soldiers. A good player can keep a hero alive for several minutes, almost single-handedly winning a battle.

Commander units - These are limited number units each side has that can grant benefits to nearby troops. Like other high-end troops, they are not generally available at the beginning of the battle.

There's also a significant difference in the campaign. The only campaign follows the battle of a single clone infantry unit, the 501st legion, from their deplyment at Geonosis to their finest hour at the Battle of Hoth (after the regime change, they become stormtroopers). In each mission, the standard objectives of capturing the command posts are gone. Instead, mission specific objectives are presented, such as capturing a specific point, killing a specific person, or protecting a key building or whatnot. Each objective completed adds to your reinforcements. The enemey never runs out. Such historic battles include the Battle of Utapau and the Battle of Kashyyk from Episode III and even the battle on the Tantive IV from the opening of "A New Hope."

All in all, I'd say Battlefront II offers quite a bit to all Star Wars fans and is a great game. If you're not a Star Wars fan, though, you may want to try it out first, as it's nothing that hasn't already been done on the PC with the Battlefield games.
It looked decent but i didnt like the first one in that you could be personally owning everything around you, but your team is getting owned because your AI players keep dieing. Is it still based on how many reserves are left at the top of the screen or is it more player vs player now?
insein said:
It looked decent but i didnt like the first one in that you could be personally owning everything around you, but your team is getting owned because your AI players keep dieing. Is it still based on how many reserves are left at the top of the screen or is it more player vs player now?

It's still reinforcement based, but with objectives for you as an individual to accomplish (in the campaign), there's not so much frustration about having to carry the weight of your whole team...usually, anyway. The hero units also alleviate this by making it entirely plausible to own the entire other team without having to be some supreme awesome power. The AI's a bit better though, although on some maps (Theed being one), you'll find that the AI has a few problems with certain locations.

Multiplayer and skirmish are still pretty much the same, though.

Oh, and one of the problems I recently discovered with heroes is ammo. Jango Fett, Boba Fett, and Chewbacca have limited ammunition which cannot be refilled using the ammo droids. If you don't constantly pick up the ammo packs troops drop, you'll run out of ammo and won't have anything to do, since they have NO ammo independant weapons (unlike the basic troops, which at LEAST have those pistols). The other problem with these guys is that they're three of the most common heros used in galactic conquest, so the only way to avoid this problem is to play the republic.
Space combat...oh Lord. So much sweetness. And about time too. I was a bit underwhelmed at the role of X-wings and TIE fighters in the last game, where their role was nothing more than buzzing around the Dune Sea/Bespin. Galactic Conquest has been tweeked for the better I see. More strategy involved. Only way I could those blasted clones to back off Geonosis was put a fleet in orbit over it.

Now they attack Dagobah nonstop. :p:
theim said:
Space combat...oh Lord. So much sweetness. And about time too. I was a bit underwhelmed at the role of X-wings and TIE fighters in the last game, where their role was nothing more than buzzing around the Dune Sea/Bespin. Galactic Conquest has been tweeked for the better I see. More strategy involved. Only way I could those blasted clones to back off Geonosis was put a fleet in orbit over it.

Now they attack Dagobah nonstop. :p:
I know what you mean. Me and a bud stayed up till 4 am playing
versus galactic conquest. It never ended, I'd attack and win, he would
attack and win. If you destroy the other persons last fleet, they can build
one over any planet they own for 0 credits. Until he found this out, he
avoided space battles because I kick ass in space.

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