Sri Lanka's president rejects move to allow women to buy alcohol


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A move to grant women in Sri Lanka the same rights as men to buy alcohol legally has been overruled by President Maithripala Sirisena.

He told a rally he had ordered the government to withdraw the reform, which would also have allowed women to work in bars without a permit.

He said he had only found out about the move from the newspapers.

The government announced on Wednesday it was amending a 1955 law, agreeing that it discriminated against women.

Critics have accused the president of not taking gender equality seriously.

"This is not just about this archaic sexist law but the archaic sexist system in which this law is just one more tool of control," wrote one Sri Lankan blogger.
Alcohol ban on Sri Lankan women reinstated

I have read that it was a 1979 law.

Sri Lanka needs a Roy Den Hollander.
Much to the chagrin of wine cooler manufacturers all over the world.
This is only to be considered "good" when open bigotry rules the day. It's amazing and horrifying how many men around the world hate and denigrate women and yet insist that they themselves are heterosexuals. It's mind-boggling.
Good for Sri Lanka!!....... :thup:

It must suck in SRI LANKA if women can’t drink. I mean if it’s 2AM and you’re in a Sri lankian bar, if none of the woman can drink........well let’s just say alcohol is better at charming the pants off women than most men.
They can drink. They just can't purchase it or work in a bar without a permit.
This is only to be considered "good" when open bigotry rules the day. It's amazing and horrifying how many men around the world hate and denigrate women and yet insist that they themselves are heterosexuals. It's mind-boggling.
beauty is only skin deep ;)
This is only to be considered "good" when open bigotry rules the day. It's amazing and horrifying how many men around the world hate and denigrate women and yet insist that they themselves are heterosexuals. It's mind-boggling.
You allow women to buy alcohol, then they get out of control and start demanding to vote. ...... :eusa_hand:
This is only to be considered "good" when open bigotry rules the day. It's amazing and horrifying how many men around the world hate and denigrate women and yet insist that they themselves are heterosexuals. It's mind-boggling.
You allow women to buy alcohol, then they get out of control and start demanding to vote. ...... :eusa_hand:

Doooood. :slap:
This is only to be considered "good" when open bigotry rules the day. It's amazing and horrifying how many men around the world hate and denigrate women and yet insist that they themselves are heterosexuals. It's mind-boggling.
You allow women to buy alcohol, then they get out of control and start demanding to vote. ...... :eusa_hand:
women got the right to vote here in 1920. The great depression was 9 years later... :dunno:
This is only to be considered "good" when open bigotry rules the day. It's amazing and horrifying how many men around the world hate and denigrate women and yet insist that they themselves are heterosexuals. It's mind-boggling.
You allow women to buy alcohol, then they get out of control and start demanding to vote. ...... :eusa_hand:
women got the right to vote here in 1920. The great depression was 9 years later... :dunno:

And Prohibition ended in '33 as women looked at their voting options which were all men at the time and realized they needed to be able to drink afterwards.

A move to grant women in Sri Lanka the same rights as men to buy alcohol legally has been overruled by President Maithripala Sirisena.

He told a rally he had ordered the government to withdraw the reform, which would also have allowed women to work in bars without a permit.

He said he had only found out about the move from the newspapers.

The government announced on Wednesday it was amending a 1955 law, agreeing that it discriminated against women.

Critics have accused the president of not taking gender equality seriously.

"This is not just about this archaic sexist law but the archaic sexist system in which this law is just one more tool of control," wrote one Sri Lankan blogger.
Alcohol ban on Sri Lankan women reinstated

I have read that it was a 1979 law.

Sri Lanka needs a Roy Den Hollander.

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