Squalor And Filth


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
That IS what you democrats have turned major cities into. YOUR "power centers" Your power centers ARE leeches on state governments nation wide. And you are raising taxes in those cities forcing residents to pay for living in that squalor and filth.

Your "feel good" programs have failed both in crime rates and economics. But you raise taxes encourage ILLEGALS and import terrorists. Chicago is DEMANDING money from the state to help it out. When something FAILS it folds just ask Hudson/Packard or Nash. Or you can ask the many mom and pops YOU have destroyed.

The city of Chicago wants a cash REWARD for turning itself into a shit hole. Speaking for myself I do NOT reward stupid and more and more Americans ARE agreeing with that. Do you liberal idiots really think the citizens of 50 states are willing to pay for democrat corruption and stupidity in 50 major cities?

I won't and Trump won't. We BOTH see what really works and that is JOBS. Pipeline jobs would be a good start. Shovel ready and good pay. You don't need a degree to use a shovel, just a willingness to live better tomorrow then today.THAT is what builds a city, JOBS and the desire to live better.

You democrats ever THINK about your agenda? Allow me to sum it up in one sentence. "We shall ALL live equal in squalor and filth". White people simply do NOT want to live that way. Asians won't even think about it and the Negro {a growing portion} is saying hell no.

Bill Clinton won his election based on "Its the economy stupid"
Donald Trump will WIN this election based on "Its the squalor and filth stupid".
No one is happy about your turning 50 MAJOR cities into shit holes let alone breaking them money wise.

Post civil war republicans moved south and FOUGHT your Jim Crowe while at the same time re-building your states. THAT is why those states are turning red. They go from blue to purple to red as states seek more rights more freedom more liberty.

Post civil war democrats moved to the cities where they pillaged the economy and taught the Negro to hate JUST LIKE THEM. No mass switching of parties, you just switched racists. So no you ignorant dummies Americans are NOT ready "To all live equal in squalor and filth".

And Donald "Landslide" Trump is going to PROVE it to you.



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