Sports-Fanatics vs. Terrorists(!)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The inspired victory of the Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) in Super Bowl 52 [2018] has writers wondering if sports-fanatics are the *opposite* of terrorists (e.g., ISIS).



After the Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) pulled off a stunning victory over the seemingly-invincible New England Patriots in Super Bowl 52 [2018] (doing it with their backup-QB Nick Foles no less!), it seemed everyone was suddenly an Eagles fan and an amateur-anthropologist of the City of Brotherly Love. After all, the Patriots had won more Super Bowls in the new millennium (5!) than any other NFL team. Perhaps the biggest Eagles fanatic was an Algerian-American named Ajay.


Ajay understood very shrewdly that the Goliath-like QB of the New England Patriots, Tom Brady, was a modern-day Prometheus, making fire out of nothing and literally ascending to the position of an 'Earthly-god.' Brady was dating the beautiful Brazilian model Gisele, and more likely than not, he probably had a lot of girlfriends (including gorgeous Patriots cheerleaders). So when the Eagles backup-QB Nick Foles(!) managed to coordinate his team's play in a way so as to stump Brady's mighty Patriots in Super Bowl 52, everyone was thinking, "This is a new trend in sports." Ajay was now an Eagles 'fanatic.' He purchased an Eagles ski-mask and customized it so he'd look like a 'fan-superhero.'


Ajay decided to travel to England so he could quest after the mystical Lady of the Lake (cryptic woman from Arthurian legend said to live underwater and possessing the authority to gift the magical sword Excalibur to a worthy knight/king). The Lady of the Lake was connected to both King Arthur (of the fabled English kingdom of Camelot) and to the unusual knight Lancelot (who was implicated in a controversial adulterous affair with King Arthur's wife, Queen Guinevere; Lancelot was also linked in a symbolic battle with Camelot's greatest rival --- the ominous warlord Mordred who was said to don an armor of pure gold!). Ajay wanted to tell the Lady of the Lake of his newfound love of the 'underdog' Philadelphia Eagles. After much searching, Ajay found nothing, but then one bright morning, he witnessed the magical woman surfacing in the waters of a lake in the forest (in England) bearing a shining sword (Excalibur!).


AJAY: Oh my're real!
LADY OF THE LAKE: Of course I am...
AJAY: I've been searching for you.
LADY OF THE LAKE: Why are you wearing an Eagles ski-mask?
AJAY: You know about the Eagles? They won Super Bowl 52!
LADY OF THE LAKE: Yes, I know; they pulled off an unusual victory.
AJAY: Yes, yes; the backup Eagles-QB Nick Foles stunned the Patriots' Tom Brady.
LADY OF THE LAKE: Only Eli Manning of the New York Giants had downed Brady.
AJAY: Yes, Manning did in two Super Bowls [2008, 2012].
LADY OF THE LAKE: So, you're amazed that Foles' Eagles did it in 2018?
AJAY: Yes. It was a minor-miracle. I'm an Eagles 'fanatic.'
LADY OF THE LAKE: So what do you want with me, Ajay?
AJAY: Wow, you know my name! I want to know the 'secret' of sports-fanfare.
LADY OF THE LAKE: A 'fan' is one who embraces the virtues of a team/institution.
AJAY: I feel like sports-fanatics are the real 'American patriots.'
LADY OF THE LAKE: Perhaps you're right, but America is threatened by terrorism.
AJAY: Indeed; since 9/11, Americans have been paranoid about terrorists.
LADY OF THE LAKE: Do you believe that Eagles-fanfare is some kind of cure?
AJAY: I do believe that the Eagles symbolize patriotic peace (and happiness).
LADY OF THE LAKE: Those are inspired words, Ajay.
AJAY: Boy oh boy; perhaps you and I can become 'spiritual friends.'
LADY OF THE LAKE: Ajay, I think you have what it takes to 'shoo away' terrorism.
AJAY: God bless America! The Philadelphia Eagles are the cure to 9/11.
LADY OF THE LAKE: Return to America then and know that you have my affection.
AJAY: I will remember you, Milady (and Excalibur).
LADY OF THE LAKE: America will receive the fortunes it needs...




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