CDZ Spitballing: Before we go extreme, lets secure our schools and pay for it with a tax on guns & ammo


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
As folks here and the news about the heroes of different shootings have pointed out, if we had armed security at schools the shootings would not have been as bad. So lets pony up and embrace it instead of just deciding the graduating class of 2019 in education has to step up where we can't and arm and train themselves for us.

My goal would be to put two real police officers and real life metal detectors at each entrance the school decides it needs. This is in addition to any "resource" officers already wandering about.

We'll pay for this with a tax on new and used guns and ammo sales. Guns have a longer serviceable life than even my Windows XP computer so I bet we'll need to tax private sales / transfers as well. This is not a big deal to me as I live someplace where every sale of our much more often used cars are taxed.

Is my security plan full proof? No, so every Haden, Hannah, Madison, Ashley, Alyssa, Alexis, Samantha, Jessica, Taylor and that one kid Jacob who plans on teaching High School next year should consider for themselves if them having a gun on campus creates more of a security risk vs benefit. We'll deal with security flaws as they come up though instead of forcing Madison to arm herself at her own cost.
How about we defund the Department of Education, remove the compulsion piece of the education pie, and return the responsibility of education in it's entirety to the parents.

Remove all the ridiculous regulations that surround education of our kids, and allow parents to pull their kids from the schools they don't like.

YOu will be amazed how fast communities oust the administrators and fix the problems.

So there was an article in our local paper.

There have been multiple bomb threats against our middle school. While the *authorities* (the school superintendent) don't know who is doing it, they are sure there's no threat.

True story.
How about we defund the Department of Education, remove the compulsion piece of the education pie, and return the responsibility of education in it's entirety to the parents.

Remove all the ridiculous regulations that surround education of our kids, and allow parents to pull their kids from the schools they don't like.

YOu will be amazed how fast communities oust the administrators and fix the problems.

So there was an article in our local paper.

There have been multiple bomb threats against our middle school. While the *authorities* (the school superintendent) don't know who is doing it, they are sure there's no threat.

True story.

That bit in your signature has me wondering about the angle you are coming from. Then again I accidentally click things under "latest threads" also and end up all kinds of places here.

You may be onto something or may have put me onto an idea. Are you saying if the parents of the mass shooters could have pulled their kids from the schools where they obviously were unhappy then we'd have fewer mass shootings?

To be fair, I more support a county wide lottery system for finding out what school your kid goes to and the elimination of "private schools". But I'm open to at least learning whats behind your idea.
As folks here and the news about the heroes of different shootings have pointed out, if we had armed security at schools the shootings would not have been as bad. So lets pony up and embrace it instead of just deciding the graduating class of 2019 in education has to step up where we can't and arm and train themselves for us.

My goal would be to put two real police officers and real life metal detectors at each entrance the school decides it needs. This is in addition to any "resource" officers already wandering about.

We'll pay for this with a tax on new and used guns and ammo sales. Guns have a longer serviceable life than even my Windows XP computer so I bet we'll need to tax private sales / transfers as well. This is not a big deal to me as I live someplace where every sale of our much more often used cars are taxed.

Is my security plan full proof? No, so every Haden, Hannah, Madison, Ashley, Alyssa, Alexis, Samantha, Jessica, Taylor and that one kid Jacob who plans on teaching High School next year should consider for themselves if them having a gun on campus creates more of a security risk vs benefit. We'll deal with security flaws as they come up though instead of forcing Madison to arm herself at her own cost.
I am guessing you have never spent a day in college or in a private school anywhere Toronado3800 .

How about we just tax the progressives that demanded the gun free zone and safe space follies to pay for it instead.


As folks here and the news about the heroes of different shootings have pointed out, if we had armed security at schools the shootings would not have been as bad. So lets pony up and embrace it instead of just deciding the graduating class of 2019 in education has to step up where we can't and arm and train themselves for us.

My goal would be to put two real police officers and real life metal detectors at each entrance the school decides it needs. This is in addition to any "resource" officers already wandering about.

We'll pay for this with a tax on new and used guns and ammo sales. Guns have a longer serviceable life than even my Windows XP computer so I bet we'll need to tax private sales / transfers as well. This is not a big deal to me as I live someplace where every sale of our much more often used cars are taxed.

Is my security plan full proof? No, so every Haden, Hannah, Madison, Ashley, Alyssa, Alexis, Samantha, Jessica, Taylor and that one kid Jacob who plans on teaching High School next year should consider for themselves if them having a gun on campus creates more of a security risk vs benefit. We'll deal with security flaws as they come up though instead of forcing Madison to arm herself at her own cost.
Fantastic idea. The gun industry wants to flood more guns into the country, arguing that it makes things safer, but it also creates more opportunities for danger. A tax for securing public facilities against the dangers spread by the gun industry is a great idea.
How about we defund the Department of Education, remove the compulsion piece of the education pie, and return the responsibility of education in it's entirety to the parents.

Remove all the ridiculous regulations that surround education of our kids, and allow parents to pull their kids from the schools they don't like.

YOu will be amazed how fast communities oust the administrators and fix the problems.

So there was an article in our local paper.

There have been multiple bomb threats against our middle school. While the *authorities* (the school superintendent) don't know who is doing it, they are sure there's no threat.

True story.

That bit in your signature has me wondering about the angle you are coming from. Then again I accidentally click things under "latest threads" also and end up all kinds of places here.

You may be onto something or may have put me onto an idea. Are you saying if the parents of the mass shooters could have pulled their kids from the schools where they obviously were unhappy then we'd have fewer mass shootings?

To be fair, I more support a county wide lottery system for finding out what school your kid goes to and the elimination of "private schools". But I'm open to at least learning whats behind your idea.
I'm saying schools, for whatever reason (I blame the administrators, teachers and federal interference) are not safe for our kids. They also aren't teaching them anything in them. Let us deal with our own schooling issues completely locally. Public education is a racket. And the administrators that come in sit fat for 2 years and then roll out...they are crooks, snake oil salesmen, and perverts...and we pay them a lot of money to expose our children to harm.
As folks here and the news about the heroes of different shootings have pointed out, if we had armed security at schools the shootings would not have been as bad. So lets pony up and embrace it instead of just deciding the graduating class of 2019 in education has to step up where we can't and arm and train themselves for us.

My goal would be to put two real police officers and real life metal detectors at each entrance the school decides it needs. This is in addition to any "resource" officers already wandering about.

We'll pay for this with a tax on new and used guns and ammo sales. Guns have a longer serviceable life than even my Windows XP computer so I bet we'll need to tax private sales / transfers as well. This is not a big deal to me as I live someplace where every sale of our much more often used cars are taxed.

Is my security plan full proof? No, so every Haden, Hannah, Madison, Ashley, Alyssa, Alexis, Samantha, Jessica, Taylor and that one kid Jacob who plans on teaching High School next year should consider for themselves if them having a gun on campus creates more of a security risk vs benefit. We'll deal with security flaws as they come up though instead of forcing Madison to arm herself at her own cost.
I am guessing you have never spent a day in college or in a private school anywhere Toronado3800 .

Quite a few. Two different ones. The first I would venture to say was virtually funded by the state, the second was almost the opposite.


Well, I'll try to skip forward a bit. The pay to go aspect of college does keep many of those who are not interested out. Folks there have at least a parent who is interested so it changes the population a bit.

How about we just tax the progressives that demanded the gun free zone and safe space follies to pay for it instead.



Fine, if any community demands their school be gun free tax em enough to pay for them officers and metal detectors.

We got a deal?
How about we defund the Department of Education, remove the compulsion piece of the education pie, and return the responsibility of education in it's entirety to the parents.

Remove all the ridiculous regulations that surround education of our kids, and allow parents to pull their kids from the schools they don't like.

YOu will be amazed how fast communities oust the administrators and fix the problems.

So there was an article in our local paper.

There have been multiple bomb threats against our middle school. While the *authorities* (the school superintendent) don't know who is doing it, they are sure there's no threat.

True story.

That bit in your signature has me wondering about the angle you are coming from. Then again I accidentally click things under "latest threads" also and end up all kinds of places here.

You may be onto something or may have put me onto an idea. Are you saying if the parents of the mass shooters could have pulled their kids from the schools where they obviously were unhappy then we'd have fewer mass shootings?

To be fair, I more support a county wide lottery system for finding out what school your kid goes to and the elimination of "private schools". But I'm open to at least learning whats behind your idea.
I'm saying schools, for whatever reason (I blame the administrators, teachers and federal interference) are not safe for our kids. They also aren't teaching them anything in them. Let us deal with our own schooling issues completely locally. Public education is a racket. And the administrators that come in sit fat for 2 years and then roll out...they are crooks, snake oil salesmen, and perverts...and we pay them a lot of money to expose our children to harm.

This is largely the system that built America into the monster we became post WWII and we're not bad off today. I'd argue the comfortable life those of us who don't try very hard can have may be as much to blame as the schools.

I'm not ready to scrap public education yet.

Do you think having kids pick their schools will reduce the number of shootings? Or you think as long as we have schools (like we did in the 50's I'd argue) this will be a problem?
I'm a big believer in the SRO program. In St. Mary's County, Maryland, they've had one per high school for the last twenty years or so (plus two to rotate between the five middle schools for the last ten or twelve), acting not just as guard but also running the DARE program and mentoring kids and so on. A few months back a kid started to shoot up a St. Mary's high school and the SRO (who is also on the SWAT team, so no rent-a-cop he) engaged him within *one* minute. He tried to talk the kid down but they ended up exchanging shots, then the shooter killed himself.

I don't care how much that costs. I'd even be willing for them to hike up my county or state taxes by a few bucks a year to pay for a full-time, highly qualified and motivated SRO per school.
How about we defund the Department of Education, remove the compulsion piece of the education pie, and return the responsibility of education in it's entirety to the parents.

Remove all the ridiculous regulations that surround education of our kids, and allow parents to pull their kids from the schools they don't like.

YOu will be amazed how fast communities oust the administrators and fix the problems.

So there was an article in our local paper.

There have been multiple bomb threats against our middle school. While the *authorities* (the school superintendent) don't know who is doing it, they are sure there's no threat.

True story.

That bit in your signature has me wondering about the angle you are coming from. Then again I accidentally click things under "latest threads" also and end up all kinds of places here.

You may be onto something or may have put me onto an idea. Are you saying if the parents of the mass shooters could have pulled their kids from the schools where they obviously were unhappy then we'd have fewer mass shootings?

To be fair, I more support a county wide lottery system for finding out what school your kid goes to and the elimination of "private schools". But I'm open to at least learning whats behind your idea.
I'm saying schools, for whatever reason (I blame the administrators, teachers and federal interference) are not safe for our kids. They also aren't teaching them anything in them. Let us deal with our own schooling issues completely locally. Public education is a racket. And the administrators that come in sit fat for 2 years and then roll out...they are crooks, snake oil salesmen, and perverts...and we pay them a lot of money to expose our children to harm.

This is largely the system that built America into the monster we became post WWII and we're not bad off today. I'd argue the comfortable life those of us who don't try very hard can have may be as much to blame as the schools.

I'm not ready to scrap public education yet.

Do you think having kids pick their schools will reduce the number of shootings? Or you think as long as we have schools (like we did in the 50's I'd argue) this will be a problem?
Oh please....schooling then was much different than now,..,.,.,.
I'm a big believer in the SRO program. In St. Mary's County, Maryland, they've had one per high school for the last twenty years or so (plus two to rotate between the five middle schools for the last ten or twelve), acting not just as guard but also running the DARE program and mentoring kids and so on. A few months back a kid started to shoot up a St. Mary's high school and the SRO (who is also on the SWAT team, so no rent-a-cop he) engaged him within *one* minute. He tried to talk the kid down but they ended up exchanging shots, then the shooter killed himself.

I don't care how much that costs. I'd even be willing for them to hike up my county or state taxes by a few bucks a year to pay for a full-time, highly qualified and motivated SRO per school.
Wouldn't cost anything ….simply get rid of one of the many useless eaters in the school and replace with SRO

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