SPIKESMYGOD - Can anyone verify? SAD news..


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
Enterprise, Alabama
I found this thru a google search of his screen name:


After much contemplation (and I mean a lot), I figured it was best if everyone knew aside from the few people who were to be told, since more than three of us knew him.

I received word earlier this week that SPIKESMYGOD passed away in early March of this year. I’m sure this is as much as a shock to you all, as it was to me.

SPIKES wouldn’t have wanted a production made out of his death; in fact he’d probably be pissed that anyone would make an entire post about it, probably fitting that I do it, regardless, if you have a memory of him then now’s the time to share it.

I’m not sure how well some of you knew him; I know some of you didn’t care for him much at all. But he was an awesome guy, great sense of humor, a big brother, and a complete and total teddy bear. He will be greatly missed.

Anyone know if that's 'our' SPIKESMYGOD??
I think it's him:

from that site:

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Posts: 175


Damn. I was wondering why he hadn't blown back through lately. Naybody have an cluse what happened? Had he been sick?
I've been coming to USMB for about 2 and a half years now, on and off, and in that time I've seen a lot of good posts and given a lot of positive rep points (lot of bad ones too, but that's a different story). Spike, who didn't post here nearly enough, was a step above everyone else, in my opinion. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that there were so many times he managed to articulate what I wanted to say but couldn't come up with the words for it.

As I said, I've seen a lot of good posts since January of 2004. There is only one post that I copied and kept on my computer and I wanted to re-post it here. It was from Spike during the 2004 presidential campaign. Even if you don't agree with the subject matter, I ask that you at least appreciate the way he presented his argument. He was a talented, intelligent man and will be missed.

The new line of retort- which is the old one- by liberals & Kerry is to claim to being attacked every time a flip-flop is uncovered. The new retort is to say that Republicans don't wish to discuss the issues, they just want to talk about misstatements & SUVs. The new Democratic strategy is to obfuscate the debate by deflecting any critique of Kerry's inconsistencies, any pointing out that Kerry seems to have a complete inability to stick to one story.

Well, deep down, some of us don't give a damn about Kerry's SUVs or medals, but we do, however, care about what they symbolize: John Kerry's lack of a core.

Ok, let's put this into perspective.

Yes, John Kerry went to Vietnam, we get it. He also slandered our troops when he got back, I'm sure everyone else gets that. What a lot of us really DO care about is what he SAYS he did. When Kerry got back, he claimed that he & his fellow soldiers killed women & children, abused Vietnamese civilians & POWs, and that they randomly burned villages to the ground, thus violating numerous sections of the Geneva Conventions. He used this line of incendiary rhetoric to launch him into the U.S. Senate, and maintained for a long time that he did, in fact, commit war crimes. Now, running for president, he makes the adjustment to say that he, being a 27 year old "kid," went too far with his rhetoric, and that he should have used a more subtle, nuanced language. To boil it down, John Kerry still contends that he is proud of his service, which included war crimes. Spin it the way you want, but that is the bottom line.

There is some question as to how severe or minor his injuries were in Vietnam. What we care about is what he SAYS they were. We might find it odd that he, upon receiving minor injuries, demanded three Purple Hearts, thus allowing him to get out of that hellhole. It is the fact that his story, what he SAYS, is so inconsistent with others' stories, including that of the medic who treated his "wounds." See, what disturbs us so is that his stories are so out of whack with common logic, historical accounts of the enemy fire in the area at that time, and the versions by fellow soldiers. What bothers me is that he had the kind of character- or lack thereof- which would allow him to demand medals for questionable injuries, KNOWING that most Purple Heart recipients have suffered life-altering injuries, amputation in some cases, even some medals awarded posthumously.

Franlkly, I don't care if he threw his medals over a fence, protesting the Vietnam war. What I DO care about is how his story changed from throwing medals, to throwing ribbons, then throwing other people's medals, then something in between. Also, he once claimed that medals & ribbons represent the same thing. Then, a few years later, he says that they have very different meanings. Now, he says that they are the same, yet different......AND TO STOP QUESTIONING HIS PATRIOTISM!

We don't care what his opinion is on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. However, we DO care that when speaking to a Palestinian group, Kerry claims that the Israeli wall is illegal & an impediment to peace. Yet, when speaking to a Jewish group, he supports the wall as a logical security measure.

We don't care that much about what his view on outsourcing is. We DO care that Kerry, while castigating American companies for being Benedict Arnold outsourcers, is, with his wife, associated with Heinz, a company which has outsourced over two-thirds of their factories & jobs to other countries. Then, when caught in this latest batch of hypocrisy, Kerry claims that it was the fault of his speech writers, even though he had given this part of his stump speech over twenty-five times and had never asked them to take it out. Or, if I can be so crazy as to suggest, that HE take it out.

I think it's safe to say we don't really care about what vehicles he owns. That said, we do care that he purported that he owned several SUVs, when speaking in front of Detroit auto-industry union workers, but turned around on Earth Day and said that HE did NOT own them, his family did. Very weak.

We don't really care if foreign leaders support him. Foreign leaders do not vote. We do care that he said that he met with foreign leaders, "LOOKED THEM IN THE EYE," and they told him how they wanted him to beat Bush. Then, how he got the messages about their wishes from second-hand sources. Then, he claims to have met them in a Taco Bell in NYC- ya know, one of the Taco Bells which Bush & bin Laden jointly own? Blah blah blah.

Kerry voting to put our soldiers at risk is one thing, how he went about his votes are another. We very much care that he said he voted FOR the 87 billion before he voted AGAINST it. Now, one COULD credibly contend that the Congressional appropriations process is very complicated and that, depending on which provisions or amendments are either included or removed, it does make a LITTLE sense that he could vote FOR the original bill, yet vote AGAINST the final version. However, like with EVERY Kerry flip-flop, there is a more serious, disturbing element. Two weeks before the vote for the 87 billion, Kerry was on "Face the Nation" where when asked if he would vote against it if it didn't include rollbacks on the Bush tax relief, he said "NO!" He said that voting against it, REGARDLESS of the specific contents, would be "reckless and wrong." Well, he then proceeded to vote against it, claiming that it was a protest vote. So, he is willing to risk the safety of our soldiers as a tool to protest- something he is very good at, it seems- the war, the war which he originally voted to support? The man could not even stay true to one of HIS stated positions for 14 days, and some crazy people want to give him four YEARS?

What we care about is the fact that this man has no core.

Since the WMD issue is more an issue concerning bad intelligence, intelligence provided & supported by nearly every modernized nation on earth and by the prior administration, this is NOT a flip-flop. We KNOW that he, Saddam, had the weapons. We KNOW he used the weapons on the Kurds & Iranian soldiers. We know that he refused UN inspections for most of the post-war era. We KNOW that some of these weapons likely turned up in a recently thwarted attack on Jordan. We KNOW that the Bakkah Valley, in Syria, is a "place of interest." We KNOW that they could still be in Iraq, hidden some place as small as Saddam's former rat hole penthouse.

So, other than a few minor points, the one "flip-flop" that liberals attribute to Bush is the whole "nation building" one. Well, I seem to remember a little incident occurring on 9/11/01.

The reason liberals hate Bush so much is because he is consistent, and his beliefs are founded upon solid principles. Also, the reason they hate him so much is because they, being driven by their "anyone but Bush" hysteria, have ended up with Kerry, a man who has no core and no ability to take a strong position on any issue.....other than hating Bush. In their apoplectic "Anybody But Bush" fever, they dumped Dean and have nominated a man destined to lose......and now they even hate Bush for THAT!

Howard Dean might have been wrong on every subject, but he made being wrong sound so good. He created a true movement among the liberal Democratic base, and stands in stark contrast to poor Kerry. Yeah, he was a little emotionally unstable, but you could tell he believed in his positions, and at least that's something a lot of us can respect even if we don't agree with him. Kerry even stands in a certain contrast to Bill "The Slick One" Clinton. Clinton's lies were inspired by polls and his desire to keep his Arkansas ass out of the fire. With Kerry, it almost seems like he wakes up every morning, has his butler bring him some French tea, goes out to the microphones, and just starts to blurt out whatever pops in his head, REGARDLESS of how the views differ with what he said a day ago, a week ago, a month ago, or a year ago. He might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but his lying can ONLY be diagnosed as pathological in nature.

Yet, the only thing funnier than his numerous differing stories is his response to being questioned about them. Instead of either explaining why the stories don't add up or trying to stick, in the first place, to one version of something, he starts foaming at the mouth, accusing the questioner of being part of the vast right-wing conspiracy, being a pawn of the Republican attack machine. He is so offended by ANY pointing out of his inconsistencies that he will even accuse ABC's Charlie Gibson of "doing the work of the RNC." If all that fails, he just starts bemoaning how the Republican attack machine is questioning his patriotism.

I notice that Kerry supporters, staffers, the LMM, and liberal activists have been forced to use the same pathetic tactic, but you can see the stress on their faces, hear the hopelessness in their voices. The Dems can't BELIEVE they dumped Dean for this guy, but they have to soldier on the best they can.

So, you see, it isn't that Kerry has committed war crimes, thrown medals and/or ribbons, can't keep straight the names on several SUVs' pink slips, which foreign leaders gave him support or where they did it, or how he voted before, well, how he voted. No, what we point out is that these flip-flops, just as Dean's "I Have A Scream" speech did, underscore preexisting & growing doubts about his intrinsic lack of character.

So, as you can obviously see, SUVs & medals DO matter, for they are the sign posts on the freeway of flip-flops & the road to ruin, ultimately leading to a dead-end. Luckily for America, that is one Left turn which we will NEVER make.
I too loved reading spike's posts, always well thought out and written. I saved this one, easily one of the finest I ever read, many of you might remember it. He received a lot of compliments from everyone.......Rest in peace brother, you were a special person.

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Location: Chapel Hill, NC
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The Bush Doctrine: The Death of The Useless Nations & The One World Order
This week, as President Bush spoke to the U.N.- a band of useless thugs & criminals- Kerry & the Dems have increased the volume of the chorus of doom, gloom, hate & peril, of course excoriating President Bush & America for creating more violence, more death, more destruction, and more terrorism. Well, on November 2nd, we must, as a nation, stand up to both the despots of the world & of our own country and proclaim our support for freedom, democracy, & security at home: A victory for President Bush. Of late, I have been hearing & reading how President Bush has created more terrorism. Well, that makes a lot of sense.

Gee, don't you guys get it? We should have taken the hit on 9/11 and tried to open a dialogue with Al Qaeda & bin Laden. Ya know, try to figure out how we made them that angry? Then, like Old Europe, we should have gone to Annan & the U.N. and, on bended knee, begged them to protect us by passing a Resolution.


We are America, and we will do whatever we must to protect our country. If the Bush Doctrine leads to pissing off the rest of the world.....SO FU*KING BE IT! Yeah, President Bush rushed us into war. Why couldn't he be more like the U.N. and give Saddam ANOTHER 12 years & ANOTHER 17 Resolutions. Further, it's funny how people forget that not only were France, Russia, & the U.N. arming and/or aiding Saddam, but that they were in the process of trying to get the sanctions lifted, making a Kerryworld of diplomacy useless.....like the Useless Nations. Face it, the U.N. is a pathetic body of the weak, the whining, cowards, criminals, communists, and the corrupt; the U.N., like liberals such as Jimmy Carter & John Kerry, never met a dictator they didn't love. When it comes to doing the heavy lifting, freeing people from tyranny & oppression, it's always left up to us. President Bush, America, & our brave soldiers have freed over 50 million people. What claim can the U.N. make? They were in bed with Saddam & allowed thousands of Rwandans to be slaughtered? We're taking the lead on the Sudan crisis & AIDS in Africa, we feed & heal the world, yet all we get is garbage & hatred from the world & our home-grown traitors.

The Useless Nations, the LMM, & the pinko commie libs in America always bring up Abu Ghraib, but never discuss innocent Americans being beheaded or the mass graves filled with innocent Iraqis. They berate Israel for using too much force, but pipe the hell down when Hamas terrorists blow up innocent people on Israeli buses or gun down a pregnant woman & her three children. These terrorist-sympathizers say, "Yeah, Saddam might not have been the greatest guy in the world..........BUT BUSH IS HITLER."

The liberals ring their hands over 20,000 civilians killed- this though they never break it down into how they died, as in how many were the result of Sadr's violent powergrab & Zarqawi's terrorist attacks. Well, assuming that 20 thousand IS true, I will ask what many would like to ask but might not: SO WHAT? Yes, every one of those deaths is a tragedy that should cut us all to the bone, but war becomes a numbers game, however cold & sick that might be. Under Saddam, over 5,000 innocent Iraqis died every MONTH from starvation, disease, & mass executions- If only Kerry's lovely U.N. had done their job instead of lining their filthy pockets with blood money in the Oil-for-Fraud debacle.

[Side Note- We must be prepared to suffer civilian deaths. Beyond the crucial difference that civilian deaths are tragic mistakes and victims of terrorism are intentional targets, it is vital that we always allow for civilian deaths, never letting them impede our goals. Why? Because if we do, it will be the end. See, the terrorists have no qualms with killing the innocent. Actually, that is their goal. If we, a compassionate people, refuse to fire a gun or drop a bomb if there is a risk that a civilian might get killed in the crossfire, we will hold ourselves to a standard which will give the terrorists the upper hand, they will hold the world hostage.........and we will lose. This, we will never allow, no matter how tragic each individual civilian death might be; the survival of the entire free world depends upon this hard fact of life.]

Also, since most liberals rejoiced at hitting that big "1,000 soldiers killed" milestone, seeming to take a secret sick pleasure in it, I will leave that part of the equation out of it, for we know that most liberals view our soldiers as willing murderers. So again, I wish NOBODY had died in this war- except the terrorists & ex-Ba'athists- but for Kerry to claim that it was better under Saddam is not only insane, it is anti-humanity. Oh, he never said that? Ok, let's look at his "logic":

We have traded a dictator & a steady Iraq for chaos & an unsteady Iraq. We are less safe; Iraq is less safe.

Gee, sounds like he watched The Hamburgler's crockumentary one too many times. I guess that image of kids flying kites in a peaceful Iraq reminded him of the joy of windsurfing. I mean, damn, Saddam let them have KITES! How bad a guy could he really be?


Speaking of speeches, I have to admit that Kerry, for once, hit it out of the park on Monday. He was coherent, comfortable, passionate, organized, and his message had a powerful delivery. Why, you ask? Because he was bashing America & our military. He was finally able to give his '71 speech again, just replacing "Vietnam" with "Iraq." Doom, gloom, & treason really do become him.

So, as Kerry stated, we've created more terrorists. How? By defending ourselves & freeing over 50 million people from the bondage of oppression & tyranny? Garbage. If so, I am sure the terrorists were headed in that direction in the first place. If they want death, death they shall have. We did nothing to provoke the Iranian hostage crisis, Lebanon bombings of our Marines, the first WTC attack, the African embassy bombings, Khobar Towers, U.S.S. Cole, or the 9/11 holocaust, yet now America haters are saying WE have created these terrorists. If this is how the rest of the world feels, they can fu*k themselves & go cower with the cowards in Spain & the rest of Old Europe!

The rest of the world needs us FAR more than we will EVER need them; therefore, we are in no danger of being isolated. Just as the U.N. is against everything for which we stand, we know the correct & just path by simply taking the opposite road of the U.N. & France. If Kerry had been elected this November, he would have done EVERYTHING to garner approval from that corrupt body. The fact that President Bush is so hated by these world losers just proves what a great president he has been for America! America: Ya know, the country that he is responsible for protecting?

Now, Kerry is trying to parse his words concerning his original vote to go to war with Iraq, a vote driven by the post-9/11 mood in the nation- he actually said that he only has had 1 Iraq position, not the provable 11. He claims that it was merely a vote for authorization, NOT a direct war resolution. Funny, I'm not a politician yet I knew that the vote was a direct link to war. If he, a senator, didn't know that, I would have to believe that this man needs a brain transplant. However, I know that he is aware of the truth, but he is trying to obfuscate the truth for current political reasons. If he was shocked at the war, I assume it is because President Bush- unlike liberals such as Kerry, Kennedy, Carter, & Clinton- actually meant what he said. Liberals like Kerry engage in empty rhetoric, President Bush deals in action. Words and conferences and summits and studies and sanctions and Resolutions are all good & well, but there is a cutoff point, a point when the only option left is to put force & meaning behind the lofty words, to bring a situation to a point of a certain finality. THAT, my friends, is what you call LEADERSHIP!

Also, one more point most be made to clear the record: Contrary to liberal belief, Republicans HATE war. War is an abomination against humanity. We get painted as blood-lusting, crazed, warmongering monsters, yet the truth is that we love peace, this while liberals create the conditions for unavoidable war. Though war IS an abomination, it is sometimes required for self-defense or in order to prevent a larger war. Case in point: Because of Clinton's unwillingness to take out bin Laden after we were attacked again & again; because Clinton formed an ultradovish team- Albright, Cohen, Berger, Reno, etc.....; because he ignored that bin Laden had officially declared war against us several times; because he even refused to accept Sudan's offer to hand bin Laden over to us, the hellstorm of 9/11 was brought to our doorstep. Now, due to his "love & peace" mentality, President Bush has had to take America to war TWICE to make up for Clinton's lost opportunities, incompetence, & cowardice. No, we Republicans HATE war, but Kerry's way would lead to more wars, larger wars, and, no doubt, a war on our own soil. In other words, the death of America. Then again, that might just be the aim of liberals. Bottom Line: Liberals start wars by ignoring the threat; Republicans have to come in, clean up the mess, and END THE WAR!

Of late, I have been lurking on liberal/Dem boards, and I cannot believe the hatred that these freaks have for President Bush & their own country. The putrid, vile bile they spew at President Bush, our military, and America is only matched by their sick, twisted, perverted paranoia. The latest Group Think "memo" is that Karl Rove is behind Memogate, and that Dan Rather, having let them down, must be one of Rove's operatives. There are still MANY liberals who STILL refuse to concede that the memos were forged, thus showing their inability to keep at least one foot in reality. Also, I wonder why liberals always compare President Bush to Hitler or Satan, yet NEVER Stalin, a butcher who murdered 26 million of his OWN people. Hmmm, I guess he's one of their boys. Oh, and don't give me that garbage that they are the exceptions to the rule. No, they are the rank & file of the Democratic Party and traitors to America, even going so far as to say, "I hate Bush for making me pull against our soldiers in Iraq & FOR the 'resistance fighters'." They ask why the Bush twins haven't been sent to Iraq to fight & die. Beyond stupid, they seem not to ask why Chelsea wasn't forced to die in Somalia and have her naked, dead body dragged through the streets until it lie in puddles & pieces. They trust Iran over us; they claim that the beheading videos are fakes; they call Tony Blair a murderer; they call PM Allawi a war criminal & bet on when he will be assassinated; they love Chirac & Arafat; they refuse to use the word "terrorist;" they compare President Bush to Hitler & Satan; and they maintain that President Bush would hold onto power by force, even saying that Bush would have Kerry assassinated. No, I am not kidding. And their fellow ignorant sheep just lap it up and join in the chaotic chorus of the rage of the rabble.

[Dear liberals: Having once been (1992) a radical liberal Democrat myself, I thought I knew you & your ilk; I was wrong. I have NEVER seen such disgusting, hateful rhetoric in my life. However, (slap) LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING, BITCH!....I now know who & what you are. Trust me, you will lose. More importantly, WE WILL WIN. Not just on November 2nd, but in the battle for the hearts & minds of the American people. Come on, admit it, if only to yourself. Ya know that aching, gnawing feeling at your back. Come ooooooon! You know what that cold feeling is. It's getting stronger every day, and no amount of chiming into the Group Think with mutual promises of victory will make it go away, right? Well, I can help you out on this: IT IS YOUR IMPENDING DEFEAT! Now, now, calm down. You guys KNEW this was coming. You freaks are SO filled with hatred for President Bush, our military, and America that you have, once again, committed political suicide. The problem is that the hate that fuels you has clouded your hearts so much that it has spread to your abilities of perception. The hate which keeps you warm at night will be your undoing. Though I see a lot of you pledging to each other that Kerry will win in a landslide, I am certain that you know, deep down, that the reality is quite the converse. Perhaps, just perhaps, once you open your hearts & minds, let go of your hatred, and attempt to love the country which you so despise, perhaps then, and ONLY then, you will be invited to come in from the cold of political exile.

Until then, live with your hatred, suffer with your hatred, and lose with your hatred, for it will be all that you have left!]

So, my fellow Republicans, we have enough traitors & freaks to worry about in our own country. If the world thinks we have the time or the desire to give a fu*k what France & the U.N. think about us, guess again.

We love President Bush, America, our troops, and everything else is irrelevant.

They can call it jingoism. I call it survival!

They can call it fascism. I call it patriotism.

They can call it cowboy mentality. I call it the War on Terror.

If the Bush Doctrine scares anyone, they might want to consider moving to France for the next four years.

Gingrich/Rice 2008

"Senator Joe McCarthy was a great American patriot."- John F. Kennedy
His & my paths never crossed as he stayed more in the political threads. I never got to know him. The demise of someone is always sad.
man spikes is gone? I hadnt thought about him till this morning when i saw DMP revive that old thread of his. That guy was damn intelligent and on his way to a fine writing career last i spoke with him. Damn shame. But like the poster on the other board said, he wouldnt want us fussing over his passing.

God speed buddy. RIP "Spikesmygod" :salute:
Abbey Normal said:
Now there are two peole (Merlin being the other) that I wish I had known here. Incredible posts.

You know Abbey that's right,

I just saw the news about Merlin the other day, guess I don't get around enough, what a shocker. You start wondering what happened to one of your favorite posters and bam.... like hitting a brick wall. Merlin was incredible how he could state his point so well without losing it .....like I tend to do a lot.....he was a real class act and I have missed him. I hope he is enjoying the view and would love it if he could figure a way to get us a message, that would be the best!:beer:
Sorry that it took so long to register here and read the thread re spikes...yes, he is no longer with us. He left us on 3/4/06 and was 35 years old. I agree, he was bloody brilliant. I had the privilege of being his best friend and spending a lot of time with him each day. If anyone would like to know the details, please pm me and we can chat. It has been a year, however the loss is still fresh.
Sorry that it took so long to register here and read the thread re spikes...yes, he is no longer with us. He left us on 3/4/06 and was 35 years old. I agree, he was bloody brilliant. I had the privilege of being his best friend and spending a lot of time with him each day. If anyone would like to know the details, please pm me and we can chat. It has been a year, however the loss is still fresh.

Wow. That is quite a loss. The dude had magic in words that I can only hope to slightly emulate sometimes.
Sorry that it took so long to register here and read the thread re spikes...yes, he is no longer with us. He left us on 3/4/06 and was 35 years old. I agree, he was bloody brilliant. I had the privilege of being his best friend and spending a lot of time with him each day. If anyone would like to know the details, please pm me and we can chat. It has been a year, however the loss is still fresh.

The guy was definitely my favorite poster. He had a god given talent for words. I don't remember a single post of his that wasn't worthy of being published.

I'm definitely sorry for your loss. He seemed like a good person from what i could gather through his posts and my PM's with him.
all of the above posts are true...spend 24/7 with him, though, and sometimes you would wish that he would just stop talking for 5 minutes!!! he was extremely brilliant (his iq was off the charts...i mean mine is pretty high, and i could more or less hold my own with him, but...) not only was he extremely aware of the world of politics, but he also knew every song/composer/artist/record label/producer/etc...that was ever published.

he was a tortured soul, but he wanted to be happy. more than anything, he wanted his music to be published...it was totally pure genious...i "inherited" his music catalouge of cd's and tapes...telephone conversations and hilarious voice mails (of course, no one knew that they were being taped, but at this point, i don't think it really matters...i'm not publishing them or anything)...

one thing that i didn't know about was that he was working on having some of his pontifications published...i tried my best to help him with the music thingy, but he never mentioned the writing part...boy, you think you know someone!

how will i know who to vote for now w/o spikes directing me??? okay, i have my own opinions about that, but he liked to think that he guided me in all thinks political...

of course, as you know, we lived in nc...i now live in nj...probably the best course for me...i was visiting his mausoleum 2-3 times a day and totally unable to "get on with my life"...

well...he will live forever in his posts (so sad that hellmouthcentral crashed...there was a memorial post there for him that was outstanding, but alas, it is forever gone (fortunately, i did print it out, still it's no longer out there)...in our hearts and souls...and hopefully he has now found some peace (though it wasn't intentional)...

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