spend and spin


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Harry Reid has just lied his ass off in front of the whole damn country.He accused the republicans of holding the economy hostage by refusing to compromise!!!The house republicans have passed 2 deals to raise the debt ceiling and cut spending to help balance the budget.the senate shot them down,wouldn't even have a vote!!!Compromise!!!where's the libb's damn plan!!!early this week Reid actually accepted a compromise from the house that he later reneged on after being chastised by the White House!!!the libbs are giving us 2 choices, destroy the economy by spending us into oblivion or destroy the economy by defaulting on the debt!!!!STALIN HAS INVADED!!!IT"S BEEN 822 days OBAMA!!!!:eek: REID VOTE ON THE BILL PASSED BY THE HOUSE UP OR DOWN JUST FREAKIN VOTE!!! WHY WANT THE LIBBS VOTE??????
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God Bless Harry Reid for fighting for America.

There is leadership and Reidership; A study in opposites.

Reid fighting hard to place us further in debt.

Should I cheer?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNI3QEWHxis]‪Republican Socialists - Don't cut our Subsidies! - Last Word‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
God Bless Harry Reid for fighting for America.

There is leadership and Reidership; A study in opposites.

Reid fighting hard to place us further in debt.

Should I cheer?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNI3QEWHxis]‪Republican Socialists - Don't cut our Subsidies! - Last Word‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

But just some subsidies right?

The ones for green that wont produce are good, but the ones that keep american oil competitive bad.

Is that your point? Please clarify.
There is leadership and Reidership; A study in opposites.

Reid fighting hard to place us further in debt.

Should I cheer?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNI3QEWHxis]‪Republican Socialists - Don't cut our Subsidies! - Last Word‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

But just some subsidies right?

The ones for green that wont produce are good, but the ones that keep american oil competitive bad.

Is that your point? Please clarify.

My point is Republicans spend just as mich as Democrats just on different things.

But just some subsidies right?

The ones for green that wont produce are good, but the ones that keep american oil competitive bad.

Is that your point? Please clarify.

My point is Republicans spend just as mich as Democrats just on different things.
NOW TRUTH SUCKER is saying that libbs and Americans spend to much!!!while i will agree the repubs spend to much it is nothing compared to the trillions you no good leftist have spent.in 2yrs more than every administration combined!!!where is the recovery???I WANT MY DAMN MONEY BACK COMMY!!!:banana2:

But just some subsidies right?

The ones for green that wont produce are good, but the ones that keep american oil competitive bad.

Is that your point? Please clarify.

My point is Republicans spend just as mich as Democrats just on different things.

That I agree with. my subsidies are good and yours are bad.

Meanwhile the debt limit continues to skyrocket.

My god we are spending a half a trillion in interEst payments.

The OP is confused. The Republicans have been taken over by a rigid ideological movement that wants to destroy SS and Medicare - and starve all government of revenue, including fire and police departments across the nation. That movement is holding the country hostage so that is can move money from the public sector to tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy. And what do the ultra-wealthy do with the tax cuts? Do they create jobs? Is that what happened with the Bush tax cuts? Nope. They invest it into casino capitalism - hedge funds & derivatives; they invest it into lobbying - that's right, the historic tax cuts which Reagan promised would turn into jobs have been diverted into the pockets of politicians in exchange for market advantages and government contracts. The promised jobs never happened. In fact, since Reagan, jobs have been progressively shipped to Asian sweat shops. Only FOX News morons don't see this. Finally, the tax cuts are invested into talk radio and think tanks for the purpose of molding the opinion of the OP, who failed to say anything of substance, like, for instance: the Boehner bill was intentionally loaded with stuff that would not pass in any congress in history, like an amendment to the fucking constitution (which requires a 2/3rds vote that EVERYONE in Washington knows is impossible).

The debt includes two Bush wars and the largest expansion of Medicare in the program's history - Medicare Part D. Reagan and Bush expanded the debt ceiling more than Carter and Clinton by a staggering margin. We never hear a peep when Republican presidents spend twice as much as their Democratic predecessors, which has been the norm since Reagan. And we won't hear a peep when the next Republican administration spends like drunken sailors. We've seen this movie before.

Reagan used the Cold War to spend twice as much as Carter, and Bush used the War on Terrorism to turn Iraq into a no-bid haven. I can't wait until 2012 because the big spenders are coming back . . . and the Tea Party will be mysteriously silent. Rand Paul talks tough when there is a weak Democrat in office. But, when there is a Republican president in the White House, the GOP congress always spends more pork than anyone. Did anyone take notice of the 6 years of Sodom, 2000-2006, when the GOP controlled every branch of government? They spent more than any group in history. We didn't hear a peep from the conservative base.

How is it possible that the nation is letting the most fiscally irresponsible movement in history fool them again?
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Reid is a moron, The only way he got re elected is to take votes by bus and give them happy meals. Otherwise this moron would not have been re elected. Of course they were all union workers! The Dems want to blame the REP because that is what they do best. Boehner is trying to get something through but this idiot wont even look at it. Just assumes he wont like it and says it Dead on Arrival.
The OP is confused. The Republicans have been taken over by a rigid ideological movement that wants to destroy SS and Medicare - and starve all government of revenue, including fire and police departments across the nation. That movement is holding the country hostage so that is can move money from the public sector to tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy. And what do the ultra-wealthy do with the tax cuts? Do they create jobs? Is that what happened with the Bush tax cuts? Nope. They invest it into casino capitalism - hedge funds & derivatives; they invest it into lobbying - that's right, the historic tax cuts which Reagan promised would turn into jobs have been diverted into the pockets of politicians in exchange for market advantages and government contracts. The promised jobs never happened. In fact, since Reagan, jobs have been progressively shipped to Asian sweat shops. Only FOX News morons don't see this. Finally, the tax cuts are invested into talk radio and think tanks for the purpose of molding the opinion of the OP, who failed to say anything of substance, like, for instance: the Boehner bill was intentionally loaded with stuff that would not pass in any congress in history, like an amendment to the fucking constitution (which requires a 2/3rds vote that EVERYONE in Washington knows is impossible).

The debt includes two Bush wars and the largest expansion of Medicare in the program's history - Medicare Part D. Reagan and Bush expanded the debt ceiling more than Carter and Clinton by a staggering margin. We never hear a peep when Republican presidents spend twice as much as their Democratic predecessors, which has been the norm since Reagan. And we won't hear a peep when the next Republican administration spends like drunken sailors. We've seen this movie before.

Reagan used the Cold War to spend twice as much as Carter, and Bush used the War on Terrorism to turn Iraq into a no-bid haven. I can't wait until 2012 because the big spenders are coming back . . . and the Tea Party will be mysteriously silent. Rand Paul talks tough when there is a weak Democrat in office. But, when there is a Republican president in the White House, the GOP congress always spends more pork than anyone. Did anyone take notice of the 6 years of Sodom when the GOP controlled every branch of government? They spent more than any group in history. We didn't hear a peep from the conservative base because they are told what to think by the message machine. How is it possible that the nation is letting the most fiscally irresponsible movement in history fool them again?
londoner???londoner???if you realy are a britt you have a lot of damn nerve!!!You couldn't find your own ass if you crapped on a mirror!!:evil:
The OP is confused. The Republicans have been taken over by a rigid ideological movement that wants to destroy SS and Medicare - and starve all government of revenue, including fire and police departments across the nation. That movement is holding the country hostage so that is can move money from the public sector to tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy. And what do the ultra-wealthy do with the tax cuts? Do they create jobs? Is that what happened with the Bush tax cuts? Nope. They invest it into casino capitalism - hedge funds & derivatives; they invest it into lobbying - that's right, the historic tax cuts which Reagan promised would turn into jobs have been diverted into the pockets of politicians in exchange for market advantages and government contracts. The promised jobs never happened. In fact, since Reagan, jobs have been progressively shipped to Asian sweat shops. Only FOX News morons don't see this. Finally, the tax cuts are invested into talk radio and think tanks for the purpose of molding the opinion of the OP, who failed to say anything of substance, like, for instance: the Boehner bill was intentionally loaded with stuff that would not pass in any congress in history, like an amendment to the fucking constitution (which requires a 2/3rds vote that EVERYONE in Washington knows is impossible).

The debt includes two Bush wars and the largest expansion of Medicare in the program's history - Medicare Part D. Reagan and Bush expanded the debt ceiling more than Carter and Clinton by a staggering margin. We never hear a peep when Republican presidents spend twice as much as their Democratic predecessors, which has been the norm since Reagan. And we won't hear a peep when the next Republican administration spends like drunken sailors. We've seen this movie before.

Reagan used the Cold War to spend twice as much as Carter, and Bush used the War on Terrorism to turn Iraq into a no-bid haven. I can't wait until 2012 because the big spenders are coming back . . . and the Tea Party will be mysteriously silent. Rand Paul talks tough when there is a weak Democrat in office. But, when there is a Republican president in the White House, the GOP congress always spends more pork than anyone. Did anyone take notice of the 6 years of Sodom, 2000-2006, when the GOP controlled every branch of government? They spent more than any group in history. We didn't hear a peep from the conservative base.

How is it possible that the nation is letting the most fiscally irresponsible movement in history fool them again?

Reid is a moron, The only way he got re elected is to take votes by bus and give them happy meals. Otherwise this moron would not have been re elected. Of course they were all union workers! The Dems want to blame the REP because that is what they do best. Boehner is trying to get something through but this idiot wont even look at it. Just assumes he wont like it and says it Dead on Arrival.

My early impression of you is that you're very stupid.

Welcome to USMB. You'll fit right in.
Harry Reid has just lied his ass off in front of the whole damn country.He accused the republicans of holding the economy hostage by refusing to compromise!!!The house republicans have passed 2 deals to raise the debt ceiling and cut spending to help balance the budget.the senate shot them down,wouldn't even have a vote!!!Compromise!!!where's the libb's damn plan!!!early this week Reid actually accepted a compromise from the house that he later reneged on after being chastised by the White House!!!the libbs are giving us 2 choices, destroy the economy by spending us into oblivion or destroy the economy by defaulting on the debt!!!!STALIN HAS INVADED!!!IT"S BEEN 822 days OBAMA!!!!:eek: REID VOTE ON THE BILL PASSED BY THE HOUSE UP OR DOWN JUST FREAKIN VOTE!!! WHY WANT THE LIBBS VOTE??????

Where is the plan of the Left?
God Bless Harry Reid for fighting for America.

With all due respect with the number 420 in your handle do you expect to be taken seriously?

It is after all drug culture slang for smoking pot, i do wonder if y'all who smoke marijuana realize most of the commercial grade chit has mercury innit, just a fyi you might want to get tested for it.
Did you hear Reid last night on the news?
He tabled all of the bills from the House and then said last night that the House must accept HIS bill.
Talk about a Dictator.
The Left refuses to even consider a balanced budget amendment.
A recent poll by CNN says that 74% of this country wants it.
Then Harry Reid says - We will not even consider it.
So who is against Americans?
There is leadership and Reidership; A study in opposites.

Reid fighting hard to place us further in debt.

Should I cheer?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNI3QEWHxis]‪Republican Socialists - Don't cut our Subsidies! - Last Word‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

But just some subsidies right?

The ones for green that wont produce are good, but the ones that keep american oil competitive bad.

Is that your point? Please clarify.

I'd be happy to clarify. Subsidies to ANY organization or company that is turning an obscene PROFIT should be ended immediately. You don't keep getting unemployment when you get a job, why should the American taxpayers continue to subsidize the profits of private companies?

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