Special Counsel Investigation Should Have Started With '2009' Rather Than '2016'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
WHY would anyone appoint an Ex-FBI Director who, as evidence shows, HID EVIDENCE OF RUSSIAN CRIMES AND ENABLED THE KGB BANK BUY URANIUM ONE?

Robert Mueller was the FBI director when Clinton brokered the Uranium One deal

"A new Congressional probe of the 2010 sale of U.S. uranium to Russia led by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is examining if the FBI alerted senior Obama administration officials about corruption among the transaction’s Russian players.

Before the deal was brokered in 2009, the FBI under Robert Muellerwho is now special counsel in the Russia investigation into potential collusion with the Trump campaign—had begun an investigation into corruption and extortion by senior managers of a company owned by the Russian government’s nuclear company, Rosatom.

According to court filings
revealed by The Hill Tuesday, in 2009 the FBI found enough evidence to suggest Vadim Mikerin, who headed the Rosatom subsidiary Tenex, was corrupt and high-level officials at Rosatom knew about his bribery scheme."

In 2009 Robert Mueller was the Director of the FBI, and in 2009 Robert Mueller and his FBI had evidence that the Russians, funded by the KGB Bank, was intent on cornering the US Uranium market, primarily through purchasing 'Uranium One' and acquiring 20% of the US uranium supply.

in 2009, Mueller was aware of their intent and knew that to this end the Russians were engaged in BRIBERY, EXTORTION, INTIMIDATION, and the 'BUYING' of US politicians and officials.
- In the midst of the FBI-KNOWN BRIBERY SCANDAL, Mueller and the FBI KNEW the KGB Bank Paid Hillary Clinton, then Obama US Secretary of State and leader of the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians, more than $100 Million. Despite such payments made by the KGB Bank to other US politicians and officials, the $100+ million they paid to Hillary was / is not considered 'Bribe Money'...despite, again, coming from the same Russians handing out 'official bribes' during the time the Bribery Scandal was happening.

In 2009, Mueller KNEW about the Russians' attempts and the Russian crimes going on yet he neither SAID OR DID NOTHING...until AFTER the Uranium One sale went through.

(It sounds like someone needs to open up Mueller's finances dating back to 2009 to look for more KGB Bank 'Donations', not just to Hillary but to Mueller, as well.)

1. WHY did FBI Director Mueller, Obama US AG Eric Holder - who also knew of the crimes and who also sat on the Committee led by Hillary, and / or Obama - who also knew of the Russian crimes / intent - never say or do anything about the crimes and / or to prevent the sale of Uranium One to the Russians?

2. WHY didn't Hillary make public the $100+ million she got from the KGB Bank...or the money her husband got from the KGB Bank for giving speeches?

3. Why would the US even CONSIDER selling 20% of the US stock of uranium, especially to a 'hostile' nation like Russia?

and last but not certainly least....

4. WHY the F* would you appoint the Ex-FBI director who, evidence shows, hid Russian crimes and colluded / aided / abetted the Russians in 2009 to lead an investigation regarding 'Russian Collusion' and 'Russian Interference' in 2016?
Jump ahead to 2014:

Then FBI director and Mueller protégé James Comey and President Obama KNEW in 2014 about Russian attempts to hack Senior US Government officials and other attempts to divide this nation, as well as their attempts to interfere in US elections ... and, like Mueller in 2009, they never warned Senior US government politicians / officials of what the Russians were doing, Like Mueller, they HID the evidence and enabled Russia's actions.

2009....2014...The Obama administration KNOWS the Russians are committing crimes in the US, are trying to 'flip' / 'buy off' US politicians and officials, knows they are trying to acquire US uranium, knows they are attempting to divide the country are interfere in US elections....and 2 FBI Directors, the US AGs, and Obama never reveal the information, allowing the Russians free reign to do what they want in the US.

Mueller is in charge of the FBI in 2009 and had the evidence to prove all of this. His protégé is in charge of the FBI in 2014 - 2016 and had all the information to prove all of this. Both of them said / did nothing.

Now jump to 2016 where Russian 'accomplice' Mueller, who should be facing his own investigation, is not in charge of an investigation into.....RUSSIAN COLLUSION / CRIMES / INTERFERENCE.

The evidence shows the timeframe to focus on in his investigation should not have started with what was happening in 2016 - it should have focused on starting in 2009!

Obama Knew About Russia Hack During Election, Hid To Help Hillary

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