Speaking of...


Oct 24, 2011
free political speech, versus political correctness or parroting...

I'm hoping there are some fellow "idea" people here willing to toss around a few things that I'm tired of trying to think about - all by myself - and too afraid to bring up in polite mixed company because people are all too quick to make assumptions, accusations, and without hearing the original question or statement, in the first place.

I'm tired of yelling common sense at my TV. It's gotten over-sensitized and is beginning to babble incoherently. It's only slightly better (some days) online and in print.

OH - and ya know, I don't know how to define myself politically, since I've voted all these years without belonging to one party or another... and after 30 some years of that, it's no clearer than it was in the beginning. To me, that is. Everyone else seems to think that one opinion or another makes me a member of the "other" party that they don't agree with. But I'm just looking for solutions, trying to troubleshoot things for the best outcome (even if that possibility looks less possible all the time), ideas - suggestions - attempts to "right" the topsy-turvy popular universe of chaos.

Maybe I should've called myself: EntropyBlocker...

Anyway - Hi! More later...
Welcome the the best loony bin on the interwebz! Ya just missed the afternoon medication rounds but not to worry, we'll be back around later this evening.
Oh and give us a few minutes to clear your room, it's currently has another occupant we need to move.

Sounds like you're an independent thinker since you have no party affiliation.

Yep, you're right.........some of the cons here will call you anything from a dirty liberal to a Marxist Communist, and the ones on the left who don't agree with you will call you the opposite.

Don't let the lunatic fringe here get ya down, there ARE some on here who think as you do.
Welcome the the best loony bin on the interwebz! Ya just missed the afternoon medication rounds but not to worry, we'll be back around later this evening.
Oh and give us a few minutes to clear your room, it's currently has another occupant we need to move.


Ah hayl.....so THAT'S what the inside of one looks like...I always wondered :eek:
'ello. Since you are already yelling at your TV do not let the posts here get you so agitated to yell at the words on your computer. It is an inanimate object and unable to hear your screams!!!:bang3::ack-1:
Hmmm. That padded room looks pretty good! Quiet, soft...

well. No rest for the weary! I'm off to see what everyone is talking about and add my 2 cents. It's the only way I'll know I'm still a "real person" and not one of the silent, invisible, unrepresented majority - if someone hears me and responds to what I say.

Thanks for saying hi... and giving me hope that there are other real people who care about this stuff, too.
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Hmmm. That padded room looks pretty good! Quiet, soft...

well. No rest for the weary! I'm off to see what everyone is talking about and add my 2 cents. It's the only way I'll know I'm still a "real person" and not one of the silent, invisible, unrepresented majority - if someone hears me and responds to what I say.

Thanks for saying hi... and giving me hope that there are other real people who care about this stuff, too.

Oh well......as for me, I don't give a rat's ass about any of the stuff you mentioned ~LoL~
I was more infatuated with the pic Ringel posted :lol:.........................but I did forget to say Hello and Welcome, so there....I said it :)

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