Speaking of other countries


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

The United States government may not be so lucky with its reputation.

Even before negotiations went down to the wire on Sunday night, the bitterness, division and dysfunction that resounded around the world in recent weeks as the United States veered toward default did more than just fuel a perception that Washington is approaching Japan-like levels of political gridlock. Among foreign leaders and in global markets, the political histrionics have eroded America’s already diminishing aura as the world’s economic haven and the sole country with the power to lead the rest of the world out of financial crisis and recession.

It has chipped away at the global authority of President Obama, who was celebrated abroad when he came to office as a man who would end an era of American unilateralism. Now the topic of discussion in other capitals is whether the Age of Obama is giving way to an Age of Austerity, one that will inevitably reduce America’s influence internationally.
Now the topic of discussion in other capitals is whether the Age of Obama is giving way to an Age of Austerity, one that will inevitably reduce America’s influence internationally.
Isn't that the goal? American needs to be brought down a notch or two, right?
Now the topic of discussion in other capitals is whether the Age of Obama is giving way to an Age of Austerity, one that will inevitably reduce America’s influence internationally.
Isn't that the goal? American needs to be brought down a notch or two, right?
Clear. Crystal clear.
Now the topic of discussion in other capitals is whether the Age of Obama is giving way to an Age of Austerity, one that will inevitably reduce America’s influence internationally.
Isn't that the goal? American needs to be brought down a notch or two, right?

Speak for yourself. You only look foolish when you try to speak for others. :eusa_hand:
Now the topic of discussion in other capitals is whether the Age of Obama is giving way to an Age of Austerity, one that will inevitably reduce America’s influence internationally.
Isn't that the goal? American needs to be brought down a notch or two, right?

Speak for yourself. You only look foolish when you try to speak for others. :eusa_hand:

I'll let the others speak for themselves, then.

The Peril of Too Much Power - Page 2 - New York Times
Contrary to what many Europeans think, the problem with American power is not that it is American. The problem is simply the power. It would be dangerous even for an archangel to wield so much power. The writers of the American Constitution wisely determined that no single locus of power, however benign, should predominate; for even the best could be led into temptation. Every power should therefore be checked by at least one other. That also applies in world politics.


Who, then, should check and complement American power? International agencies, starting with the United Nations, and transnational nongovernmental organizations are a place to start. But they alone are not enough. My answer is Europe -- Europe as an economic equal to the United States and Europe as a close-knit group of states with long diplomatic and military experience. The European Union is already a major force in trade and foreign aid, and it is slowly acquiring more diplomatic coherence. But the gulf between its military capacity and that of the United States grows ever wider.​
And of course, NYT policy is support for a weaker America. That's why they publish secret materials detailing our programs intended to fight our enemies.
Now the topic of discussion in other capitals is whether the Age of Obama is giving way to an Age of Austerity, one that will inevitably reduce America’s influence internationally.
Isn't that the goal? American needs to be brought down a notch or two, right?

"We have been arrogant at times." -Pres Barack Obama.
Now the topic of discussion in other capitals is whether the Age of Obama is giving way to an Age of Austerity, one that will inevitably reduce America’s influence internationally.
Isn't that the goal? American needs to be brought down a notch or two, right?

Who's goal? The Party of No? The Party who wants us to default? The Party who wants anything that can make President Obama look bad?

It's working.
Um.... maintaining power and the highest one of the highest standards of living im the world is expensive.

I just finished reading a book about British shipbuilding between the world wars.

Found interesting comparisons. The debates themselves showed British weaknesses.
I expect the Teaparty to offer an official apology for this,

how dare the people not in power do this to those in power,

Now the topic of discussion in other capitals is whether the Age of Obama is giving way to an Age of Austerity, one that will inevitably reduce America’s influence internationally.
Isn't that the goal? American needs to be brought down a notch or two, right?

Who's goal? The Party of No? The Party who wants us to default? The Party who wants anything that can make President Obama look bad?

It's working.

Now the topic of discussion in other capitals is whether the Age of Obama is giving way to an Age of Austerity, one that will inevitably reduce America’s influence internationally.
Isn't that the goal? American needs to be brought down a notch or two, right?

Who's goal? The Party of No? The Party who wants us to default? The Party who wants anything that can make President Obama look bad?

It's working.

You know, A member of the left posted just yesterday. Pay back is a bitch..

It is isnt it?

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