Spain Is Reaping What It Sows

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
They wanted to commit Cultural Genocide by importing hostile cultures in to their country, and they got exactly what they wanted.

150 ISIS Attacks in Europe in the past two years!

"Sow To The Wind, Reap The Whirlwind!"
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BTW You Leftist Morons Who Like To Suck Jihadist Cock, you are aware that Al Queda is still active and has branched out in to child cells and affiliates and is now in a scoring contest with ISIS for how many innocent people they can kill, right?

And you are aware that the number one point of ingress Illegally in to The US is still through Mexico for Jihadists, Right?
BTW You Leftist Morons Who Like To Suck Jihadist Cock, you are aware that Al Queda is still active and has branched out in to child cells and affiliates and is now in a scoring contest with ISIS for how many innocent people they can kill?
They would rather fight to exclude white people from the right to free speech than to bother with all these seemingly trivial matters....
I say we make a new law that for every immigrant who kills an American in this country that we give Jihadi a politician who believes in open borders to appease Allah by having his head lopped off.

Then we can put the severed head in a jar and line them up in The Capital Rotunda until these Congressional Traitors begin enforcing our immigration laws, and strengthen our border.

But but but Robert E. Lee scares me.
Muh Triggers!

BTW You Leftist Morons Who Like To Suck Jihadist Cock, you are aware that Al Queda is still active and has branched out in to child cells and affiliates and is now in a scoring contest with ISIS for how many innocent people they can kill?
They would rather fight to exclude white people from the right to free speech than to bother with all these seemingly trivial matters....
The case of Spain and its considerable muslim refugee population is fascinating. Long ago---
I was told by muslims educated in south east asia (no less) That Spain is "muslim land"----
it had just gotten stolen from muslims by Christians. Didn't the people controlling things
in spain not KNOW about this interesting belief?. More recently----none other than OSAMA BIN
LADEN alluded to the reversal of the "tragedy of Andalus. ----reversal----recovery -----
how does one say RECONQUISTA in Arabic?

You are welcome

The case of Spain and its considerable muslim refugee population is fascinating. Long ago---
I was told by muslims educated in south east asia (no less) That Spain is "muslim land"----
it had just gotten stolen from muslims by Christians. Didn't the people controlling things
in spain not KNOW about this interesting belief?. More recently----none other than OSAMA BIN
LADEN alluded to the reversal of the "tragedy of Andalus. ----reversal----recovery -----
how does one say RECONQUISTA in Arabic?
They wanted to commit Cultural Genocide by importing hostile cultures in to their country, and they got exactly what they wanted.

150 ISIS Attacks in Europe in the past two years!

"Sow To The Wind, Reap The Whirlwind!"
At least they stomped out the Nazi threat so that's not compounding on top of the efforts of the JV team. Sadly in the U.S., they're still going strong.
Victims are never to be blamed. That's just ridiculous.
If you send your child in to a hostile situation were Cop Murderers, Anarchist Vandals, and Racists Congregate....who is at fault?
The mother.
If as a Nation, you invite Hostile Cultures in to your Country, who is at fault?
The Voters, and The Politicians.

We are accountable for the decisions we make.
They wanted to commit Cultural Genocide by importing hostile cultures in to their country, and they got exactly what they wanted.

What, allowing Sephardic Jews to be citizens? Seriously? :eek::rolleyes:;)

Welcome home, 500 years later: Spain offers citizenship to Sephardic Jews

Seriously, this thread is aguably the silliest I've read so far this year.

I am fascinated. What is "silly" about it?
No you're not. But I'll tell you anyway. This thread is yet another by some cowardly, paranoid, right-wing whack-job who is determined to make a mountain out of a molehill. Had he done his homework he'd have discovered there are about as many Romanians in Spain as there are Muslims; roughly 10-20%% of the Spanish population is foreign born and most of them come from either Europe or South America and many, if not most migrants from Africa that land in Spain are not even Muslims in any event.
They wanted to commit Cultural Genocide by importing hostile cultures in to their country, and they got exactly what they wanted.

What, allowing Sephardic Jews to be citizens? Seriously? :eek::rolleyes:;)

Welcome home, 500 years later: Spain offers citizenship to Sephardic Jews

Seriously, this thread is aguably the silliest I've read so far this year.

I am fascinated. What is "silly" about it?
No you're not. But I'll tell you anyway. This thread is yet another by some cowardly, paranoid, right-wing whack-job who is determined to make a mountain out of a molehill. Had he done his homework he'd have discovered there are about as many Romanians in Spain as there are Muslims; roughly 10-20%% of the Spanish population is foreign born and most of them come from either Europe or South America and many, if not most migrants from Africa that land in Spain are not even Muslims in any event.

to what "mole-hill" do you allude? why not a "tempest in a teapot" whilst you
are using meaningless jingles?
They wanted to commit Cultural Genocide by importing hostile cultures in to their country, and they got exactly what they wanted.

What, allowing Sephardic Jews to be citizens? Seriously? :eek::rolleyes:;)

Welcome home, 500 years later: Spain offers citizenship to Sephardic Jews

Seriously, this thread is aguably the silliest I've read so far this year.

I am fascinated. What is "silly" about it?
No you're not. But I'll tell you anyway. This thread is yet another by some cowardly, paranoid, right-wing whack-job who is determined to make a mountain out of a molehill. Had he done his homework he'd have discovered there are about as many Romanians in Spain as there are Muslims; roughly 10-20%% of the Spanish population is foreign born and most of them come from either Europe or South America and many, if not most migrants from Africa that land in Spain are not even Muslims in any event.

to what "mole-hill" do you allude? why not a "tempest in a teapot" whilst you
are using meaningless jingles?
Thought it was obvious, the "Mooslims" are coming, lock up your daughters! "Eurabia" is around the corner! blah, blah, blah. The OP even can't get his "facts" straight, 150 attacks? No tosser, 150 deaths in less than 20 incidents across all of Europe.

European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) 2016

Compare that with road deaths in the same period, 37,898 and you get an idea of the real situation, not the right-wing wet dream fantasies of the OP. You've as much chance being killed by terrorists in europe as being struck by lightning.

Silly thread, period.
The Jews and Muslims together ruled Spain (Jews as as court advisors and tax collectors) before the Reconquista, both were evicted unless they converted to Christianity. Most converted and became Morriscos and Marranos respectively. That's just a fact. The right-wing of Spain, starting with Franco welcomed the Muslims to Spain. Not the leftists. The Republican Government fought against Franco's Muslim army. The right-wing moron that posted this thread is an idiot. Franco was a right-wing Fascist, by the way.
The Jews and Muslims together ruled Spain (Jews as as court advisors and tax collectors) before the Reconquista, both were evicted unless they converted to Christianity. Most converted and became Morriscos and Marranos respectively. That's just a fact. The right-wing of Spain, starting with Franco welcomed the Muslims to Spain. Not the leftists. The Republican Government fought against Franco's Muslim army. The right-wing moron that posted this thread is an idiot. Franco was a right-wing Fascist, by the way.

Try again Monte. You seem to have forgotten-----jews can read and write. Jews were dhimmis in Moorish spain------of course they did the kinds of things muslims COULD NOT DO-----like read and write which is why being an ACCOUNTANT is and was something almost like a JEWISH GUILD in both Christian and muslim lands. (my dad was the only jew on his US navy ship in world war II-----so he was made the SHIP's BURSAR-----some things never change) They were CERTAINLY NOT THE RULERS. And there were periodic POGROMS ----the records
still exist------but mostly in Hebraized Arabic---or just regular Hebrew-----so you cannot read them. Your grasp of history indicates to me that you got it from classic comics. As tp your "kiss my ass" comment
Feel free to ask questions. I got relatives whose communities were IN TOUCH with the jews of
Moorish Spain-----some of the letters actually survived. As to right wing Franco-----why not? Adolf liked
muslims too. An interesting factoid is-------Communist countries are partial to BAATHISTS----totalitarian lilkes totalitarian
The Jews and Muslims together ruled Spain (Jews as as court advisors and tax collectors) before the Reconquista, both were evicted unless they converted to Christianity. Most converted and became Morriscos and Marranos respectively. That's just a fact. The right-wing of Spain, starting with Franco welcomed the Muslims to Spain. Not the leftists. The Republican Government fought against Franco's Muslim army. The right-wing moron that posted this thread is an idiot. Franco was a right-wing Fascist, by the way.

Try again Monte. You seem to have forgotten-----jews can read and write. Jews were dhimmis in Moorish spain------of course they did the kinds of things muslims COULD NOT DO-----like read and write which is why being an ACCOUNTANT is and was something almost like a JEWISH GUILD in both Christian and muslim lands. (my dad was the only jew on his US navy ship in world war II-----so he was made the SHIP's BURSAR-----some things never change) They were CERTAINLY NOT THE RULERS. And there were periodic POGROMS ----the records
still exist------but mostly in Hebraized Arabic---or just regular Hebrew-----so you cannot read them. Your grasp of history indicates to me that you got it from classic comics. As tp your "kiss my ass" comment
Feel free to ask questions. I got relatives whose communities were IN TOUCH with the jews of
Moorish Spain-----some of the letters actually survived. As to right wing Franco-----why not? Adolf liked
muslims too. An interesting factoid is-------Communist countries are partial to BAATHISTS----totalitarian lilkes totalitarian

Oh shut up. You make no sense. You have no clue about history, all you want us to believe is that the Jews are victims. In Arab Spain, the Jews were the oppressors of the Christians along with their Muslim allies. You make up everything you post. Sure you had contacts in Moorish Spain, who do you think you are kidding.

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