SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Wants Man to Be a Multi-Planet Species


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
He's correct. Mans ultimate survival is dependent on getting off of this one rock.
We advanced extraterrestrials are fobidden from transporting any humans off of plantet earth.
the penalty for releasing such a primitive species posessing dangerous tech off plantet would be extreme.
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Mankind will only be able to leave planet earth when they can leave their fears and hatreds behind.
Mankind will only be able to leave planet earth when they can leave their fears and hatreds behind.

It's fear and hatred that have driven man to where man is. Brotherly love sadly drives no one anyplace. I for one would like to see less fear and hate but it is the driving force no matter how much "enlightened" people wish it were otherwise.
Mankind will only be able to leave planet earth when they can leave their fears and hatreds behind.

It's fear and hatred that have driven man to where man is. Brotherly love sadly drives no one anyplace. I for one would like to see less fear and hate but it is the driving force no matter how much "enlightened" people wish it were otherwise.

Yes but man must learn better before he completes the cycle required by a species driven by fear and hatred.
Mankind will only be able to leave planet earth when they can leave their fears and hatreds behind.

It's fear and hatred that have driven man to where man is. Brotherly love sadly drives no one anyplace. I for one would like to see less fear and hate but it is the driving force no matter how much "enlightened" people wish it were otherwise.

Yes but man must learn better before he completes the cycle required by a species driven by fear and hatred.

You're making the very large assumption he can. Mighty big of you but in the 10,000 year history that we know of your faith in mans ability to do so is lacking. Time is against us as well. There are many large rocks out there that cross our path and when the next one hits us man will run out of time to escape that particular disaster and then he won't have the opportunty to improve himself.

I say get your parachute in order then learn how to live a peaceful life when you can survive whatever disaster befalls you.
Musk is the hero of the manned space flight community. He is competing very hard to be the primary builder of vehicles to carry crews and supplies to the ISS. But the ISS is to be dumped ino the Pacific ocean, in what? 9 or 10 years?

He will be pushing hard for survival for his company, and more complex missions than building delivery vehicles to a soon to be abandoned space station.

If NASA steps out of the way, and allows the same kind of risks that it took to build the first jet fighters, Musk could probably find the resources to get a crew to Mars, in his lifetime, as a "raison d'être" - a reason for being. It will take internationalists, and the internationalists believe the way to Mars is by way of the moon, not visiting asteroids which has ostensibly become the newest NASA project, and "reason for being."
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