Space Needle: Christian Crusade


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The Space Needle is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark of the Pacific Northwest, and an icon of Seattle. It was built in the Seattle Center for the 1962 World's Fair, which drew over 2.3 million visitors, when nearly 20,000 people a day used its elevators (source of information: Wikipedia).

The Space Needle is a great monument of modern civilization, not unlike the Twin Towers of NYC or the Houston Astrodome.

After 9/11, the world became on edge about the targeting of civilization-symbolic monuments by anti-Western terrorists.

So what if we imagine that the Space Needle is a 'beacon' for a modern-day Christian crusade for the trumpeting of ethics in capitalism and the holism of the American Dream? After all, does the fact that our consumerism-centric USA has elected a capitalism-baron as its President (Donald Trump), only the second 'celebrity-president' after Ronald Reagan (who unfortunately left us with the overwhelming legacy of Reaganomics), make us 'cynical' about capitalism-daydreams?

Signing off,


As the villainous terrorist organization Cobra, now allied to ISIS, eyed the 'grandeur' of the Seattle Space Needle, the valiant and patriotic G.I. Joes prepared to secure the American monument from the threat of destruction. The Cobra 'emperor' Serpentor ordered his wily female-assassin Pythona to infiltrate the Space Needle and hold visitors as hostages for ransom until the G.I. Joe leader (Duke) surrendered to Serpentor unconditionally. Pythona did so, and the G.I. Joes sent their own female-warrior Lady Jaye to try to disarm Pythona while Duke planned a counter-measure against Cobra.

Cobra was a team of fascists who were basically atheist. The G.I. Joes, on the other hand, were democracy-defenders with a 'Christian bias,' so they considered the defense of the Space Needle (after 9/11) a point-of-honor and a virtuous mission reflective of the support of American values (i.e., democracy/capitalism). The Cobra ninja Storm-Shadow planned to destroy the Seattle Fire Department so any response to a terrorist attack on the Space Needle (if G.I. Joe did not surrender Duke to Serpentor) could not be countered with vigor, and the G.I. Joes sent their own ninja Snake-Eyes to track Storm-Shadow and prevent him from doing 'complementary terrorism-work.'

As Storm-Shadow and Snake-Eyes scurried around Seattle trying to predict each others' moves, Serpentor waited (ironically patiently) for the G.I. Joes to surrender Duke so Pythona could free the hostages in the Space Needle and refrain from setting off the numerous devastating explosives Pythona laced across the tower. Duke considered surrendering to Cobra, but the G.I. Joe field-commander Flint insisted that they wait to see if such a drastic submission was in fact necessary. Duke decided to telephone Serpentor and talk to him about this terrorism-initiative and how it demoralized America's sense of Christian optimism towards the defense of pro-capitalism/democracy 'monuments' such as the iconic Space Needle.

DUKE: What exactly are your intentions?
SERPENTOR: We intend to use the Space Needle to remind people of 9/11.
DUKE: You're a villain and a terrorist, but now I'm sure you're a fascist too...
SERPENTOR: Your Christian biases make you emotional, Duke!
DUKE: I stand for democracy and the people, Serpentor.
SERPENTOR: The Space Needle is simply a giant pinhead in the American landscape.
DUKE: False! The Space Needle represents, like other buildings, the American Dream.
SERPENTOR: Americans have become hypnotized by capitalism...nothing more.
DUKE: Violence and mayhem are not the answers to international diplomacy problems.
SERPENTOR: When North Korea fires nukes upon American shores, you will understand.
DUKE: Cobra preaches anarchy, and what the world needs is governance...
SERPENTOR: Sometimes, revolution comes through the tide of force --- not prayer.
DUKE: Imagine the headlines --- "Cobra destroys Seattle's great dream-needle!"
SERPENTOR: Maybe the G.I. Joes have become a squad of 'seamstresses.'
DUKE: What would Jesus Christ think?
SERPENTOR: He might marvel at the splendor of the Burger King in Afghanistan!
DUKE: There's nothing wrong with 'convenient mercantilism,' Serpentor.
SERPENTOR: We'll see if capitalism is remembered as a 'Christian achievement.'
DUKE: Don't confuse grammar with will...
SERPENTOR: Terrorism has been vilified as a 'theatrical tactic.'



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