Soviets killed over 20 million in the 1930's, the West did nothing.

If you are looking for an apology for the carnage that happened in Russia you aren't going to get it. The "west" in the 30's belonged to the FDR administration and it seems that Stalin became a personal friend of FDR who called him "uncle Joe".
Meh those folks had been slaughtering each other for all time. They sorted it out eventually.

In fact, to understand these wars, there are several opinions. Each of these opinions must be proven or refuted.

I know the sources, where does this "crocked Pole" take the figures ...

It's strange for me.
This section is called History.
Why is there a masturbation of this Pole?

You blame Poland for 1934 non-Aggression pact with Nazis, even though Poland signed a non-Aggression pact with Soviets in 1932.

The actual beginning of World War II

Furthermore, you ignore that in 1934 there was a Holodomor, and in 1937 there was the Polish Operation of the NKVD, over 160,000 Poles killed between the 2 events.

But, oh well Nazis who killed almost no one before 1939 must've been the sole problem, right.

Blame Poland, but don't blame Soviet Communism.
i know much more than anyone here about all crimes " second polish republic " and i have to agree with you , its crimes very little compere TO soviet crimes ...just read what COMMIES did to Belarusians, Kazakhs, Crimean Tatars , "SOVIET" PEASANTS , etc.

Poles in Pilsudski's biggest war killed perhaps 20,000 Soviet soldiers in the Polish - Soviet War in 1919 - 1920, in the otter Polish wars of the era far less were killed.

Besides, I don't care very much about dead Commie-pigs, although I do care perhaps a bit about soldiers forced into the ordeal by Lenin - Trotsky (Zydokomuna)

Ultimately, Poland didn't kill anything on the scale of Soviets, or Nazis, or even the U.S.A for that matter.
I couldn´t care less about killed sovok solders, the Poles could kill all satanists , i don't care. i talk about character of apartheid semi - fascist "second Polish republic". where the Belarusians and Ukrainians, ( + Jews) ended up in their own homes the second class citizens .

I certainly don't care about Jews, they could've assimilated after 800 years of living in Polish society.

As for Ukrainians, they had proven to be a threat in Wolyn Massacre.
Was Stalin a murdering asshole...............YUP...............

Did he kill anyone, including friends, who were a threat to his power............YUP

Was the rest of the world ready to go and fight Russia over it, during a depression..............NOPE.......

And in regards to fighting with them as Allies......The enemy of my enemy is my friend........YUP
Was Stalin a murdering asshole...............YUP...............

Did he kill anyone, including friends, who were a threat to his power............YUP

Was the rest of the world ready to go and fight Russia over it, during a depression..............NOPE.......

And in regards to fighting with them as Allies......The enemy of my enemy is my friend........YUP
We also didn't really know what was going on in the USSR under Stalin. Stupid thread.
Was Stalin a murdering asshole...............YUP...............

Did he kill anyone, including friends, who were a threat to his power............YUP

Was the rest of the world ready to go and fight Russia over it, during a depression..............NOPE.......

And in regards to fighting with them as Allies......The enemy of my enemy is my friend........YUP
We also didn't really know what was going on in the USSR under Stalin. Stupid thread.
no internet
no free press
...I've been reading Bloodlands:Europe Between Hitler and Stalin just these past few weeks--this book is on the exact title of the thread of the sections tells of how hitler had to be more ''secretive'' in his killings because of ''more journalists/press'' in Germany
...where Stalin did not have to really worry about it
etc etc
Was Stalin a murdering asshole...............YUP...............

Did he kill anyone, including friends, who were a threat to his power............YUP

Was the rest of the world ready to go and fight Russia over it, during a depression..............NOPE.......

And in regards to fighting with them as Allies......The enemy of my enemy is my friend........YUP
We also didn't really know what was going on in the USSR under Stalin. Stupid thread.

How could they not know?
Obviously some Ukrainians who were being brutalized must've told their stories in the West as they fled.
Was Stalin a murdering asshole...............YUP...............

Did he kill anyone, including friends, who were a threat to his power............YUP

Was the rest of the world ready to go and fight Russia over it, during a depression..............NOPE.......

And in regards to fighting with them as Allies......The enemy of my enemy is my friend........YUP
We also didn't really know what was going on in the USSR under Stalin. Stupid thread.

How could they not know?
Obviously some Ukrainians who were being brutalized must've told their stories in the West as they fled.
Stalin/etc countered with propaganda/lies/etc
it's exactly like today's news---they could say/publish/etc all kinds of lies and bullshit
...only back then, there wasn't instant communication/iphones/security cameras/etc = much easier to tell lies and get away with it
...also, like in many conflicts/wars/killings/etc, one side says the other side is wrong/started it/etc---''the other side is the bad guys--not us''
It is not clear how much was known about what Stalin was doing. Even if one heard about it, the acts are so horrendous that one could be excused for thinking the reports absurd propaganda. Like Hitler, the crimes are to atrocious to be believable, yet, there they are.
Was Stalin a murdering asshole...............YUP...............

Did he kill anyone, including friends, who were a threat to his power............YUP

Was the rest of the world ready to go and fight Russia over it, during a depression..............NOPE.......

And in regards to fighting with them as Allies......The enemy of my enemy is my friend........YUP
We also didn't really know what was going on in the USSR under Stalin. Stupid thread.

How could they not know?
Obviously some Ukrainians who were being brutalized must've told their stories in the West as they fled.
I've never heard of anyone fleeing, seems like they just died where they were...

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