South Carolina


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Jillian made the claim in another thread that because South Carolina has no State minimum wage it was essential the same as Mexico. That it was competing for jobs from Mexico. That its life style and standard of living were the same as Mexico.

When asked to provide evidence such a claim was true she simply stopped posting in the thread.

Anyone agree with her and care to provide actual evidence such a claim is true?
Tough for Libs to admit there are places that exist with different lifestyles, customs, and mores other than those practiced by the members of the NYT's all male conga line or their demographically similar cousins in Providence, RI, who thought nothing was seriously wrong when their elected Congressional Representative turned up, clad only in his shorts, at 2:00AM one hot and humid July morning, bouncing off the concrete barriers in downtown DC. When questioned, young Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) explained that he was on his way to cast his vote in the House of Representatives. Young Paddy later checked into a rehab facility and was handily re elected despite never making a single campaign appearance in his own behalf. They easily recognize knights in Shining Armor in Liberal Land.
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South Carolina doesn't need a minimum wage as the federal government already has one. Very few people make the minimum wage anyway.
South Carolina doesn't need a minimum wage as the federal government already has one. Very few people make the minimum wage anyway.

I pointed out to Jillian that a federal Minimum wage existed, she beng a Lawyer you would think she knew that. She insisted I answer her question on why South Carolina was competing for Jobs from mexico and repeated the claim that South Carolina was just like Mexico because it had no minimum wage and was a State that allowed employers to fire employees for any legal reason.
She does not like to admit to owning herself.

to be fair, I do that a bit myself, and I don't like it either.

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