South Carolina: FREE rides, paid by gov't, to get ID to vote; Only 25 bothered.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010

So Obama and libtards are suing SC, again, this time for it's law that brutally requires, GASP, a person to show an ID when voting.

Whiners and career-victims immediately cried foul, and said it was discriminatory. They said plenty of the 81,000 SC voters who didn't have ID's could not get them because they had no way of getting to the DMV.

SO.....SC's government provided FREE transportation, pickup, etc, for anyone wanting a gov't issued ID card. Yep. Just let SC gov't know, and you'll be picked up, taken to the DMV, get your ID, and the horrors of discrimination against you, well......ENDS!! HOORAY!! You have an ID.

Of the 81,000 in SC, quoted by lefties as the # of voters without ID, how many took SC on it's offer to provide a free ride to get that precious ID card, to end their plight? Well.....25. Yep. 25.

People who bitch about not having an ID are incompetent and lazy. If they live in this society that provides SO MUCH to it's people, yet, they can't pull their own damn weight, literally, to the edge of their driveway for a free ride to get an ID to vote......then they shouldn't be fucking voting anyway. Too stupid. Too lazy.
Update: 25 To Get Free Photo ID Rides From South Carolina | WSPA

So Obama and libtards are suing SC, again, this time for it's law that brutally requires, GASP, a person to show an ID when voting.

Whiners and career-victims immediately cried foul, and said it was discriminatory. They said plenty of the 81,000 SC voters who didn't have ID's could not get them because they had no way of getting to the DMV.

SO.....SC's government provided FREE transportation, pickup, etc, for anyone wanting a gov't issued ID card. Yep. Just let SC gov't know, and you'll be picked up, taken to the DMV, get your ID, and the horrors of discrimination against you, well......ENDS!! HOORAY!! You have an ID.

Of the 81,000 in SC, quoted by lefties as the # of voters without ID, how many took SC on it's offer to provide a free ride to get that precious ID card, to end their plight? Well.....25. Yep. 25.

People who bitch about not having an ID are incompetent and lazy. If they live in this society that provides SO MUCH to it's people, yet, they can't pull their own damn weight, literally, to the edge of their driveway for a free ride to get an ID to vote......then they shouldn't be fucking voting anyway. Too stupid. Too lazy.

They want the cart to pull the horse...
The Post Hoc Fallacy is committed whenever one reasons to a causal conclusion based solely on the supposed cause preceding its "effect". Of course, it is a necessary condition of causation that the cause precede the effect, but it is not a sufficient condition. Thus, post hoc evidence may suggest the hypothesis of a causal relationship, which then requires further testing, but it is never sufficient evidence on its own.

Post Hoc also manifests itself as a bias towards jumping to conclusions based upon coincidences.

Logical Fallacy: Post Hoc
In this case the fallacy is the supposition that those who didn’t participate in the ‘free ride’ program are ‘lazy,’ or ‘don’t want to vote,’ and that voter ID laws are consequently ‘justified.’
The Post Hoc Fallacy is committed whenever one reasons to a causal conclusion based solely on the supposed cause preceding its "effect". Of course, it is a necessary condition of causation that the cause precede the effect, but it is not a sufficient condition. Thus, post hoc evidence may suggest the hypothesis of a causal relationship, which then requires further testing, but it is never sufficient evidence on its own.

Post Hoc also manifests itself as a bias towards jumping to conclusions based upon coincidences.

Logical Fallacy: Post Hoc
In this case the fallacy is the supposition that those who didn’t participate in the ‘free ride’ program are ‘lazy,’ or ‘don’t want to vote,’ and that voter ID laws are consequently ‘justified.’

And yet you claim Bush lied to get us in a war? Once again if Bush lied then for 8 years the Clinton White House lied too. Ohh and 3 Congressional Investigations just got it wrong, right?
So Holder is admitting that "his people" are too stupid/lazy to obtain a photo ID but it is racist to demand one at the polling place!

Holder sure has so little faith for "his people" that he wants to make sure they stay on the plantation build by the dems.

One can only imagine the blizzard of race cards being thrown about if a conservative had taken this position regarding Holder's people.
Update: 25 To Get Free Photo ID Rides From South Carolina | WSPA

So Obama and libtards are suing SC, again, this time for it's law that brutally requires, GASP, a person to show an ID when voting.

Whiners and career-victims immediately cried foul, and said it was discriminatory. They said plenty of the 81,000 SC voters who didn't have ID's could not get them because they had no way of getting to the DMV.

SO.....SC's government provided FREE transportation, pickup, etc, for anyone wanting a gov't issued ID card. Yep. Just let SC gov't know, and you'll be picked up, taken to the DMV, get your ID, and the horrors of discrimination against you, well......ENDS!! HOORAY!! You have an ID.

Of the 81,000 in SC, quoted by lefties as the # of voters without ID, how many took SC on it's offer to provide a free ride to get that precious ID card, to end their plight? Well.....25. Yep. 25.

People who bitch about not having an ID are incompetent and lazy. If they live in this society that provides SO MUCH to it's people, yet, they can't pull their own damn weight, literally, to the edge of their driveway for a free ride to get an ID to vote......then they shouldn't be fucking voting anyway. Too stupid. Too lazy.

you know, not for nothing, but you would have made this excellent point a lot better minus the libtard etc etc...don't lower yourself, the point stands on its own and makes itself.

thx for the article.:eusa_clap:
The Post Hoc Fallacy is committed whenever one reasons to a causal conclusion based solely on the supposed cause preceding its "effect". Of course, it is a necessary condition of causation that the cause precede the effect, but it is not a sufficient condition. Thus, post hoc evidence may suggest the hypothesis of a causal relationship, which then requires further testing, but it is never sufficient evidence on its own.

Post Hoc also manifests itself as a bias towards jumping to conclusions based upon coincidences.

Logical Fallacy: Post Hoc
In this case the fallacy is the supposition that those who didn’t participate in the ‘free ride’ program are ‘lazy,’ or ‘don’t want to vote,’ and that voter ID laws are consequently ‘justified.’

You ought to post that link in any of the AGW threads.
Update: 25 To Get Free Photo ID Rides From South Carolina | WSPA

So Obama and libtards are suing SC, again, this time for it's law that brutally requires, GASP, a person to show an ID when voting.

Whiners and career-victims immediately cried foul, and said it was discriminatory. They said plenty of the 81,000 SC voters who didn't have ID's could not get them because they had no way of getting to the DMV.

SO.....SC's government provided FREE transportation, pickup, etc, for anyone wanting a gov't issued ID card. Yep. Just let SC gov't know, and you'll be picked up, taken to the DMV, get your ID, and the horrors of discrimination against you, well......ENDS!! HOORAY!! You have an ID.

Of the 81,000 in SC, quoted by lefties as the # of voters without ID, how many took SC on it's offer to provide a free ride to get that precious ID card, to end their plight? Well.....25. Yep. 25.

People who bitch about not having an ID are incompetent and lazy. If they live in this society that provides SO MUCH to it's people, yet, they can't pull their own damn weight, literally, to the edge of their driveway for a free ride to get an ID to vote......then they shouldn't be fucking voting anyway. Too stupid. Too lazy.

Silly SC doesn't understand how you're supposed to treat the government dependents. Getting out of bed, getting dressed and taking a bus to go fill out forms and get ID is too much like work. The DMV is supposed to go to them, knock on their door and do everything for them.
Update: 25 To Get Free Photo ID Rides From South Carolina | WSPA

So Obama and libtards are suing SC, again, this time for it's law that brutally requires, GASP, a person to show an ID when voting.

Whiners and career-victims immediately cried foul, and said it was discriminatory. They said plenty of the 81,000 SC voters who didn't have ID's could not get them because they had no way of getting to the DMV.

SO.....SC's government provided FREE transportation, pickup, etc, for anyone wanting a gov't issued ID card. Yep. Just let SC gov't know, and you'll be picked up, taken to the DMV, get your ID, and the horrors of discrimination against you, well......ENDS!! HOORAY!! You have an ID.

Of the 81,000 in SC, quoted by lefties as the # of voters without ID, how many took SC on it's offer to provide a free ride to get that precious ID card, to end their plight? Well.....25. Yep. 25.

People who bitch about not having an ID are incompetent and lazy. If they live in this society that provides SO MUCH to it's people, yet, they can't pull their own damn weight, literally, to the edge of their driveway for a free ride to get an ID to vote......then they shouldn't be fucking voting anyway. Too stupid. Too lazy.

Silly SC doesn't understand how you're supposed to treat the government dependents. Getting out of bed, getting dressed and taking a bus to go fill out forms and get ID is too much like work. The DMV is supposed to go to them, knock on their door and do everything for them.
They're entitled, don'tcha know.
If they were going to vote Democrat anyway, what diff does it make as there aint no redder state w/ the exception of Oklahoma. Amiright?
Update: 25 To Get Free Photo ID Rides From South Carolina | WSPA

So Obama and libtards are suing SC, again, this time for it's law that brutally requires, GASP, a person to show an ID when voting.

Whiners and career-victims immediately cried foul, and said it was discriminatory. They said plenty of the 81,000 SC voters who didn't have ID's could not get them because they had no way of getting to the DMV.

SO.....SC's government provided FREE transportation, pickup, etc, for anyone wanting a gov't issued ID card. Yep. Just let SC gov't know, and you'll be picked up, taken to the DMV, get your ID, and the horrors of discrimination against you, well......ENDS!! HOORAY!! You have an ID.

Of the 81,000 in SC, quoted by lefties as the # of voters without ID, how many took SC on it's offer to provide a free ride to get that precious ID card, to end their plight? Well.....25. Yep. 25.

People who bitch about not having an ID are incompetent and lazy. If they live in this society that provides SO MUCH to it's people, yet, they can't pull their own damn weight, literally, to the edge of their driveway for a free ride to get an ID to vote......then they shouldn't be fucking voting anyway. Too stupid. Too lazy.

You do realize that we are 9 months away from the election, right?
Update: 25 To Get Free Photo ID Rides From South Carolina | WSPA

So Obama and libtards are suing SC, again, this time for it's law that brutally requires, GASP, a person to show an ID when voting.

Whiners and career-victims immediately cried foul, and said it was discriminatory. They said plenty of the 81,000 SC voters who didn't have ID's could not get them because they had no way of getting to the DMV.

SO.....SC's government provided FREE transportation, pickup, etc, for anyone wanting a gov't issued ID card. Yep. Just let SC gov't know, and you'll be picked up, taken to the DMV, get your ID, and the horrors of discrimination against you, well......ENDS!! HOORAY!! You have an ID.

Of the 81,000 in SC, quoted by lefties as the # of voters without ID, how many took SC on it's offer to provide a free ride to get that precious ID card, to end their plight? Well.....25. Yep. 25.

People who bitch about not having an ID are incompetent and lazy. If they live in this society that provides SO MUCH to it's people, yet, they can't pull their own damn weight, literally, to the edge of their driveway for a free ride to get an ID to vote......then they shouldn't be fucking voting anyway. Too stupid. Too lazy.

You do realize that we are 9 months away from the election, right?
Yes. Do the people who claim that getting a photo ID is an insurmountable obstacle realize it?
Yep. Which means we gave them PLENTY of time to get an ID, not to mention the tax payer funded free ride which only 25 out of 81,000 bothered accepting.

NO ONE is hurt by voter ID unless they are fraudulent or lazy.
Of the 81,000 in SC, quoted by lefties as the # of voters without ID, how many took SC on it's offer to provide a free ride to get that precious ID card, to end their plight? Well.....25. Yep. 25.

I wonder how many of the "81,000" actually knew about the offer?
Of the 81,000 in SC, quoted by lefties as the # of voters without ID, how many took SC on it's offer to provide a free ride to get that precious ID card, to end their plight? Well.....25. Yep. 25.

I wonder how many of the "81,000" actually knew about the offer?

All of them. It was broadcast and printed for weeks in every SC news outlet. TV, print, and letters sent out. Only an absolute moron who doesn't read, watch news or have a clue whats going on would've missed it. And if anyone fits that, should they be voting?

Point is: 81,000 had no ID. Law passed. Only 25 showed for a free ride to get a free ID. It's a non issue. The law only hurts the frauds. End of story. Dems are only pissed because they can't cheat anymore.

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