Sotomayor Wins Confirmation Easily

Congratulations to the newest Supreme Court Justice!

Was there any doubt?
Now, let's see who's foot steps she follows. Activist to conservative, moderate to activist, activist to moderate, unchanged, etc.....
Like this is a big surprise to anybody? The Democrats can do any damn thing they please at the present time BUT it won't be but so much longer until 2010.... What's that I heard about "Change has come to America"?
Was there any doubt?
Now, let's see who's foot steps she follows. Activist to conservative, moderate to activist, activist to moderate, unchanged, etc.....

Thankfully, the only way she could be further left than Souter is if they dug up Mao and artificially inseminated him with sperm from Karl Marx and then let William Ayers raise the child.
Was there any doubt?
Now, let's see who's foot steps she follows. Activist to conservative, moderate to activist, activist to moderate, unchanged, etc.....

Thankfully, the only way she could be further left than Souter is if they dug up Mao and artificially inseminated him with sperm from Karl Marx and then let William Ayers raise the child.

She strikes me as more moderate, but what leads you to believe she is THAT far left (which, as you put it, would make her farther left than Ginsberg)
What will all those oppressed white men do now that Sotomayor is on the Supreme Court??
Was there any doubt?
Now, let's see who's foot steps she follows. Activist to conservative, moderate to activist, activist to moderate, unchanged, etc.....

Thankfully, the only way she could be further left than Souter is if they dug up Mao and artificially inseminated him with sperm from Karl Marx and then let William Ayers raise the child.

She strikes me as more moderate, but what leads you to believe she is THAT far left (which, as you put it, would make her farther left than Ginsberg)

I said that she can't be any further Left than Souter so its a Pyrrhic victory for America
Remember Souter started out as a conservative Justice, went moderate for a while then suddenly turned activist.

Thankfully, the only way she could be further left than Souter is if they dug up Mao and artificially inseminated him with sperm from Karl Marx and then let William Ayers raise the child.

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