Soros & Rove


Sep 23, 2010
Agreeing with George Soros is one lousy way to start a week. Or maybe Soros agrees with me because I’ve been saying it since the primary season began:

Billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros said that, if Mitt Romney wins the presidency, there will be “little difference” between him and Barack Obama in the White House.

I’ve never believed anything Romney says. Put all of the issues aside and Romney remains a Northeast-liberal investment banker from Massachusetts who was in Ted Kennedy’s hip pocket. Still, I was willing to overlook his flaws because he said he would sign legislation repealing Hillarycare II —— assuming the Senate sends the bill over. I even thought Romney would be more loyal to this country’s sovereignty than is Hussein.

I cannot tell you how elated I was when the Republican party platform rejected United Nations treaties. I cannot begin to tell you how depressed I became when I first read:

. . .Romney on Tuesday will speak to the Clinton Global Initiative sponsored by the disgraced and impeached former president.

NOTE: The CGI is not an official United Nations function. It is scheduled at the same time national leaders like Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad come to NY for a little speechifying.

I’ll wait to hear what Romney says on Tuesday before deciding if he is just another UN-loving traitor like the Clintons, or if he is a fool because he does not know the Clintons have been scheming and planning for Bubba to become the UN’s secretary-general with Hillary as president since they were in the White House.

Half a loaf is better than none

Romney would have to be defeated or be a one term president for Hillary to have a shot in 2016. So I suspect Romney has made a deal to help Bill Clinton get the UN job even if Hillary does not make it to White House. I cannot guess what Bill Clinton is offering Romney.

NOTE: Describe the Clintons with the foulest gutter language in your vocabulary and you would barely scratch their surface. If Romney does not know what the Clintons are by now he is naive on top of everything else. Shame on him if he does know.

I must add that it’s a good thing Romney’s speaking engagement for Clinton is scheduled while there is still time to elect truly conservative Tea Party senators. The country is going to need them if Saturday’s vote to cut funding to America’s enemies is the way of things:

Most Senate Republicans voted with Democrats FOR spending money we don’t have that is borrowed from China. We are faced with bipartisan corruption.

It is imperative that Tea Partiers put enough senators in office to stop everything the traitors are doing with the UNIC (United Nations/International Community) no matter who is president.


Cliff Kincaid’s piece identifies two establishment Republican villains in the drama ——Ed Gillespie and Karl Rove. I don’t know much about Gillespie, but I pegged Rove as the prince of double-dealing a long time ago:

Here is the dirty little secret: some conservatives have told me that they think former George W. Bush strategist Karl Rove, known as “Bush’s Brain,” wants Romney to lose so that former Florida Governor Jeb Bush can run for president in 2016 against Hillary. The belief, supported by the available evidence, is that Rove is in hock to the Bush family and promotes their interests. He runs a Super PAC in 2012 that pull in millions of dollars on pitiful advertising on behalf of Romney.

A Fox News contributor, Rove is also one of the strategists behind the effort to sabotage conservative Todd Akin’s campaign for the Senate seat from Missouri. He has said that Romney can take conservatives for granted and needs to appeal to Obama voters in 2012. This helps explain Romney’s kissing of Bill Clinton’s ring on Tuesday.

The only question is whether Romney is smart enough to understand what Rove and other consultants are doing to him. It doesn’t look good.

In the Akin case, as I have reported, the campaign against Akin was started by a Soros-funded group, Media Matters, and then picked up by Rove and the GOP establishment. It seems that the “progressives” and the establishment Republicans want this solid conservative out of the race. Perhaps they want the GOP to go the way of the “Conservative Party” in Britain, which has abandoned traditional values and embraced multi-culturalism.

Why is Romney Trying to Lose?
Guest Column--Cliff Kincaid (Bio and Archives) Sunday, September 23, 2012

Why is Romney Trying to Lose?

Should there be more than a grain of truth in Kincaid’s analysis Romney would be none the worse for wear if George Soros was advising him. It’s not listening to advice that hurts, it’s following the wrong advice that will bury Romney.

From my perspective Soros is trying to bury America as quickly as possible, while Rove’s brand of conservatism guarantees death by inches. Bottom line: Soros and Rove hate conservatives and a conservative America more than they hate each other.

Most conservatives are wise to Karl Rove irrespective of his many appearances on “fair and balanced” FOX Network talk shows. Conservatives know what Soros is. The question is “Does Romney have the moxie to castrate Rove before he can do more damage?”

Finally, the first time an adviser tells a candidate to go after Hussein’s voters is the minute that advisor should be sent packing in no uncertain terms. If there is one immutable truth in presidential politics it is this: The Devil will be handing out Snow Cones in hell before a one of Hussein’s faithful votes for a Republican.
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Did it ever occur to Romney, or Clinton, that private investors should use their own money and eat the loss when an investment does not pan out?

Mitt Romney unveiled his plan for a public-private partnership on foreign aid aimed at fostering free enterprise in developing countries during an address Tuesday at the Clinton Global Initiative.


In his remarks, Romney said his economic message of championing free enterprise could be combined with federal foreign aid to better position unstable developing countries for long-term growth.

Exactly how does foreign aid remove economic and social barriers when the money will go to the top and stay there just as it always has?

Romney’s “Prosperity Pacts” would encourage private companies to leverage federal aid in investments in developing countries. The aid would be conditional upon the removal of economic and social barriers in those countries.

Romney touts foreign aid overhaul in appearance at Clinton Global Initiative
By Jonathan Easley - 09/25/12 10:34 AM ET

Romney touts foreign aid overhaul in appearance at Clinton Global Initiative - The Hill's Video

Romney should have remained silent instead of reminding everybody that he a lying investment banker spouting the oldest garbage in the book “I can do it more efficiently.” I cannot count the times I heard candidates pull that crap. Romney is worse because he partnered with Bill Clinton’s CGI! Give me a break.

Romney is going to win the election because Hussein is so terrible, but he’ll do it without my vote. I’ll vote for the congressional candidates and leave the presidential line blank. In fact, I’m pretty sure Romney can add a lot of conservatives to the 47% of Democrats who will never vote for him.

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