Soros Lost Faith in Obama Economy


Bright F**ker
Oct 17, 2009
Has George Soros Lost Faith in the Obama Economy & the US Dollar? According to PTG Patriot Trading Group George Soros has increased his gold investments by 246%.

Also this new story on this in Wall Street Journal: Soros Increased Bet on Gold Last Year
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To H*LL with Soros! He is a despicable Communist cretin. He completely owns the Democratic Party. He hasn't lost faith,he's just hedging so he can keep his $Millions. George Soros is exacly what's wrong with the Democratic Party at this point. The man should be in prison.
Is there anyone who hasn't lost faith in the Obama economy? The economy cannot sustain growth in such an unstable environment. No one knows what kind of taxes are going to be placed on businesses. Nor does anyone know what effects Health Care regulations will have on businesses if Obama succeeds in his goals. Why on earth would anyone start a business or hire people when they have no stable outlook on costs or productivity within the next few years?

Not to mention anyone who actually questions this administration or suggests a better way then what they have dictated should be the way is treated with hostility and belligerence. The environment here is just not condusive to economic growth.
Awww, Soros is probably just pissed because the American people aren't just falling all over themselves to embrace OL'BO's agenda. Jeeze. We actually like to keep some of our money. Wow.

He's probably more pissed at Pelosi and Reid than he is at Obama. After all. These Clowns had a supermajority and couldn't pass their BS healthcare bill. God knows what else old lefty was pushing to see in America. Jeeze. Guy ought to go back to his birth country and stay there. Take his millions with him.
New data from credit research company TransUnion shows the mortgage delinquencies soared and were up for the 12th quarter in a row. Mortgages on which payments were more than 60 days past due hit an all-time high at 6.89% in the last quarter of 2009. TransUnion reported that the quarter “marks the first time the mortgage delinquency rate increase did not decelerate after doing so for three consecutive periods.” Year-over-year, mortgage borrower delinquency was up about 50 %.

New data show that the number of foreclosures will probably rise in 2010. The forecast from research operation RealtyTrac is that the figure could hit three million.

Unemployment could rise through the middle of this year, according to the Congressional Budget Office. That means a continued risk of home loan defaults and a smaller universe of potential homebuyers. The number of mortgages which are underwater is still high, which makes it hard for homeowners to sell their houses without the need to write a large check to their banks at closing.
To H*LL with Soros! He is a despicable Communist cretin. He completely owns the Democratic Party. He hasn't lost faith,he's just hedging so he can keep his $Millions. George Soros is exacly what's wrong with the Democratic Party at this point. The man should be in prison.

He belongs in jail next to Madoff. Hopefully is does not take American justice as long as it tooks France's to get that done.

Soros Convicted of Insider Trading in France | Rich Guys Club

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