Soprano's: Meadow's boyfriend leaves jobs to the minorities


Cousin Vinnie

Last night on episode 61 of the Soprano's, Meadow asks her boyfriend if he had any luck finding a job. He spoke of the bad economy, how there were only the lowest jobs available, but decided that he wouldn't take a job a "minority could have." I know there's such a thing as being sympathetic towards minorities, but anyone who refuses to take a job so a minority could have it (no guarantee that they are getting any more jobs because of his decision) is "insane." Now, THAT is dangerous for our country if anything: that kind of thinking.
Have you ever heard how they talk about blacks? Not too cool. It's always blamed on AA's when they kill somebody. Meadow's former BF was killed by an AA. Yeah right!

It's HBO. Go figure. I do like the Sopranos though. It reminds me of when I was kid. Carmella could be a friends mother. She's very realistic, and Tony is, too.
Yeah. Well. That character's a stupid liberal college kid, even if he is Meadow's Kerry-esque boyfriend. Actually, come to think of it, Meadow's an insane lib too. They're kids. It's a phase. Fuhgedaboutit.

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