Son of cop murders unarmed man in street. Of course he is not charged.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Police Protections are often, as a courtesy, extended to family members. This little truth is often ignored. This is usually a way out for speeding tickets, things like that. It doesn’t usually extend to murder. I call it murder because the victim was unarmed, and was pursued by the shotgun wielding thug junior. I do not know if reports that the shotgun in question was an illegally sawed off version. I suppose we can trust the cops in Killeen Texas, where the Suspect’s Father is a Cop, to perform a thorough investigation impartially. It took a minute to stop laughing after I wrote the last line.

Cop’s Son Shoots, Kills Unarmed Man in Broad Daylight, On Video—Police Let Him Go

Wait, there is video. First the raw video. Yes, it shows a man shot and laying dying in the street.

The news video from the local station including analysis from their legal expert.

Now, I agree with the legal expert. All things being equal, shooting an unarmed man in the street with a shotgun when you got out of your truck to argue with them is not exactly a self defense I was afeared for my life situation. Perhaps Junior thought that the excuses would work for him as they did Dad.

After the video was released, the Killeen police admitted that the suspect was a “relative” of a police officer, and they had invited the Texas Rangers to assist in the investigation. Anyone think that the good old boys in blue club is not going to help out a member of the Thin Blue Li(n)e and keep his boy out of prison? Anyone?

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