Sometimes Studies Go Around in Circles

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Study This
By Greg Crosby
June 24, 2005

Diet soft drinks make you fat. Yes, a new study has just come out that claims that people who drink diet soft drinks are more apt to gain weight over time than those who drink regular soda. Just when you thought you had it all figured out, some knuckleheaded study comes out to turn everything around. For years coffee was bad for you, then a study came out not long ago which claimed that coffee was actually good for your heart.

Chocolate has never been good for you — until a recent study has found that eating dark chocolate every day can actually lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing diabetes. Not only that, but another study has shown that dark chocolate can have a favorable effect on LDL ("bad" cholesterol). Coconut is another food they used to say was not very healthful, now evidently it is. Abracadabra!

Things that were once thought to be bad for you are turning out to be good for you now. I wonder when they'll finally get around to doing a study on cigarettes that show they are really quite healthful after all, or a study that proves strychnine, taken in large enough doses, can actually cure Dementia. (Actually it can, but unfortunately one of the big side effects is death.) I can't wait for that study to come out that says one large pizza a day is good for your cardiovascular system. Or a hot corned beef sandwich three times a day will lower the possibility of colon cancer.

for full article:
Among a few other things that I know, I know the secret to a healthful diet also. It is "If it taste good, spit it out. If it feels good, don't do it". I have no link or proof, but I read an article that said the World Health Organization has came out 4 times with studies that said second hand smoke from cigarettes isn't harmful. I told that to my Cardiologist and he said "don't believe everything you read".

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