Something is wrong with the Village Voice...


VIP Member
Apr 23, 2004
You'll have to check the Marauder's Map...
other than the fact that it is totally liberal biased(I read it for comic relief)...every time I try to bring it up on Internet Explorer, it will try to load for 2 seconds, then the window disappears. I bring it up in a new window, and it still disappears. Can someone type it in their browser and see if it may be just my system? All other pages work fine. I even tried linking to it through search engines. I know that I had to call tech support for MSN earlier today, and they told me that the server for my area is down, and helped me switch to the Denver one...but I don't think this has anything to do with it. But then again, my IT knowledge is limited, so what to I know.

Thanks for your help.

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