Something Has To Give With This "Asylum" Picture For Illegal Immigrants!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
America needs to have a major, earthquake type of debate about its "asylum" option for illegal immigrants to the U.S. to get visas to legally stay in the U.S.. Right now its a big game it has turned our immigration enforcement system into a dysfunctional system. Currently, huge numbers of illegal immigrants come from South American countries and even Mexico and cross the U.S. border and even in many cases seek out immigration border patrol agents and turn themselves in and then make an "asylum" case for legal status in the U.S. which prevents the border patrol agents from processing them through an expedited deportation system. This "asylum route" for illegal immigrants has caused our immigration detention facilities to be overwhelmed where immigration officials because of lack of space have to release asylum seekers and/or their children into society where often immigration officials then lose control over their whereabouts and they then become a member of the illegal population in America which numbers a small country's population number.

There is no easy solution here the problem has spiraled where it is just too much for America there is only hard decisions for the American people and its government to make! America needs to shut down the asylum immigration game! America needs to change its laws and explicitly say that "asylum" status is not available to people fleeing drug cartels or criminals enterprises or local government officials or people seeking to do violence against them. The American people need to say we know it is sad that these drug cartels and criminal gangs pose real threats to the life of some of these illegal immigrants but we cannot help if we offer this option it will be used to overwhelm our immigration system, we have to say to these foreigners you need to fix your own countries, we are sorry for your predicament but we cannot offer you any sanctuary we have our own problems the U.S. system is being changed this asylum path is being dramatically narrowed it will only be offered to foreigners that are under real threat in terms of life and/or liberty from "national" officials in their countries in regards to such threats from local officials you'll have to move to a different part of your home country. We Americans need to shut down this "asylum" game that illegal immigrants are playing here! The American people need to wake up and acknowledge we are no longer a superman country, America has profound problems America does not work for a lot of Americans we need to focus on solving problems our own citizens face we cannot provide relief to all these foreigners fleeing their broken countries!

In discussing the alarming problem of these drug and criminal gangs in South American countries and even in Mexico, ABC news had an informative video "Collecting The Dead in Acapulco: One Of Mexico's Most Violent Cities!", it seems to this writer and it seems that it should for any responsible person that the solution here is that these countries need to implement capital punishment. These countries have broken down as countries the citizens of these countries need to get their countries back and the practical only way to do this is to implement capital punishment against the criminal cartel leaders and corrupt government leaders that conspire with them in murder, kidnapping and major drug trafficking. If these major actors knew they would be forfeiting their life for their behavior it would be dramatically reduced if not stopped! Touching this topic one cannot ignore the major help in bringing this about that would result if the Catholic Church would call for this course. Heretofore the Catholic Church always rest on its doctrine of forgiveness and mercy on this issue the funny thing is that if one challenges the authority of the Catholic Church hierarchy these ideals are not even a consideration in the hierarchy protecting its power but if you call for capital punishment against murderers even the most heinous you're egregiously morally wrong! In any event, it would be meaningful helpful if the Catholic Church joined in this call; if the Catholic Church needed a moral justification for this path how about looking at its "just' war doctrine, the Catholic Church accepts killing for a people if they are protecting their sovereignty from external threats how about accepting it for internal threats to its sovereignty?

Shutting down this asylum problem for illegal immigration needs the utmost urgency from elected officials it cannot wait for comprehensive immigration reform to pass Congress and be signed by a President like that will happen in the foreseeable future. What is very eye opening and all you obstructionist to Comprehensive immigration reform should note that over the past fifteen years where you obstructionist have been having an unbreakable grip on your high ideals of no amnesty the illegal immigration has been getting worse the numbers have climbed dramatically and all its harm on America has likewise climbed dramatically the American people's interest have not been well served by what you have been doing. This writer is definitely not an open borders American, I am about solving the problem permanently and the silver bullet is shutting off work in America for illegals more specifically half of the bullet is mandating the use of e-verify for all employers and the second half of the bullet is mandating ICE or the Social Security Administration for every worker that is utilizing an already used Social Security Number that employer has ninety days to either correct that problem or terminate the worker and if they fail too issue a large fine against that employer. Correcting the problem would entail the worker within ninety days utilizing the appeal process and file a claim they are the rightful user of that SS# and if need be the ninety day time limit could be suspended until the appeal process is complete. Maybe members of Congress could pass legislation shutting down the asylum game if they likewise in legislation banned splitting up children of illegals from at least one of their parents and in conjunction funded the expansion of detention facilities for illegal immigrant families to aid ICE if finding a good place for these families!
immigration needs to be stopped completely and your American kids will someday thank you JimPA !! Why does the USA with 310 million legal residents in 2010 census and millions of illegal aliens need more third worlders JimPA .
i mean , thats a long post of what the USA needs to do which most all of your suggestions means that American taxpayers money needs to be spent . Just shut down immigration , why are more imported third worlders needed in the USA JimPA ??
America needs to have a major, earthquake type of debate about its "asylum" option for illegal immigrants to the U.S. to get visas to legally stay in the U.S.. Right now its a big game it has turned our immigration enforcement system into a dysfunctional system. Currently, huge numbers of illegal immigrants come from South American countries and even Mexico and cross the U.S. border and even in many cases seek out immigration border patrol agents and turn themselves in and then make an "asylum" case for legal status in the U.S. which prevents the border patrol agents from processing them through an expedited deportation system. This "asylum route" for illegal immigrants has caused our immigration detention facilities to be overwhelmed where immigration officials because of lack of space have to release asylum seekers and/or their children into society where often immigration officials then lose control over their whereabouts and they then become a member of the illegal population in America which numbers a small country's population number.

There is no easy solution here the problem has spiraled where it is just too much for America there is only hard decisions for the American people and its government to make! America needs to shut down the asylum immigration game! America needs to change its laws and explicitly say that "asylum" status is not available to people fleeing drug cartels or criminals enterprises or local government officials or people seeking to do violence against them. The American people need to say we know it is sad that these drug cartels and criminal gangs pose real threats to the life of some of these illegal immigrants but we cannot help if we offer this option it will be used to overwhelm our immigration system, we have to say to these foreigners you need to fix your own countries, we are sorry for your predicament but we cannot offer you any sanctuary we have our own problems the U.S. system is being changed this asylum path is being dramatically narrowed it will only be offered to foreigners that are under real threat in terms of life and/or liberty from "national" officials in their countries in regards to such threats from local officials you'll have to move to a different part of your home country. We Americans need to shut down this "asylum" game that illegal immigrants are playing here! The American people need to wake up and acknowledge we are no longer a superman country, America has profound problems America does not work for a lot of Americans we need to focus on solving problems our own citizens face we cannot provide relief to all these foreigners fleeing their broken countries!

In discussing the alarming problem of these drug and criminal gangs in South American countries and even in Mexico, ABC news had an informative video "Collecting The Dead in Acapulco: One Of Mexico's Most Violent Cities!", it seems to this writer and it seems that it should for any responsible person that the solution here is that these countries need to implement capital punishment. These countries have broken down as countries the citizens of these countries need to get their countries back and the practical only way to do this is to implement capital punishment against the criminal cartel leaders and corrupt government leaders that conspire with them in murder, kidnapping and major drug trafficking. If these major actors knew they would be forfeiting their life for their behavior it would be dramatically reduced if not stopped! Touching this topic one cannot ignore the major help in bringing this about that would result if the Catholic Church would call for this course. Heretofore the Catholic Church always rest on its doctrine of forgiveness and mercy on this issue the funny thing is that if one challenges the authority of the Catholic Church hierarchy these ideals are not even a consideration in the hierarchy protecting its power but if you call for capital punishment against murderers even the most heinous you're egregiously morally wrong! In any event, it would be meaningful helpful if the Catholic Church joined in this call; if the Catholic Church needed a moral justification for this path how about looking at its "just' war doctrine, the Catholic Church accepts killing for a people if they are protecting their sovereignty from external threats how about accepting it for internal threats to its sovereignty?

Shutting down this asylum problem for illegal immigration needs the utmost urgency from elected officials it cannot wait for comprehensive immigration reform to pass Congress and be signed by a President like that will happen in the foreseeable future. What is very eye opening and all you obstructionist to Comprehensive immigration reform should note that over the past fifteen years where you obstructionist have been having an unbreakable grip on your high ideals of no amnesty the illegal immigration has been getting worse the numbers have climbed dramatically and all its harm on America has likewise climbed dramatically the American people's interest have not been well served by what you have been doing. This writer is definitely not an open borders American, I am about solving the problem permanently and the silver bullet is shutting off work in America for illegals more specifically half of the bullet is mandating the use of e-verify for all employers and the second half of the bullet is mandating ICE or the Social Security Administration for every worker that is utilizing an already used Social Security Number that employer has ninety days to either correct that problem or terminate the worker and if they fail too issue a large fine against that employer. Correcting the problem would entail the worker within ninety days utilizing the appeal process and file a claim they are the rightful user of that SS# and if need be the ninety day time limit could be suspended until the appeal process is complete. Maybe members of Congress could pass legislation shutting down the asylum game if they likewise in legislation banned splitting up children of illegals from at least one of their parents and in conjunction funded the expansion of detention facilities for illegal immigrant families to aid ICE if finding a good place for these families!
I agree with you that asylum rules need to be changed because you are right that too many people are taking advantage of that and immediately pleading for asylum if they are caught coming here illegally. I don't agree with what should be changed, though. Being in danger from a drug cartel is just as imminently life threatening as being in danger from the government in power. Kids are being forced into drug cartels and their lives are being ruined, just so they can survive.
Besides the fact that America should be working with Latin American countries to stomp out these cartels and the growers, maybe we should only accept asylum requests from an official route, like an embassy? I don't know, but it seems as if, if you are caught here illegally, you cannot THEN request asylum. Would that help?
There is the simplest answer to this. Apply for citizenship the correct way. No asylum necessary. No sanctuary cities. No murdering gangs. No border hopping. No loop holes. Arrest warrants for those who shove their children across the line for their own ticket. And the opposite of catch and release. Catch and work gang. Hand them a shit map, and a scooper....
Central Americans are fleeing from gangs, but they are bringing their gangs with them.
Americans do not want our country to become a third world gang battle field.
The high school that I went to used to be upper middle class and now it's infested with third world gangs.
I guess that was what that idiot Obama meant by "fundamentally change"
Troglocrats are dumb.
it also happened under all the 'bushs' and started with republican 'reagan' . JUST happy that we beat out 'hilary' and the 'bush' named 'jebito bush' . ---- GO,Trump Trog .
Central Americans are fleeing from gangs, but they are bringing their gangs with them.
Americans do not want our country to become a third world gang battle field.
The high school that I went to used to be upper middle class and now it's infested with third world gangs.
I guess that was what that idiot Obama meant by "fundamentally change"
Troglocrats are dumb.
They aren't fleeing gangs. They are the gangs.
America needs to have a major, earthquake type of debate about its "asylum" option for illegal immigrants to the U.S. to get visas to legally stay in the U.S.. Right now its a big game it has turned our immigration enforcement system into a dysfunctional system. Currently, huge numbers of illegal immigrants come from South American countries and even Mexico and cross the U.S. border and even in many cases seek out immigration border patrol agents and turn themselves in and then make an "asylum" case for legal status in the U.S. which prevents the border patrol agents from processing them through an expedited deportation system. This "asylum route" for illegal immigrants has caused our immigration detention facilities to be overwhelmed where immigration officials because of lack of space have to release asylum seekers and/or their children into society where often immigration officials then lose control over their whereabouts and they then become a member of the illegal population in America which numbers a small country's population number.

There is no easy solution here the problem has spiraled where it is just too much for America there is only hard decisions for the American people and its government to make! America needs to shut down the asylum immigration game! America needs to change its laws and explicitly say that "asylum" status is not available to people fleeing drug cartels or criminals enterprises or local government officials or people seeking to do violence against them. The American people need to say we know it is sad that these drug cartels and criminal gangs pose real threats to the life of some of these illegal immigrants but we cannot help if we offer this option it will be used to overwhelm our immigration system, we have to say to these foreigners you need to fix your own countries, we are sorry for your predicament but we cannot offer you any sanctuary we have our own problems the U.S. system is being changed this asylum path is being dramatically narrowed it will only be offered to foreigners that are under real threat in terms of life and/or liberty from "national" officials in their countries in regards to such threats from local officials you'll have to move to a different part of your home country. We Americans need to shut down this "asylum" game that illegal immigrants are playing here! The American people need to wake up and acknowledge we are no longer a superman country, America has profound problems America does not work for a lot of Americans we need to focus on solving problems our own citizens face we cannot provide relief to all these foreigners fleeing their broken countries!

In discussing the alarming problem of these drug and criminal gangs in South American countries and even in Mexico, ABC news had an informative video "Collecting The Dead in Acapulco: One Of Mexico's Most Violent Cities!", it seems to this writer and it seems that it should for any responsible person that the solution here is that these countries need to implement capital punishment. These countries have broken down as countries the citizens of these countries need to get their countries back and the practical only way to do this is to implement capital punishment against the criminal cartel leaders and corrupt government leaders that conspire with them in murder, kidnapping and major drug trafficking. If these major actors knew they would be forfeiting their life for their behavior it would be dramatically reduced if not stopped! Touching this topic one cannot ignore the major help in bringing this about that would result if the Catholic Church would call for this course. Heretofore the Catholic Church always rest on its doctrine of forgiveness and mercy on this issue the funny thing is that if one challenges the authority of the Catholic Church hierarchy these ideals are not even a consideration in the hierarchy protecting its power but if you call for capital punishment against murderers even the most heinous you're egregiously morally wrong! In any event, it would be meaningful helpful if the Catholic Church joined in this call; if the Catholic Church needed a moral justification for this path how about looking at its "just' war doctrine, the Catholic Church accepts killing for a people if they are protecting their sovereignty from external threats how about accepting it for internal threats to its sovereignty?

Shutting down this asylum problem for illegal immigration needs the utmost urgency from elected officials it cannot wait for comprehensive immigration reform to pass Congress and be signed by a President like that will happen in the foreseeable future. What is very eye opening and all you obstructionist to Comprehensive immigration reform should note that over the past fifteen years where you obstructionist have been having an unbreakable grip on your high ideals of no amnesty the illegal immigration has been getting worse the numbers have climbed dramatically and all its harm on America has likewise climbed dramatically the American people's interest have not been well served by what you have been doing. This writer is definitely not an open borders American, I am about solving the problem permanently and the silver bullet is shutting off work in America for illegals more specifically half of the bullet is mandating the use of e-verify for all employers and the second half of the bullet is mandating ICE or the Social Security Administration for every worker that is utilizing an already used Social Security Number that employer has ninety days to either correct that problem or terminate the worker and if they fail too issue a large fine against that employer. Correcting the problem would entail the worker within ninety days utilizing the appeal process and file a claim they are the rightful user of that SS# and if need be the ninety day time limit could be suspended until the appeal process is complete. Maybe members of Congress could pass legislation shutting down the asylum game if they likewise in legislation banned splitting up children of illegals from at least one of their parents and in conjunction funded the expansion of detention facilities for illegal immigrant families to aid ICE if finding a good place for these families!
What has to give is this sort of ignorance of the law.

An immigrant is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he is found guilty in a court of law of having entered the country absent authorization.

All persons in the United States have a right to due process of the law and a presumption of innocence, including those undocumented when seeking asylum.

This isn’t difficult to understand for those not blinded by ignorance and bigotry.
Central Americans are fleeing from gangs, but they are bringing their gangs with them.
Americans do not want our country to become a third world gang battle field.
The high school that I went to used to be upper middle class and now it's infested with third world gangs.
I guess that was what that idiot Obama meant by "fundamentally change"
Troglocrats are dumb.
They aren't fleeing gangs. They are the gangs.
----------------------------------- excellent post Tipsy !!
America needs to have a major, earthquake type of debate about its "asylum" option for illegal immigrants to the U.S. to get visas to legally stay in the U.S.. Right now its a big game it has turned our immigration enforcement system into a dysfunctional system. Currently, huge numbers of illegal immigrants come from South American countries and even Mexico and cross the U.S. border and even in many cases seek out immigration border patrol agents and turn themselves in and then make an "asylum" case for legal status in the U.S. which prevents the border patrol agents from processing them through an expedited deportation system. This "asylum route" for illegal immigrants has caused our immigration detention facilities to be overwhelmed where immigration officials because of lack of space have to release asylum seekers and/or their children into society where often immigration officials then lose control over their whereabouts and they then become a member of the illegal population in America which numbers a small country's population number.

There is no easy solution here the problem has spiraled where it is just too much for America there is only hard decisions for the American people and its government to make! America needs to shut down the asylum immigration game! America needs to change its laws and explicitly say that "asylum" status is not available to people fleeing drug cartels or criminals enterprises or local government officials or people seeking to do violence against them. The American people need to say we know it is sad that these drug cartels and criminal gangs pose real threats to the life of some of these illegal immigrants but we cannot help if we offer this option it will be used to overwhelm our immigration system, we have to say to these foreigners you need to fix your own countries, we are sorry for your predicament but we cannot offer you any sanctuary we have our own problems the U.S. system is being changed this asylum path is being dramatically narrowed it will only be offered to foreigners that are under real threat in terms of life and/or liberty from "national" officials in their countries in regards to such threats from local officials you'll have to move to a different part of your home country. We Americans need to shut down this "asylum" game that illegal immigrants are playing here! The American people need to wake up and acknowledge we are no longer a superman country, America has profound problems America does not work for a lot of Americans we need to focus on solving problems our own citizens face we cannot provide relief to all these foreigners fleeing their broken countries!

In discussing the alarming problem of these drug and criminal gangs in South American countries and even in Mexico, ABC news had an informative video "Collecting The Dead in Acapulco: One Of Mexico's Most Violent Cities!", it seems to this writer and it seems that it should for any responsible person that the solution here is that these countries need to implement capital punishment. These countries have broken down as countries the citizens of these countries need to get their countries back and the practical only way to do this is to implement capital punishment against the criminal cartel leaders and corrupt government leaders that conspire with them in murder, kidnapping and major drug trafficking. If these major actors knew they would be forfeiting their life for their behavior it would be dramatically reduced if not stopped! Touching this topic one cannot ignore the major help in bringing this about that would result if the Catholic Church would call for this course. Heretofore the Catholic Church always rest on its doctrine of forgiveness and mercy on this issue the funny thing is that if one challenges the authority of the Catholic Church hierarchy these ideals are not even a consideration in the hierarchy protecting its power but if you call for capital punishment against murderers even the most heinous you're egregiously morally wrong! In any event, it would be meaningful helpful if the Catholic Church joined in this call; if the Catholic Church needed a moral justification for this path how about looking at its "just' war doctrine, the Catholic Church accepts killing for a people if they are protecting their sovereignty from external threats how about accepting it for internal threats to its sovereignty?

Shutting down this asylum problem for illegal immigration needs the utmost urgency from elected officials it cannot wait for comprehensive immigration reform to pass Congress and be signed by a President like that will happen in the foreseeable future. What is very eye opening and all you obstructionist to Comprehensive immigration reform should note that over the past fifteen years where you obstructionist have been having an unbreakable grip on your high ideals of no amnesty the illegal immigration has been getting worse the numbers have climbed dramatically and all its harm on America has likewise climbed dramatically the American people's interest have not been well served by what you have been doing. This writer is definitely not an open borders American, I am about solving the problem permanently and the silver bullet is shutting off work in America for illegals more specifically half of the bullet is mandating the use of e-verify for all employers and the second half of the bullet is mandating ICE or the Social Security Administration for every worker that is utilizing an already used Social Security Number that employer has ninety days to either correct that problem or terminate the worker and if they fail too issue a large fine against that employer. Correcting the problem would entail the worker within ninety days utilizing the appeal process and file a claim they are the rightful user of that SS# and if need be the ninety day time limit could be suspended until the appeal process is complete. Maybe members of Congress could pass legislation shutting down the asylum game if they likewise in legislation banned splitting up children of illegals from at least one of their parents and in conjunction funded the expansion of detention facilities for illegal immigrant families to aid ICE if finding a good place for these families!
What has to give is this sort of ignorance of the law.

An immigrant is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he is found guilty in a court of law of having entered the country absent authorization.

All persons in the United States have a right to due process of the law and a presumption of innocence, including those undocumented when seeking asylum.

This isn’t difficult to understand for those not blinded by ignorance and bigotry.
We need to expedite and simplify that process BIG TIME. That is why so many illegals are here happily working and raising families. Trump is trying to keep them all detained, and I'm sure he's already run out of room. Something needs to change.
put Sheriff Joe in charge of some tent city / jails and it'll be cool OldLady . Are you open borders , you sure sound like it as you don't seen to mind flooding the USA with third worlders that cry discomfort OldLady .
we can get rid of all of them quickly and easily, if we just show the willpower to do so. Make the politicians do it, or get un-elected. When enough people INSIST upon getting rid of them, it can be handled lickety split, for very little money.
Good way to rid illegals is cut off their free healthcare, housing, EBT food stamps.
Liberals are telling us they are paying taxes, to pay taxes you need a social security number which illegals are stealing

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