Something for Voters to Ponder

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Since there is no stand-out among this bunch of candidates, picking the best qualified will require the wisdom of Solomon.

Primary Dilemmas
By Thomas Sowell, Real Clear Politics
January 18, 2008

It is becoming increasingly and painfully clear that voters in both parties are having a hard time settling on a front runner.

What is wrong with this year's candidates?

The short answer is that most of the Republicans are questionable and all three leading Democrats are dangerous.

for full article:
"The short answer is that most of the Republicans are questionable and all three leading Democrats are dangerous."

Not sure how anyone can real Real[biased]politics! And once again it is Clinton who is responsible for all the bad things that ever happened. You think Sowell has been in a bubble since 2000? Partisan hooey that only the choir can sing along with. Time to move on.
Adam's Apple wrote:
Since there is no stand-out among this bunch of candidates, picking the best qualified will require the wisdom of Solomon.

Well, then, call me Solomon, because for me it's a no-brainer. Ron Paul is the best qualified.

Adam's Apple wrote:

Well, then, call me Solomon, because for me it's a no-brainer. Ron Paul is the best qualified.


In case anyone hasn't noticed, McCain, Huckabee, and Thompson have all recently decided to start paying lip service to the ideas that Ron's been espousing since day one in this campaign.

The ideas that some of them were laughing at Ron for, are now being USED by the other candidates.

Thompson talking about the constitution, Huckabee and McCain now talking about the Federal Reserve's out of control money printing causing inflation..

Ron's been saying that shit for 30 fucking years. And he was on an island by himself saying it all year during this campaign.

Now that the other candidates are seeing that they're losing votes to Ron's message, they're starting to take some of the ideas and run with them.

What a sorry way to run a campaign. That ALONE should tell you that the other candidates don't actually mean what they say. They're taking ideas they were LAUGHING at only a few months ago, and using them as campaign talking points now.

It's really sad if you ask me.
Paulitics wrote:
McCain, Huckabee, and Thompson have all recently decided to start paying lip service to the ideas that Ron's been espousing since day one in this campaign. ...They're taking ideas they were LAUGHING at only a few months ago, and using them as campaign talking points now. It's really sad if you ask me.

Yes, it is...

But, that's politics...


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