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Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
What exactly is Maryanne Gingrich a victim of?

She screwed around with Gingrich while he was a married man.. Now she's out interviewing, making money, and bitching.. Now what makes her the victim?
Woman whines like a lefty. Ya think she's a lefty Willy T? I do. LMAO

The articles I've read claim she's a conservative... I'll wait.. I think she got rewarded for blindsiding Gingrich. I just don't know who paid the reward. I also think judging from the public's reaction that people are sick of this bullshit. First came Cain and now Gingrich.. I think it's going to backfire bigtime on ABC and CNN..
Woman whines like a lefty. Ya think she's a lefty Willy T? I do. LMAO

The articles I've read claim she's a conservative... I'll wait.. I think she got rewarded for blindsiding Gingrich. I just don't know who paid the reward. I also think judging from the public's reaction that people are sick of this bullshit. First came Cain and now Gingrich.. I think it's going to backfire bigtime on ABC and CNN..

Honestly, I have not paid attention to the whole thing. I can't say I'm overly interested in who did what to who in their marriage. I've deemed Gingrich unworthy of my vote so the question is mute to me.
she's a victim because she's derailing a republican's campaign.
What exactly is Maryanne Gingrich a victim of?

Her own poor judgment, to have anything to do with Gingrich.

But the right seems obsessed with it, keeping the issue alive.

Actually if you were an honest person which you are not you would admit that this is a hatchet job done by ABC and CNN.
What exactly is Maryanne Gingrich a victim of?

She screwed around with Gingrich while he was a married man.. Now she's out interviewing, making money, and bitching.. Now what makes her the victim?

Don't think she's a victim. But then again, I don't think Newt is a victim. That apparently is where you and I part company.
Woman whines like a lefty. Ya think she's a lefty Willy T? I do. LMAO

The articles I've read claim she's a conservative... I'll wait.. I think she got rewarded for blindsiding Gingrich. I just don't know who paid the reward. I also think judging from the public's reaction that people are sick of this bullshit. First came Cain and now Gingrich.. I think it's going to backfire bigtime on ABC and CNN..

I think they're sick of the "family values" party's candidates not having any family values.
She 's a victim of being an rw. If her husband were a liberal/Dem, y'all would be passing around the lil white hankies and taking names for the firing squad. She had the bad luck to marry an incredibly crooked and corrupt and dishonest scumbag REPUB so he's the victim and she's at fault.

Its automatic.
A real victim would be Mary Jo Kopechne. And if Democrats weren't such disingenuous assholes, they would know the difference between a faux victim and a real victim.
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