Some Very Informative Charts on Economy


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Complete January Chart Porn | ZeroHedge

First, despite impressive improvement in the U.S. business scene, the recovery remains awkwardly distorted. The continuing deep slump in the housing market is partly to blame. The construction sector added only 47,000 jobs in 2011. More than 2 million construction jobs have evaporated since 2007, and the sector’s job count is back to its level in 1996, when the population and the economy were smaller. Second, the role of government spending has become so extended that it might take years to correct. Third, market liquidity measures have been drying up as big banks and financial institutions play defense. This is both a function of new regulatory underpinnings and the morass in Europe. While the focus of politicians and market players has been to remedy the short term necessities in the fiscal and debt crisis, the long?term challenge for Europe is to find ways of reducing its divisive divergence in economic performance and boosting overall rates of growth.

The data say crash coming when EU and China tank and the financial markets get the hell kicked out of them then they all run to cover.

Without business starts and expansion to balance out normal business contraction/bankruptcy, the economy swings to the negative with more layoffs than new hires.

The contracting employment then leads to a contracting consumer market and that begins the downward spiral of business contraction leading to employment contraction leading to consumer contraction and soon we have an economic cramp the siz of Rozie O'Donnels hind quarters.


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