Some questions about islam?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Does islam allow for freedom?
Does it allow for human expression outside of criticism of the prophet?
Does it allow women to be treated equally?
Does it allow for fair treatment of all religions??? Can you worship your religion that isn't islam within a islamic country?

Please tell me that some of the islamic world isn't following pure islam. Please tell me that all human beings are respected under islam and everything we see is just fundies going nuts.

Finally. Does islam allow for advancement of science and human betterment????
Too many questions to answer in one go. It needs refering to the quran for appropriate quotes.
Here is one on women which says men can beat them.

Quran 4.34 Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because God has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what God would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For God is Most High, great (above you all).

As for allowing other religions, the Abrahamic religions are tollerated but as the Taliban demonstrated, by blowing up ancient statues of the Buddha, there is little tolerance for religions outside the bible.
This contrasts with the teaching of Buddha who said, be tolerant of other religions.

The quran says unbelievers in Muhammad and the day of judgement are cursed by God.
Here are some verses that show just how tolerant Islam is to non Muslims.

2.161 Those who reject Faith, and die rejecting,- on them is God's curse, and the curse of angels, and of all mankind;

33.57 Those who annoy God and His Apostle - God has cursed them in this World and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment.

33.64 Verily God has cursed the Unbelievers and prepared for them a Blazing Fire,-
Does islam allow for freedom?
Does it allow for human expression outside of criticism of the prophet?
Does it allow women to be treated equally?
Does it allow for fair treatment of all religions??? Can you worship your religion that isn't islam within a islamic country?

Please tell me that some of the islamic world isn't following pure islam. Please tell me that all human beings are respected under islam and everything we see is just fundies going nuts.

Finally. Does islam allow for advancement of science and human betterment????

short answers


to hell with "pure" islam. mohamhead was a 7th century murdering warlord who rose to power on a river of blood surrounded by thugs & gangers using intimidation, violence, deception & trickery to expand their criminal empire while mercilessly suppressing and killing their opponents, enriching themselves on stolen booty, and braying about it like the true jackasses they are.

NO - like all oppressive theocracies islam is totally anti-reason, ie. the mythical beliefs of their sky fairy, their psycho lunatic pedophile "prophet" & their b.s. honor & all kinds of other stupid caca associated with nutcakes prevents them from using science as a tool to examine reality as the rest of us know it

here's a great article from a paki professor lamenting the horribly negative effects islam has had on human history in terms of scientific progress

The question I want to pose—perhaps as much to myself as to anyone else—is this: With well over a billion Muslims and extensive material resources, why is the Islamic world disengaged from science and the process of creating new knowledge? To be definite, I am here using the 57 countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) as a proxy for the Islamic world...

It was not always this way. Islam's magnificent Golden Age in the 9th–13th centuries brought about major advances in mathematics, science, and medicine. The Arabic language held sway in an age that created algebra, elucidated principles of optics, established the body's circulation of blood, named stars, and created universities. But with the end of that period, science in the Islamic world essentially collapsed. No major invention or discovery has emerged from the Muslim world for well over seven centuries now...

(note - these islamic "golden age" was preceded by the moors/saracens conquering the library of alexandria which held quite alot of greek/roman knowledge in scrolls, so in no way were the mooselimbs the originators of this knowledge, which they keep claiming today)

The metrics of scientific progress are neither precise nor unique. Science permeates our lives in myriad ways, means different things to different people, and has changed its content and scope drastically over the course of history. In addition, the paucity of reliable and current data makes the task of assessing scientific progress in Muslim countries still harder.

I will use the following reasonable set of four metrics:

•The quantity of scientific output, weighted by some reasonable measure of relevance and importance;
•The role played by science and technology in the national economies, funding for S&T, and the size of the national scientific enterprises;
•The extent and quality of higher education; and
•The degree to which science is present or absent in popular culture...

Although the relatively slow pace of scientific development in Muslim countries cannot be disputed, many explanations can and some common ones are plain wrong...

But the above reasoning is superficial and misleading. Science is fundamentally an idea-system that has grown around a sort of skeleton wire frame—the scientific method. The deliberately cultivated scientific habit of mind is mandatory for successful work in all science and related fields where critical judgment is essential. Scientific progress constantly demands that facts and hypotheses be checked and rechecked, and is unmindful of authority. But there lies the problem: The scientific method is alien to traditional, unreformed religious thought...
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So with this in mind. Why do you on the left support islam?

We on the left support religious freedom not Islam that is a huge distinction that needs to be made.

We on the Right Support Religious Freedom. Sharia does not.
What does sharia law have to do with anything? We are in a secular state so the theocratic edicts do not apply. If we are to be consistent with religious liberties we must afford Islam the same rights as any faith.
We on the left support religious freedom not Islam that is a huge distinction that needs to be made.

We on the Right Support Religious Freedom. Sharia does not.
What does sharia law have to do with anything? We are in a secular state so the theocratic edicts do not apply. If we are to be consistent with religious liberties we must afford Islam the same rights as any faith.

I can only assume that you live in a fog. Sharia does not recognize separation of Church and State, it rejects the concept completely. In matters of Conscience, it's best to learn to speak for yourself, rather than dictate to others, especially on matters you know nothing about.
We on the Right Support Religious Freedom. Sharia does not.
What does sharia law have to do with anything? We are in a secular state so the theocratic edicts do not apply. If we are to be consistent with religious liberties we must afford Islam the same rights as any faith.

I can only assume that you live in a fog. Sharia does not recognize separation of Church and State, it rejects the concept completely. In matters of Conscience, it's best to learn to speak for yourself, rather than dictate to others, especially on matters you know nothing about.

Tell me do we live under sharia law, mosaic law, or some sort of Christian theocracy? It doesn't matter if they don't believe in the separation of church and state. So when you step into reality and see that you are not under sharia law or under threat of sharia law let me know so we can continue this conversation. Islam has every right to practice within the bounds of the law just like any other faith.

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