Some judges saying stealing SSNs of others not crime if you use your own name


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This is outrageous!! Liberal judges saying that using a stolen SSN with your own name is not a crime. That means millions of illegal aliens have the right to financially ruin citizens, and liberal judges will let them off the hook. Just peachy!! Just don't try it if you are a citizen. I think this is another one of those perks exclusive to illegal aliens. Just like the post office offering a service so they can send billions out of our country each year to help Mexico's economy.

"Is using a forged Social Security Number -- but your own name -- to obtain employment or buy a car an identity theft crime? Lately, U.S. courts are saying it's not.

The most recent judicial body to take on the issue, the Colorado Supreme Court, ruled last month that a man who used his real name but someone else's Social Security number to obtain a car loan was not guilty of "criminal impersonation," overturning convictions by lower courts.

That follows a ruling last year by the U.S. Supreme Court that a Mexican man who gave a false SSN to get a job at an Illinois steel plant could not be convicted under federal identity theft laws because he did not knowingly use another person's identifying number. The ruling overturned an opinion by a federal appeals court in St. Louis -- and contradicted earlier findings by circuit courts in the Southeast, upper Midwest and the Gulf states.

It hasn’t been a shutout for identity theft prosecutors, however. In July, an Iowa state appeals court came to the opposite conclusion, affirming a lower court decision that a man who used a California woman's SSN to obtain employment was guilty of breaking that state's identity theft law.

Identity theft can take many forms, but one of the most vexing is so-called "SSN-only" ID theft. In it, an imposter uses a victim's SSN --- sometimes purchased from a broker, sometimes nine digits pulled out of thin air -- to obtain credit or to provide necessary documentation to obtain work. In many cases, SSN "borrowing" is successful and the imposter goes undetected for years.

At the heart of all these cases is a simple question: Does the mere use of an anonymous victim's SSN break identity theft laws?

Mari Frank, a California-based lawyer and identity theft victim advocate, said courts are failing to recognize the real harm caused by imposters, even if imposters are unaware of that harm.

"You can't say there's no victim,” she said. “That Colorado ruling really aggravated me," she said. Courts are mis-applying impersonation laws, and that could really hurt victims. "(The judges) just don't get it."
Immigrant advocates vs. ID theft victim advocates

Many of the recent cases stem from a series of raids conducted by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service at meat-packing plants in the Midwest during the waning days of the Bush administration. Prosecutors got in the habit of using federal identity theft laws to seek a mandatory two-year felony sentence enhancement for convicted suspects, and used that threat as bargaining tool to push suspects into plea bargains. But the 2009 Supreme Court ruling essentially took that bargaining tool away from prosecutors.

The issue pits immigration rights advocates -- who say that undocumented workers are fundamentally different from identity criminals trying to steal credit -- against identity theft victim advocates, who think tougher imposter laws are needed."

Courts: Using another's SSN not a crime - NBC News
I wonder how many libs here would still side with illegal if they were the victims. Imagine you are a student applying for aid and you are denied because you supposedly make too much money. You discover that an illegal alien is using your SSN and identity. You are suddenly screwed because you need federal aid and you can't get it. I guess being a good liberal, you will just forget about school and move into the local homeless shelter because, after all, that illegal is just looking for a better life and they found one - yours. You probably won't get much help anyway getting things straightened out so what is your next move? The odds of finding yourself in this predicament are pretty good.
un fucking believable

will Trump be able to appoint and seat enough sane judges in 8 years to turn the tide of idiocy???

I sure hope so...
Not sure about the OP. Knowing the author, I didn't bother to read it. I'm sure it's creative and funny.

But it does reflect why the Constitution is a living document. Nothing in it keeps you from broadcasting someone else's SSN at the top of your lungs as there is no guarantee to privacy in the Constitution itself. Laws afterword--based on an interpretation of the founding document prohibit it but a strict constitutionalist should be all for someone broadcasting their most intimate details to the masses.
Not sure about the OP. Knowing the author, I didn't bother to read it. I'm sure it's creative and funny.

But it does reflect why the Constitution is a living document. Nothing in it keeps you from broadcasting someone else's SSN at the top of your lungs as there is no guarantee to privacy in the Constitution itself. Laws afterword--based on an interpretation of the founding document prohibit it but a strict constitutionalist should be all for someone broadcasting their most intimate details to the masses.
Lol. God, libs are dumb.
It's total insanity. No lib will even admit that there is a problem let alone actually do anything about it. Millions are affected. This isn't something we can afford to ignore. People's futures depend on their finances and getting back on track after identity theft is a long and tedious process. People have a lot to lose and now judges are siding with illegals who destroy people financially.
But it does reflect why the Constitution is a living document. Nothing in it keeps you from broadcasting someone else's SSN at the top of your lungs as there is no guarantee to privacy in the Constitution itself.

you mean like there is no guarantee that women will be able to kill babies or that men will be able to marry other men?

good point, I agree

however, theft is always against the law - using someone else's property for personal gain without their consent or knowledge is clearly theft (procuring gainful employment constitutes personal gain)

and ignorance of the law is no excuse - never has been

so, just because the perpetrator did not know it was someone's SS# does not excuse the theft, nor does it exonerate the thief

but let's play your fantasy game and pretend that the judge here was not a complete moron (it's a stretch, I know, but let's pretend...)

even if this is not theft (it is) - this act is clearly fraud - hopefully the asshat that did this will get targeted, picked up & deported

thank God for President Trump!
But it does reflect why the Constitution is a living document. Nothing in it keeps you from broadcasting someone else's SSN at the top of your lungs as there is no guarantee to privacy in the Constitution itself.

you mean like there is no guarantee that women will be able to kill babies or that men will be able to marry other men?

good point, I agree

however, theft is always against the law - using someone else's property for personal gain without their consent or knowledge is clearly theft (procuring gainful employment constitutes personal gain)

and ignorance of the law is no excuse - never has been

so, just because the perpetrator did not know it was someone's SS# does not excuse the theft, nor does it exonerate the thief

but let's play your fantasy game and pretend that the judge here was not a complete moron (it's a stretch, I know, but let's pretend...)

even if this is not theft (it is) - this act is clearly fraud - hopefully the asshat that did this will get targeted, picked up & deported

thank God for President Trump!

Many have gotten off the hook simply by claiming they didn't know the number belonged to anyone. Fact is that they knew damn well it didn't belong to them and it was fraud, pure and simple. They are here illegally, which is why they create fake IDs and obtain numbers that they know they are not entitled to get.

Some judges are trying to claim ignorance on the part of illegals just to avoid getting them in trouble and deported. I bet if it affected them or their family, they wouldn't be so generous.
un fucking believable

will Trump be able to appoint and seat enough sane judges in 8 years to turn the tide of idiocy???

I sure hope so...

Liberal judges don't uphold laws, they legislate from the bench. Right now, they are doing their best to keep illegals here and that means allowing them to keep breaking laws without penalty.
Isn't is lovely that judges are saying that illegals can use fake or stolen SSNs as long as they don't steal the person's name, too? Must be a huge relief to those who are ruining other people financially so they can remain in our country illegally. No comments from the left so I take it you libs approve of this. Well, at least until you become a victim. You guys love playing the victim but doubt you could handle actually being one.

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