Some hopeful news for the Democrats


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
While I often point out that the Democratic Party has been essentially taken over by the hateful, illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, it's nice to point out the random exception here and there.

The hate spewed from the Left is applauded by the Regressives daily here on USMB, and Maxine Waters is certainly supported strongly by them. But here is a little hopeful news for REAL liberals:

A few lucid Democrats are speaking out against this madness, and while they'll be shunned, ignored, attacked, maybe called DINOs, it's nice to know they are there.

Hostile liberals pose problems for red-state Dems


“It’s horrible,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said of the public harassment of Trump aides. “Come to West Virginia — we won’t do that to them in West Virginia. That’s bad. That’s not the values of the Democratic Party I know.”

“We are at a real crisis point, and I think that what we do is very important,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is up for reelection but expected to coast, said in an interview Monday.“I don’t like” the message sent by restaurants denying service to Trump aides, she added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pointedly blasted Waters’ call over the weekend for liberals to publicly hound Trump advisers, calling the idea “not right” and “not American. The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated,” Schumer said in a floor speech Monday. “It should be repudiated by organized, well-informed and passionate advocacy."

It’s "absolutely ridiculous," Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the restaurant episodes. "That’s not how we do it in North Dakota. ... If the roles were reversed, we would think that’s abhorrent, horrible behavior.”

“My modus operandi is to … try to treat the other person with respect,” Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat on the ballot this fall, told reporters. “I would hope that other people would do that as well.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) chimed in that "I would never suggest" encouraging activists to personally harangue their opponents, as Waters did, "no matter how emotional I was about an issue.”

“I don’t agree with that philosophy of just raising hell," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who faces his own hotly contested reelection race in a pro-Trump state. But Tester brushed aside whether the debate would hurt him back home: “In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.”

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All those listed representatives helped fan those flames when convenient for them.

If it still costs them a price, it will be deserved.
While I often point out that the Democratic Party has been essentially taken over by the hateful, illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, it's nice to point out the random exception here and there.

The hate spewed from the Left is applauded by the Regressives daily here on USMB, and Maxine Waters is certainly supported strongly by them. But here is a little hopeful news for REAL liberals:

A few lucid Democrats are speaking out against this madness, and while they'll be shunned, ignored, attacked, maybe called DINOs, it's nice to know they are there.

Hostile liberals pose problems for red-state Dems


“It’s horrible,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said of the public harassment of Trump aides. “Come to West Virginia — we won’t do that to them in West Virginia. That’s bad. That’s not the values of the Democratic Party I know.”

“We are at a real crisis point, and I think that what we do is very important,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is up for reelection but expected to coast, said in an interview Monday.“I don’t like” the message sent by restaurants denying service to Trump aides, she added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pointedly blasted Waters’ call over the weekend for liberals to publicly hound Trump advisers, calling the idea “not right” and “not American. The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated,” Schumer said in a floor speech Monday. “It should be repudiated by organized, well-informed and passionate advocacy."

It’s "absolutely ridiculous," Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the restaurant episodes. "That’s not how we do it in North Dakota. ... If the roles were reversed, we would think that’s abhorrent, horrible behavior.”

“My modus operandi is to … try to treat the other person with respect,” Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat on the ballot this fall, told reporters. “I would hope that other people would do that as well.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) chimed in that "I would never suggest" encouraging activists to personally harangue their opponents, as Waters did, "no matter how emotional I was about an issue.”

“I don’t agree with that philosophy of just raising hell," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who faces his own hotly contested reelection race in a pro-Trump state. But Tester brushed aside whether the debate would hurt him back home: “In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.”

The only real Democrats are either Independents or are now voting Republican.
Anyone who supports Democrats now are folks you could never confuse with Democrats of 50 years ago.

June 26, 2018
Democrats rushing toward an electoral cliff
By Jared Peterson
Am I missing something, or is the “fringe wing” of the Democratic Party (its now dominant wing) trying to take itself, and with it the whole Party, off an electoral cliff?

After reading the news over the last couple weeks let me see if I have this straight:

Leftist Democrats - who in the Hate Trump era are the Democratic Party - seem to want to make certain that everyone in America knows their Party’s two core beliefs are these:

1. The United States has absolutely no right to defend its southern border. None. Any attempt to do so, to enforce the nation’s immigration laws, passed by Congress and signed by multiple Presidents, is cruel, white nationalist, xenophobic, racist and probably contributes to global warming. All the hundreds of thousands of human beings who show up at that border must be allowed instant entry to the country, given immediate access to every existing social welfare and public benefit program, and be allowed to vote in the next election on a ballot in their own language.

2. Republicans, conservatives, and everyone now working in the Trump administration, including all employees of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), deserve to be refused service in places of public accommodation, including restaurants, theaters, and hotels, hounded from those places, if they somehow get in, by threatening mobs, and then, together with their families and children, harassed and intimidated in their own homes.

Dear God, please, please, please let the Democrats keep this up for the rest of the summer.

Could the Republican National Committee fund a nationwide speaking tour for Maxine Waters?


Waters talked to Chrs Hayes yesterday on MSNBC (video here)

On immigration:

Every public opinion survey over the last umpteen years confirms that overwhelming majorities of Americans want the country’s southern border to be protected and secured, illegal immigration to be halted, those illegally here, especially those already convicted of crimes, to be deported, and legal immigration to be reduced. There is no room for factual dispute on this subject. We are talking about substantial majorities of the American electorate.

Any Republican consultant who wets his pants when he hears that someone has criticized the President for “separating children from their parents” should be fired immediately.

Immigration, especially after the President’s tenacious efforts this month to stop the flood of illegals, is a massively winning issue for The President and the Republican Party. All across the country and in every contested Congressional district.

During the last two weeks the President has merely made a serious attempt to secure our border with Mexico, has done no more, in effect, than try to enforce our existing immigration laws. The universal reaction of Democrat office holders has been unhinged hysteria at the outrage, the horror, of seeing a President actually try to do what at least the last three presidents have all mendaciously promised to do.

The cat’s out of the bag: Democrats will be hooted out of the room the next time they risibly claim to favor border protection.

The Republican National Committee should be grateful to God for the last two weeks’ clarifying events, for now the great and defining dichotomy in American politics, for the remainder of this century, is absolutely clear:

The Republican Party, led by its sitting President, is the Party of a secure southern border and a total halt to illegal immigration. The Democratic Party is the Party that believes America has no borders, and even if America did, that it would be immoral to defend them.

Take your pick, America.​
While I often point out that the Democratic Party has been essentially taken over by the hateful, illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, it's nice to point out the random exception here and there.

The hate spewed from the Left is applauded by the Regressives daily here on USMB, and Maxine Waters is certainly supported strongly by them. But here is a little hopeful news for REAL liberals:

A few lucid Democrats are speaking out against this madness, and while they'll be shunned, ignored, attacked, maybe called DINOs, it's nice to know they are there.

Hostile liberals pose problems for red-state Dems


“It’s horrible,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said of the public harassment of Trump aides. “Come to West Virginia — we won’t do that to them in West Virginia. That’s bad. That’s not the values of the Democratic Party I know.”

“We are at a real crisis point, and I think that what we do is very important,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is up for reelection but expected to coast, said in an interview Monday.“I don’t like” the message sent by restaurants denying service to Trump aides, she added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pointedly blasted Waters’ call over the weekend for liberals to publicly hound Trump advisers, calling the idea “not right” and “not American. The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated,” Schumer said in a floor speech Monday. “It should be repudiated by organized, well-informed and passionate advocacy."

It’s "absolutely ridiculous," Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the restaurant episodes. "That’s not how we do it in North Dakota. ... If the roles were reversed, we would think that’s abhorrent, horrible behavior.”

“My modus operandi is to … try to treat the other person with respect,” Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat on the ballot this fall, told reporters. “I would hope that other people would do that as well.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) chimed in that "I would never suggest" encouraging activists to personally harangue their opponents, as Waters did, "no matter how emotional I was about an issue.”

“I don’t agree with that philosophy of just raising hell," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who faces his own hotly contested reelection race in a pro-Trump state. But Tester brushed aside whether the debate would hurt him back home: “In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.”

Tester. "In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.” LOL! Awesome and yes Maxine Waters is more than bat shit crazy.
While I often point out that the Democratic Party has been essentially taken over by the hateful, illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, it's nice to point out the random exception here and there.

The hate spewed from the Left is applauded by the Regressives daily here on USMB, and Maxine Waters is certainly supported strongly by them. But here is a little hopeful news for REAL liberals:

A few lucid Democrats are speaking out against this madness, and while they'll be shunned, ignored, attacked, maybe called DINOs, it's nice to know they are there.

Hostile liberals pose problems for red-state Dems


“It’s horrible,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said of the public harassment of Trump aides. “Come to West Virginia — we won’t do that to them in West Virginia. That’s bad. That’s not the values of the Democratic Party I know.”

“We are at a real crisis point, and I think that what we do is very important,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is up for reelection but expected to coast, said in an interview Monday.“I don’t like” the message sent by restaurants denying service to Trump aides, she added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pointedly blasted Waters’ call over the weekend for liberals to publicly hound Trump advisers, calling the idea “not right” and “not American. The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated,” Schumer said in a floor speech Monday. “It should be repudiated by organized, well-informed and passionate advocacy."

It’s "absolutely ridiculous," Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the restaurant episodes. "That’s not how we do it in North Dakota. ... If the roles were reversed, we would think that’s abhorrent, horrible behavior.”

“My modus operandi is to … try to treat the other person with respect,” Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat on the ballot this fall, told reporters. “I would hope that other people would do that as well.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) chimed in that "I would never suggest" encouraging activists to personally harangue their opponents, as Waters did, "no matter how emotional I was about an issue.”

“I don’t agree with that philosophy of just raising hell," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who faces his own hotly contested reelection race in a pro-Trump state. But Tester brushed aside whether the debate would hurt him back home: “In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.”

Tester. "In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.” LOL! Awesome and yes Maxine Waters is more than bat shit crazy.
That's an important consideration in probably 90% of the individual stories on politics in general: Political geeks think that every little thing is an earthquake and a game-changer, while a vast majority of Americans don't care or even hear about it.

Which is pretty damn funny to me.
Maxine Waters is the brain trust and moral compass for the Democrat Party.

She would make a wonderful Democrat Presidential nominee in 2020.

The same idiots that voted for that dipshit Obama will vote for her plus a few more Illegals.
Not only did they kick Sarah Sanders out of their restaurant, but the owner followed her family members to another restaurant and continued to harass them. Sarah Sanders heckled by Red Hen owner even after leaving, Mike Huckabee says

This isn't refusing to serve the public. This is outright harassment.

These bullying tactics should not be tolerated from anyone.

After White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her family were kicked out of a Virginia restaurant on Friday evening, the owner of the establishment followed the group and kept berating them, Mike Huckabee, Sanders’ father and the former Arkansas governor, told Fox Business on Monday.

“In fact, a little known part of this story, is that after Sarah and her husband left and the family relocated to a restaurant across the street, the owner of the Red Hen then organized an effort to go and scream at them from the sidewalk at the other restaurant,” Huckabee claimed in an interview on “The Intelligence Report with Trish Regan.”

“Finally, one of Sarah’s in-laws, who happens to be very liberal, it’s her brother-in-law, went out in the street and said, ‘Look, Sarah’s already left. She didn’t stay for obvious reasons. She’s had all she needs tonight. The rest of us are trying to have dinner. I’m a liberal. I’m not a Trump supporter. But you guys aren’t helping our cause,’” Huckabee went on to say. “So, it wasn’t just what happened in the Little Red Hen restaurant, it’s what happened ongoing by the owner of that restaurant.”
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Not only did they kick Sarah Sanders out of their restaurant, but the owner followed her family members to another restaurant and continued to harass them. Sarah Sanders heckled by Red Hen owner even after leaving, Mike Huckabee says
This isn't refusing to serve the public. This is outright harassment.
These bullying tactics should not be tolerated from anyone.
I suspect this isn't the last story about this stuff that we're going to hear.

Each one would be great news for the GOP.
While I often point out that the Democratic Party has been essentially taken over by the hateful, illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, it's nice to point out the random exception here and there.

The hate spewed from the Left is applauded by the Regressives daily here on USMB, and Maxine Waters is certainly supported strongly by them. But here is a little hopeful news for REAL liberals:

A few lucid Democrats are speaking out against this madness, and while they'll be shunned, ignored, attacked, maybe called DINOs, it's nice to know they are there.

Hostile liberals pose problems for red-state Dems


“It’s horrible,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said of the public harassment of Trump aides. “Come to West Virginia — we won’t do that to them in West Virginia. That’s bad. That’s not the values of the Democratic Party I know.”

“We are at a real crisis point, and I think that what we do is very important,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is up for reelection but expected to coast, said in an interview Monday.“I don’t like” the message sent by restaurants denying service to Trump aides, she added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pointedly blasted Waters’ call over the weekend for liberals to publicly hound Trump advisers, calling the idea “not right” and “not American. The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated,” Schumer said in a floor speech Monday. “It should be repudiated by organized, well-informed and passionate advocacy."

It’s "absolutely ridiculous," Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the restaurant episodes. "That’s not how we do it in North Dakota. ... If the roles were reversed, we would think that’s abhorrent, horrible behavior.”

“My modus operandi is to … try to treat the other person with respect,” Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat on the ballot this fall, told reporters. “I would hope that other people would do that as well.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) chimed in that "I would never suggest" encouraging activists to personally harangue their opponents, as Waters did, "no matter how emotional I was about an issue.”

“I don’t agree with that philosophy of just raising hell," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who faces his own hotly contested reelection race in a pro-Trump state. But Tester brushed aside whether the debate would hurt him back home: “In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.”


Hollywood and the Press have also heightened their hypercritical partisan rhetoric
Not only did they kick Sarah Sanders out of their restaurant, but the owner followed her family members to another restaurant and continued to harass them. Sarah Sanders heckled by Red Hen owner even after leaving, Mike Huckabee says
This isn't refusing to serve the public. This is outright harassment.
These bullying tactics should not be tolerated from anyone.
I suspect this isn't the last story about this stuff that we're going to hear.

Each one would be great news for the GOP.
It's not great news for anyone.
This is only going to get worse.

Some Bernie Sanders supporter already tried to kill Republicans at a baseball practice.
What's next???
Not only did they kick Sarah Sanders out of their restaurant, but the owner followed her family members to another restaurant and continued to harass them. Sarah Sanders heckled by Red Hen owner even after leaving, Mike Huckabee says
This isn't refusing to serve the public. This is outright harassment.
These bullying tactics should not be tolerated from anyone.
I suspect this isn't the last story about this stuff that we're going to hear.

Each one would be great news for the GOP.
It's not great news for anyone.
This is only going to get worse.

Some Bernie Sanders supporter already tried to kill Republicans at a baseball practice.
What's next???
I think there will be more. The zealots aren't going to listen to the adults, they never do.
Both sides must do a much better job on the prog left and the regressive right in pointing out their bad actors, yes.
Not only did they kick Sarah Sanders out of their restaurant, but the owner followed her family members to another restaurant and continued to harass them. Sarah Sanders heckled by Red Hen owner even after leaving, Mike Huckabee says
This isn't refusing to serve the public. This is outright harassment.
These bullying tactics should not be tolerated from anyone.
I suspect this isn't the last story about this stuff that we're going to hear.

Each one would be great news for the GOP.
It's not great news for anyone.
This is only going to get worse.

Some Bernie Sanders supporter already tried to kill Republicans at a baseball practice.
What's next???
I think there will be more. The zealots aren't going to listen to the adults, they never do.
Democrats and their media friends figure this is an acceptable risk to winning.
They don't care about the damage they're doing.
They can't stop Trump any other way.
So they figure violence is just collateral damage.
Not only did they kick Sarah Sanders out of their restaurant, but the owner followed her family members to another restaurant and continued to harass them. Sarah Sanders heckled by Red Hen owner even after leaving, Mike Huckabee says
This isn't refusing to serve the public. This is outright harassment.
These bullying tactics should not be tolerated from anyone.
I suspect this isn't the last story about this stuff that we're going to hear.

Each one would be great news for the GOP.
It's not great news for anyone.
This is only going to get worse.

Some Bernie Sanders supporter already tried to kill Republicans at a baseball practice.
What's next???
I think there will be more. The zealots aren't going to listen to the adults, they never do.
Democrats and their media friends figure this is an acceptable risk to winning.
They don't care about the damage they're doing.
They can't stop Trump any other way.
So they figure violence is just collateral damage.
For zealots, the ends justify the means, any behavior is excused away.
While I often point out that the Democratic Party has been essentially taken over by the hateful, illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, it's nice to point out the random exception here and there.

The hate spewed from the Left is applauded by the Regressives daily here on USMB, and Maxine Waters is certainly supported strongly by them. But here is a little hopeful news for REAL liberals:

A few lucid Democrats are speaking out against this madness, and while they'll be shunned, ignored, attacked, maybe called DINOs, it's nice to know they are there.

Hostile liberals pose problems for red-state Dems


“It’s horrible,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said of the public harassment of Trump aides. “Come to West Virginia — we won’t do that to them in West Virginia. That’s bad. That’s not the values of the Democratic Party I know.”

“We are at a real crisis point, and I think that what we do is very important,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is up for reelection but expected to coast, said in an interview Monday.“I don’t like” the message sent by restaurants denying service to Trump aides, she added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pointedly blasted Waters’ call over the weekend for liberals to publicly hound Trump advisers, calling the idea “not right” and “not American. The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated,” Schumer said in a floor speech Monday. “It should be repudiated by organized, well-informed and passionate advocacy."

It’s "absolutely ridiculous," Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the restaurant episodes. "That’s not how we do it in North Dakota. ... If the roles were reversed, we would think that’s abhorrent, horrible behavior.”

“My modus operandi is to … try to treat the other person with respect,” Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat on the ballot this fall, told reporters. “I would hope that other people would do that as well.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) chimed in that "I would never suggest" encouraging activists to personally harangue their opponents, as Waters did, "no matter how emotional I was about an issue.”

“I don’t agree with that philosophy of just raising hell," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who faces his own hotly contested reelection race in a pro-Trump state. But Tester brushed aside whether the debate would hurt him back home: “In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.”

The only real Democrats are either Independents or are now voting Republican.
Anyone who supports Democrats now are folks you could never confuse with Democrats of 50 years ago.

June 26, 2018
Democrats rushing toward an electoral cliff
By Jared Peterson
Am I missing something, or is the “fringe wing” of the Democratic Party (its now dominant wing) trying to take itself, and with it the whole Party, off an electoral cliff?

After reading the news over the last couple weeks let me see if I have this straight:

Leftist Democrats - who in the Hate Trump era are the Democratic Party - seem to want to make certain that everyone in America knows their Party’s two core beliefs are these:

1. The United States has absolutely no right to defend its southern border. None. Any attempt to do so, to enforce the nation’s immigration laws, passed by Congress and signed by multiple Presidents, is cruel, white nationalist, xenophobic, racist and probably contributes to global warming. All the hundreds of thousands of human beings who show up at that border must be allowed instant entry to the country, given immediate access to every existing social welfare and public benefit program, and be allowed to vote in the next election on a ballot in their own language.

2. Republicans, conservatives, and everyone now working in the Trump administration, including all employees of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), deserve to be refused service in places of public accommodation, including restaurants, theaters, and hotels, hounded from those places, if they somehow get in, by threatening mobs, and then, together with their families and children, harassed and intimidated in their own homes.

Dear God, please, please, please let the Democrats keep this up for the rest of the summer.

Could the Republican National Committee fund a nationwide speaking tour for Maxine Waters?


Waters talked to Chrs Hayes yesterday on MSNBC (video here)

On immigration:

Every public opinion survey over the last umpteen years confirms that overwhelming majorities of Americans want the country’s southern border to be protected and secured, illegal immigration to be halted, those illegally here, especially those already convicted of crimes, to be deported, and legal immigration to be reduced. There is no room for factual dispute on this subject. We are talking about substantial majorities of the American electorate.

Any Republican consultant who wets his pants when he hears that someone has criticized the President for “separating children from their parents” should be fired immediately.

Immigration, especially after the President’s tenacious efforts this month to stop the flood of illegals, is a massively winning issue for The President and the Republican Party. All across the country and in every contested Congressional district.

During the last two weeks the President has merely made a serious attempt to secure our border with Mexico, has done no more, in effect, than try to enforce our existing immigration laws. The universal reaction of Democrat office holders has been unhinged hysteria at the outrage, the horror, of seeing a President actually try to do what at least the last three presidents have all mendaciously promised to do.

The cat’s out of the bag: Democrats will be hooted out of the room the next time they risibly claim to favor border protection.

The Republican National Committee should be grateful to God for the last two weeks’ clarifying events, for now the great and defining dichotomy in American politics, for the remainder of this century, is absolutely clear:

The Republican Party, led by its sitting President, is the Party of a secure southern border and a total halt to illegal immigration. The Democratic Party is the Party that believes America has no borders, and even if America did, that it would be immoral to defend them.

Take your pick, America.​
You’d certainly would never fan the flames wit political discourse like yer sig line.
While I often point out that the Democratic Party has been essentially taken over by the hateful, illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, it's nice to point out the random exception here and there.

The hate spewed from the Left is applauded by the Regressives daily here on USMB, and Maxine Waters is certainly supported strongly by them. But here is a little hopeful news for REAL liberals:

A few lucid Democrats are speaking out against this madness, and while they'll be shunned, ignored, attacked, maybe called DINOs, it's nice to know they are there.

Hostile liberals pose problems for red-state Dems


“It’s horrible,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said of the public harassment of Trump aides. “Come to West Virginia — we won’t do that to them in West Virginia. That’s bad. That’s not the values of the Democratic Party I know.”

“We are at a real crisis point, and I think that what we do is very important,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is up for reelection but expected to coast, said in an interview Monday.“I don’t like” the message sent by restaurants denying service to Trump aides, she added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pointedly blasted Waters’ call over the weekend for liberals to publicly hound Trump advisers, calling the idea “not right” and “not American. The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated,” Schumer said in a floor speech Monday. “It should be repudiated by organized, well-informed and passionate advocacy."

It’s "absolutely ridiculous," Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the restaurant episodes. "That’s not how we do it in North Dakota. ... If the roles were reversed, we would think that’s abhorrent, horrible behavior.”

“My modus operandi is to … try to treat the other person with respect,” Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat on the ballot this fall, told reporters. “I would hope that other people would do that as well.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) chimed in that "I would never suggest" encouraging activists to personally harangue their opponents, as Waters did, "no matter how emotional I was about an issue.”

“I don’t agree with that philosophy of just raising hell," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who faces his own hotly contested reelection race in a pro-Trump state. But Tester brushed aside whether the debate would hurt him back home: “In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.”


I agree. I have Dem and way liberal friends who don't like what they are seeing and hearing.

I fact some of them voted for Trump.
While I often point out that the Democratic Party has been essentially taken over by the hateful, illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, it's nice to point out the random exception here and there.

The hate spewed from the Left is applauded by the Regressives daily here on USMB, and Maxine Waters is certainly supported strongly by them. But here is a little hopeful news for REAL liberals:

A few lucid Democrats are speaking out against this madness, and while they'll be shunned, ignored, attacked, maybe called DINOs, it's nice to know they are there.

Hostile liberals pose problems for red-state Dems


“It’s horrible,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said of the public harassment of Trump aides. “Come to West Virginia — we won’t do that to them in West Virginia. That’s bad. That’s not the values of the Democratic Party I know.”

“We are at a real crisis point, and I think that what we do is very important,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is up for reelection but expected to coast, said in an interview Monday.“I don’t like” the message sent by restaurants denying service to Trump aides, she added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pointedly blasted Waters’ call over the weekend for liberals to publicly hound Trump advisers, calling the idea “not right” and “not American. The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated,” Schumer said in a floor speech Monday. “It should be repudiated by organized, well-informed and passionate advocacy."

It’s "absolutely ridiculous," Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the restaurant episodes. "That’s not how we do it in North Dakota. ... If the roles were reversed, we would think that’s abhorrent, horrible behavior.”

“My modus operandi is to … try to treat the other person with respect,” Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat on the ballot this fall, told reporters. “I would hope that other people would do that as well.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) chimed in that "I would never suggest" encouraging activists to personally harangue their opponents, as Waters did, "no matter how emotional I was about an issue.”

“I don’t agree with that philosophy of just raising hell," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who faces his own hotly contested reelection race in a pro-Trump state. But Tester brushed aside whether the debate would hurt him back home: “In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.”

Tester. "In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.” LOL! Awesome and yes Maxine Waters is more than bat shit crazy.
That's an important consideration in probably 90% of the individual stories on politics in general: Political geeks think that every little thing is an earthquake and a game-changer, while a vast majority of Americans don't care or even hear about it.

Which is pretty damn funny to me.

I have to agree.

Things like the refugee bullshit. Hell No one cares about those idiots or their supposed kids. Its a manufactured crisis enabled by idiots on the left.

The same thing was going on in 2014 and none of them gave a shit. You never heard anything about it at all.

Most people want all illegals out of our country and that included the supposed refugees and their supposed kids.
While I often point out that the Democratic Party has been essentially taken over by the hateful, illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, it's nice to point out the random exception here and there.

The hate spewed from the Left is applauded by the Regressives daily here on USMB, and Maxine Waters is certainly supported strongly by them. But here is a little hopeful news for REAL liberals:

A few lucid Democrats are speaking out against this madness, and while they'll be shunned, ignored, attacked, maybe called DINOs, it's nice to know they are there.

Hostile liberals pose problems for red-state Dems


“It’s horrible,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said of the public harassment of Trump aides. “Come to West Virginia — we won’t do that to them in West Virginia. That’s bad. That’s not the values of the Democratic Party I know.”

“We are at a real crisis point, and I think that what we do is very important,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is up for reelection but expected to coast, said in an interview Monday.“I don’t like” the message sent by restaurants denying service to Trump aides, she added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pointedly blasted Waters’ call over the weekend for liberals to publicly hound Trump advisers, calling the idea “not right” and “not American. The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated,” Schumer said in a floor speech Monday. “It should be repudiated by organized, well-informed and passionate advocacy."

It’s "absolutely ridiculous," Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the restaurant episodes. "That’s not how we do it in North Dakota. ... If the roles were reversed, we would think that’s abhorrent, horrible behavior.”

“My modus operandi is to … try to treat the other person with respect,” Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat on the ballot this fall, told reporters. “I would hope that other people would do that as well.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) chimed in that "I would never suggest" encouraging activists to personally harangue their opponents, as Waters did, "no matter how emotional I was about an issue.”

“I don’t agree with that philosophy of just raising hell," said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who faces his own hotly contested reelection race in a pro-Trump state. But Tester brushed aside whether the debate would hurt him back home: “In Montana, nobody knows who Maxine Waters is.”


These people support the same policies and agenda that led US to this point.
This Liberal hate is going to backfire on the Democrats.

Just ask that Crooked Hillary asshole how her "deplorable" bullshit worked out for her.

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