Some Dems Fretting Over Team Obama's Ineptitude


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
RealClearPolitics - Some Dems Fretting Over Team Obama's Ineptitude

President Obama cannot risk an election that becomes a referendum on his record. Fairly or not, that's a framework for defeat. So the task of his handlers is to make the election a referendum on his opponent.

On the very day that the ad was released [The Bain/Romney ad], President Obama attended a fund-raiser in New York City hosted by a senior executive at the Blackstone Group, a leading private equity firm and frequent co-investor with Bain Capital on turn-around projects.

And, it further turns out that a 2008 and 2012 campaign finance bundler for President Obama, one Jonathan Lavine, was a managing director at Bain Capital during the time that GST Steel was being “run into the ground” by the evil Bainiacs.

It makes you wonder. Did Team Obama think that no one would notice? Did they assume that only right-wing bloggers would care?

The mishandling of the President’s endorsement of same sex marriage sent the president's re-election prospects into a tailspin; electoral college handicappers busily moved North Carolina from “toss-up” to “likely Republican.” And it necessitated today’s "let's-get-the-media-talking-about-something-else” news event (the Bain attack ad).

Because we have been told for so long that Team Obama is the very model of the modern campaign operation, we have come to sort of believe it. In reality, they’ve been surprisingly inept since they set up shop last year. They've been through three slogans and four over-arching re-election "themes." They've made a big deal out of Romney's dog. They've introduced us to "Julia," which seemed like a right-wing parody of the perfect constituent of the nanny state. One could on (and on).
obama's missteps and mishandling of almost everything comes from the fact that liberals believe their own propaganda. They believe that women want to be taken care of by the universal government husband. They believe that the majority really does suppor same sex marriage. They believe that Americans would prefer to get a government check every month rather than go to work every day. They believe that the public would rather walk and save the environment.

Democrats tie themselves up with every outrageous cause du jure and wonder why they are failing.
obama's missteps and mishandling of almost everything comes from the fact that liberals believe their own propaganda. They believe that women want to be taken care of by the universal government husband. They believe that the majority really does suppor same sex marriage. They believe that Americans would prefer to get a government check every month rather than go to work every day. They believe that the public would rather walk and save the environment.

Democrats tie themselves up with every outrageous cause du jure and wonder why they are failing.

A generous helping of stupid doesn't hurt them any.
I keep saying Obama is not used to dealing with people that actually think government isn't the answer. America is not the South Side of Chicago. Most of us understand being on the government dole means someone else is paying for it.

He can't organize us into believing bigger government is better for everyone, he can't keep us down for long. I truly feel sorry for those he organized, they are truly doomed to a life they can never leave. Their children will never understand the pride of their momma and/or daddy being able to make a move to better themselves. Keeping them just out of reach of making it is the organizer's goal. Convincing them they deserve no better is horrendous.

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