Some Danes Get It-Pro US Rally


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Don't see a lot of pro-US mentality coming from Europe, so when one finds it, figure it's worth sharing. There are lots of links and pics and vids:

One of the links takes us here:

Where there is a translation of:

...LC Gateway Pundit, on the other hand, didn't, so here is an update on what happened. It's enough to make our heart beat faster with pride. (And who said that protest babes were limited to Lebanon?)

It was arranged in part by "Initiativet Fred og Frihed" (The Peace and Freedom Initiative) who have a website right here.

They even have an English section (link on the top left), but they didn't translate the message they posted immediately prior to Bush's visit, and it is such an awesome message that we've decided to do it ourself below the fold.

Democracy's Number One Champion visits Denmark on July 6th.

Over the last four years he has toppled two dictatorships and brought democracy to 50 million people. He has turned a frontal assault upon the life, health, economy and life style of modern democracy around and turned it into a process bringing modernization and democratization to some of the darkest and most oppressed places on Earth.

One wouldn't know this if one were to listen to the media or the majority of politicians, for that matter. According to the ruling concensus regarding acceptable doctrine, Bush isn't capable of that sort of thing. He is, according to them, almost an imbecile, a trigger-happy cowboy, a fundamentalist Christian in the pocket of diabolical capitalists, a stuck up baboon and, not least of all, a deadly dangerous warmonger.

Churchill was also called a warmonger by some. But being called a warmonger didn't stop neither him nor Bush from fighting for freedom and democracy and, as a result, a more peaceful world (stable democracies don't start wars). Churchill was right about Naziism and Communism. Bush is very likely to be right about global terrorism. Passivity and forgiveness is rarely the answer when our core values are in danger.

So the Bush Administration has this "crazy" idea that all peoples deserve democracy. Even if they live far away and happen to be yellow, brown or have curly hair. Sadly, it seems to be a source of much indignation that anybody outside of Europe have been capable of reaching this conclusion on their own: Bush, after all, is swarmed by the entire chorus of politically correct howler monkeys whenever he tries to advance his ideas.


Some of us are bloody sick and tired of the relentless barrage from the media and other opinion makers.

* We're sick and tired of seeing our tax money funding blatant anti-American propaganda dressed up as "documentaries" or "debate".
* We're sick and tired that it's alright to shoot terrorists, but a war crime to curse at them.

* We're sick and tired of the UN, controlled by a random gaggle of dictatorships that are themselves guilty of oppressing and abusing their peoples.

* We're sick and tired of being told that you can talk your way out of any danger, no matter how big.

* We're sick and tired that an intervention led by the US invariably meets with massive disapproval, while for instance France can do whatever they want on the Ivory Coast with barely anybody noticing or commenting upon it.

* And we're in particular sick and tired of the fact that so many members of the media and other opinion makers can't tell a friend from the enemy!


It is self-evident that you can't do a rough but necessary job without getting your hands dirty along the road. Of course the US makes errors from time to time. But every choice has a cost: While the High Priests of the UN and the hobby humanitarians talk and talk about good intentions - and take great pleasure in the effect that all of their bloviating about good intentions does for their image - people are dying like flies. Suffering increases and the liberty and dignity of people are threatened. In the Darfur province of the Sudan, for instance, 200,000 people have been killed as a result of civil war. More than a million are on the run.

Danes dare to act where others hesitate!

Denmark, the government and the people of Denmark have the courage to make a stand in a time where the traditional balance of power and the makeup of alliances are changing. This is our contribution to international society: To make a stand and support those that deserve our support. In this we surpass nations many times larger than us.

We would do well to keep it that way, in spite of the media and the usual suspects among fossilized academicians of the '68 generation.

Bush must be praised as the champion of freedom and democracy that he is. As President of the United States he hasn't folded his hands and done nothing, he has ACTED in accordance with what the United States is all about, even when doing so was unpopular on the American political scene.

His visit to Denmark must be honored with the full and honest respect of us Danes.

Therefore: Show up and join us. Give George W. Bush a warm welcome on the 6th of July!

PS: Bringing a good mood as well is perfectly OK ;-)
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