Somali youths want $4 million in Minnesota state funds


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
We are following the European nations down the yellow brick road to the land of submission with our charity and political correctness toward refuges from Muslim oppression of other Muslims. We are creating our own demise.

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A Somali youth group wants more than $4 million in state funding for workforce training, arts initiatives and after-school programs to fight international terrorist recruitment across Minnesota.

Mohamed Farah, executive director of the group Ka Joog, told state lawmakers on Thursday that the money — doled out over two years — would occupy at-risk Somali youth and make them less susceptible to recruiters for extremist groups like the Islamic State and al-Shabab.

"It's an issue that we must come together to combat. It's an ideology issue, and we must fight ideology with an ideology," Farah told the Senate E-12 Policy and Budget Division in its first meeting of the 2015 legislative session.

Authorities say at least 22 young Minnesotans have traveled to Somalia to fight for al-Shabab since 2007.

Top dozen US states that 8220 welcomed 8221 Somali refugees since 2004 Refugee Resettlement Watch

Remember! Large numbers of Somalis would not have ‘found their way’ to America without the US State Department and Christian and Jewish federal contractors!***
The total since 2004 was 79,266!

1. Minnesota (13,010)

2. Ohio (6,318)

3. Texas (6,041)

4. New York (4,517)

5. Arizona (4,457)

6. Washington (3,782)

7. Georgia (3,692)

8. California (3,087)

9. Missouri (2,564)

10. Tennessee (2,537)

11. Massachusetts (2,522)

12. Utah (2,367)

If you are interested in the number your state received, then send a comment and I’ll look it up. In a previous post this morning we gave you the number for Kentucky.

*** The nine major federal contractors:

I live in Minnesota, and it's disgusting how the local leaders cow tow to the whims of these people. Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services have brought these people here. When they first arrived, they filled up a certain area in Minneapolis. We had a long time summer festival called Cedar Fest, the muslims got Cedar fest canceled for good, saying they don't want this in OUR neighborhood. Recently they demanded their own food shelves that didn't have pork. Now they want millions to prevent their people from joining terror groups. I could give a rats ass if they join ISIS, and I sure as hell do not want my tax money going to them. They have recently been busted for fraudulent use of government services. I don't trust these people at all. They probably just want the money to scam us. I really don't see how giving them this money will prvent them from joining ISIS. I think it's more of a threat, like give it to us or we will send them off. Good send them off, go die.
I live in Minnesota, and it's disgusting how the local leaders cow tow to the whims of these people. Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services have brought these people here. When they first arrived, they filled up a certain area in Minneapolis. We had a long time summer festival called Cedar Fest, the muslims got Cedar fest canceled for good, saying they don't want this in OUR neighborhood. Recently they demanded their own food shelves that didn't have pork. Now they want millions to prevent their people from joining terror groups. I could give a rats ass if they join ISIS, and I sure as hell do not want my tax money going to them. They have recently been busted for fraudulent use of government services. I don't trust these people at all. They probably just want the money to scam us. I really don't see how giving them this money will prvent them from joining ISIS. I think it's more of a threat, like give it to us or we will send them off. Good send them off, go die.
There will come a day when ISIS lashes out with deadly strikes in the USA. There are several NO_GO zones already in the country.

Though they named themselves "The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham" (ISIS), our Muslim president Barack Hussein Obama forbids them being called Islamic terrorists for fear of offending Muslims.

The two Muslim goons that recently murdered 12 members of a satirical newspaper in Paris for disrespecting their false prophet shouted after the murders that Mohammed had been avenged. There is no doubt that radical Muslims are behind the great bulk of terrorism that happens today. Yet it is 'impolite' to poke fun at their maniacal idol, Mohammed, who instructed them to kill all people that refuse the join them in their idiotic beliefs. There are over 750 NO_GO Zones within French sovereignty...places where Muslims have literally taken over control, administering their version of law and order...Sharia Law...that calls for subjugation of women, genital mutilation of young girls, honor killings and of course, the murder of all Christians, Jews and other non-Muslim religions.

That kind of behavior is coming soon to a theater near you, perhaps in Minneapolis...all because we welcome the bastards to immigrate here and not assimilate...all in the name of FREEDOM OF RELIGION...which they do not observe.
I don't think Islam should qualify under the 1st amendment. At best it is a political system, designed to circumvent other nations laws in an effort to take them over. At worst it is a cult, aimed at destroying all in it's path.

Peaceful religion it is not.

I know more about it than I would like to know. It's a know thy enemy mentality.
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I don't think Islam should qualify under the 1st amendment. ....

Despite your opinion, it does nonetheless.

If we care about the future of this country, something needs to be done about that.

The only thing that "needs to be done about" the Constitution is that you have to accept that it applies to all.

The 1st amendment is not there to protect the blood cult of islam. It is there to protect religions.
I don't think Islam should qualify under the 1st amendment. ....

Despite your opinion, it does nonetheless.

If we care about the future of this country, something needs to be done about that.

The only thing that "needs to be done about" the Constitution is that you have to accept that it applies to all.

The 1st amendment is not there to protect the blood cult of islam. It is there to protect religions.

Your bigotry aside, Islam is a religion. Anyone who is a criminal or terrorist who also happens to be Muslim should be dealt with by any means necessary; regardless of where, why or how many. Innocent people who happen to be Muslim are entitled to 1st Amendment protections every bit as much as you.
Many had previous criminal convictions...

US Expected to Return 4,000 Somali Migrants to Their Homeland
April 08, 2017 - Somalia's U.S. ambassador says his embassy has learned that U.S. immigration agents are planning to deport about 4,000 Somali nationals now living in the United States.
"We learned through immigration sources that the total number of the Somalis that are in the books of [U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement] to be removed are close to 4,000," Ahmed Isse Awad told VOA's Somali service Saturday. "Most of them are not in detention centers." Since Somalia's embassy in Washington reopened in November 2015, the ambassador said, about 170 Somali immigrants who either ran afoul of U.S. law or had their asylum applications rejected have been deported to Mogadishu, the Somali capital. Most of those previously deported had applied for but been denied political asylum in the U.S., he added. Another group of Somali applicants whose requests for asylum have been denied are now in detention centers or prisons, awaiting deportation.


Somali immigrant leader Jamal Dar, right, who arrived in the U.S. two decades ago, hands out snacks to a boy at a community engagement and civic language class for former Somali residents at AYCO offices in East Portland, Ore.​

Fewer than 300 Somalis are scheduled to be moved out in the next couple of months, Awad told VOA, adding that his embassy was awaiting information from U.S. authorities on who the deportees were and when they would depart. ICE agents recently arrested 82 people from 26 nations during a five-day operation in and around the U.S. capital. According to a statement from ICE, 68 of those detained March 26-30 had previous criminal convictions, for crimes including armed robbery, larceny and drug offenses. All but three were arrested in the state of Virginia.


Students walk home from school in Lewiston, Maine, Jan. 26, 2016. Since February 2000, more than 5,000 Africans have come to Lewiston; now, many Somali shops, restaurants and mosques serve the city.​

One of those arrested last month, Awad said, was a 50-year-old Somali man who identified himself as second in command of Somalia's National Security Service. He had previously been deported to Somalia in 1996. "According to ICE, he came back to the U.S. in 1997 under a different name," the Somali envoy said. "In 2014, he was jailed for 11 months for forgery and drug-related crimes, and since then has committed several other felonies." U.S. immigration officials said eight of those arrested during ICE's end-of-March roundup had no known criminal records; they either had overstayed visitor visas or ignored final orders to leave the country.


Muslim worshippers pray inside a makeshift mosque above a convenience store and market that caters to Somalis in Fort Morgan, Colo., Jan. 8, 2016. Fort Morgan, a town of roughly 12,000 people, has about 1,200 Somali immigrants.​

Some of the Somali nationals who already have been sent back to their homeland have told VOA and media outlets in Somalia they found a different and dangerous country awaiting them in East Africa. Since Somalia has lacked a strong central government for more than a quarter-century, many Western nations have refrained from forcibly returning Somali immigrants to their home country because of safety concerns. U.S. immigration policies have been tightened considerably under the administration of President Donald Trump, and such a clemency policy for Somali nationals is no longer being observed.

US Expected to Return 4,000 Somali Migrants to Their Homeland

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