Somali militants vow allegiance to new al Qaeda chief


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Somali militants vow allegiance to new al Qaeda chief

CNN) -- The Somali militant group al-Shabaab, an affiliate of al Qaeda, has endorsed the takeover of Ayman al-Zawahiri to head al Qaeda after U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden last month, according to an al-Shabaab spokesman.

"We welcome Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri and we will work with him, as we did with our late brother Osama bin Laden, and we are part of al Qaeda, as we promised before, said al-Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Dhere.

Al-Shabab, which controls large parts of southern Somalia, had previously vowed allegiance to bin Laden.

Somali security forces recently killed Fazul Mohamed, al Qaeda's top commander in eastern Africa, in a shootout at a police checkpoint in Mogadishu, the Somali capital.

The United States had a $5 million bounty on Mohamed's head. He was accused of being the mastermind behind the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Somali militants vow allegiance to new al Qaeda chief -
Just get out of the land of those people and I bet you would have nothing to fear about.
Just get out of the land of those people and I bet you would have nothing to fear about.

The US is not in Somalia you fucking clown.

The U.S. is populer in Africa. Through neglect, Al Quada will dig in deeper and deeper. Notice how thousands are getting slaughtered there and we do nothing, yet we hit Libya because Qualified MIGHT slaughter thousands. Its bull shit.
Belligerent Drunk (as always), the US's firm presence in Somalia dates back to decades:

The US has been in Somalia for years to continue maintaining control of military relay station in Somali region used by US forces operating in the Middle East. The US has been in Somalia dating to 1940s and has custom of installing puppet governments to look after its interest and often at expense of interest of the nation, which in turn results in civil unrest in nation.

The installation of puppet governments in developing nations by US and other developed nations is major cause of civil unrest in most developing nations.
Belligerent Drunk (as always), the US's firm presence in Somalia dates back to decades:

The US has been in Somalia for years to continue maintaining control of military relay station in Somali region used by US forces operating in the Middle East. The US has been in Somalia dating to 1940s and has custom of installing puppet governments to look after its interest and often at expense of interest of the nation, which in turn results in civil unrest in nation.

The installation of puppet governments in developing nations by US and other developed nations is major cause of civil unrest in most developing nations.

The US is not in Somalia you stupid fuck, the US Military hasn't been in that country since 1993, most Somalis go about their day without seeing 1 American. The only things the US is doing is trying to help their government and doing the occasional drone strike on a bitch ass terrorist, thats it.
Belligerent Drunk (as always), the US's firm presence in Somalia dates back to decades:

The US has been in Somalia for years to continue maintaining control of military relay station in Somali region used by US forces operating in the Middle East. The US has been in Somalia dating to 1940s and has custom of installing puppet governments to look after its interest and often at expense of interest of the nation, which in turn results in civil unrest in nation.

The installation of puppet governments in developing nations by US and other developed nations is major cause of civil unrest in most developing nations.

Sure you aren't thinking of Sierra Leone ? Never herd of such a thing in Somalia.
Somalia doesn't have much of a stable government last I checked, never mind a puppet government in place.
Belligerent Drunk (as always), the US's firm presence in Somalia dates back to decades:

The US has been in Somalia for years to continue maintaining control of military relay station in Somali region used by US forces operating in the Middle East. The US has been in Somalia dating to 1940s and has custom of installing puppet governments to look after its interest and often at expense of interest of the nation, which in turn results in civil unrest in nation.

The installation of puppet governments in developing nations by US and other developed nations is major cause of civil unrest in most developing nations.

Sure you aren't thinking of Sierra Leone ? Never herd of such a thing in Somalia.

He doesn't know what the fuck hes talking about, there hasn't been any US Military presence in Somalia since 1993.
Belligerent Drunk (as always), the US's firm presence in Somalia dates back to decades:

The US has been in Somalia for years to continue maintaining control of military relay station in Somali region used by US forces operating in the Middle East. The US has been in Somalia dating to 1940s and has custom of installing puppet governments to look after its interest and often at expense of interest of the nation, which in turn results in civil unrest in nation.

The installation of puppet governments in developing nations by US and other developed nations is major cause of civil unrest in most developing nations.

Sure you aren't thinking of Sierra Leone ? Never herd of such a thing in Somalia.

He doesn't know what the fuck hes talking about, there hasn't been any US Military presence in Somalia since 1993.

I know that you do not know the truth, which is why I am informing you about the true state of matters:

The US has been in Somalia for decades and the current unstable and loathed government in Somalia is US propped.
Sure you aren't thinking of Sierra Leone ? Never herd of such a thing in Somalia.

He doesn't know what the fuck hes talking about, there hasn't been any US Military presence in Somalia since 1993.

I know that you do not know the truth, which is why I am informing you about the true state of matters:

The US has been in Somalia for decades and the current unstable and loathed government in Somalia is US propped.

I am not denying the government there is helped by the US idiot, however it is ineffective and controls very little in Somalia, the US doesn't really care about Somalia anymore they just don't want terrorists to open up shop there.
I think he is talking about a small outpost near Somalia.
But yes, of course, the U.S. has not had any active military there for over 15 years.

But never mind Somalia's crushing poverty, chaotic and corrupt government (if that is what you want to call it) and long presence of fanatic Islamic extremist...this has nothing to do with it. It is America's fault...:eusa_eh:
Sure you aren't thinking of Sierra Leone ? Never herd of such a thing in Somalia.

He doesn't know what the fuck hes talking about, there hasn't been any US Military presence in Somalia since 1993.

I know that you do not know the truth, which is why I am informing you about the true state of matters:

The US has been in Somalia for decades and the current unstable and loathed government in Somalia is US propped.

You wouldn't happen to be a Ron Paul supporter would you ? They have a habit of making statements they cant back up as well.
I think he is talking about a small outpost near Somalia.
But yes, of course, the U.S. has not had any active military there for over 15 years.

But never mind Somalia's crushing poverty, chaotic and corrupt government (if that is what you want to call it) and long presence of fanatic Islamic extremist...this has nothing to do with it. It is America's fault...:eusa_eh:

The US has a base in Djibouti that is near Somalia, thats about it. The only real concern for the US is not let terrorists have a haven there like they did in Afghanistan during the 1990s.
I think he is talking about a small outpost near Somalia.
But yes, of course, the U.S. has not had any active military there for over 15 years.

But never mind Somalia's crushing poverty, chaotic and corrupt government (if that is what you want to call it) and long presence of fanatic Islamic extremist...this has nothing to do with it. It is America's fault...:eusa_eh:

The US has had continuous presence in the Somali region for decades. The US-propped and well-resented government in Somalia actively watches out for US interest, as has been custom of noted imperialists in developing nations: To pacify the world of their imperialistic ambitions, noted Western bullies simply set up puppets in nations to serve them.

The US is in Somalia. Those Somalis know it and are fighting back US impositions in every possible manner. Just leave the Somalis alone in their nation to manage their business and I bet you will have nothing to fear.

Oh, I see Belligerent Drunk just conducted little search for temporary update. Tsk, tsk, tsk!
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I think he is talking about a small outpost near Somalia.
But yes, of course, the U.S. has not had any active military there for over 15 years.

But never mind Somalia's crushing poverty, chaotic and corrupt government (if that is what you want to call it) and long presence of fanatic Islamic extremist...this has nothing to do with it. It is America's fault...:eusa_eh:

The US has had continuous presence in the Somali region for decades. The US-propped and well-resented government in Somalia actively watches out for US interest, as has been custom of noted imperialists in developing nations: To pacify the world of their imperialistic ambitions, noted Western bullies simply set up puppets in nations to serve them.

The US is in Somalia. Those Somalis know it and are fighting back US impositions in every possible manner. Just leave the Somalis alone in their nation to manage their business and I bet you will have nothing to fear.

Yes. A Paul voter.
I think he is talking about a small outpost near Somalia.
But yes, of course, the U.S. has not had any active military there for over 15 years.

But never mind Somalia's crushing poverty, chaotic and corrupt government (if that is what you want to call it) and long presence of fanatic Islamic extremist...this has nothing to do with it. It is America's fault...:eusa_eh:

The US has had continuous presence in the Somali region for decades. The US-propped and well-resented government in Somalia actively watches out for US interest, as has been custom of noted imperialists in developing nations: To pacify the world of their imperialistic ambitions, noted Western bullies simply set up puppets in nations to serve them.

The US is in Somalia. Those Somalis know it and are fighting back US impositions in every possible manner. Just leave the Somalis alone in their nation to manage their business and I bet you will have nothing to fear.

The Somalis have been left alone since 1993 jack ass.:cuckoo:
I think he is talking about a small outpost near Somalia.
But yes, of course, the U.S. has not had any active military there for over 15 years.

But never mind Somalia's crushing poverty, chaotic and corrupt government (if that is what you want to call it) and long presence of fanatic Islamic extremist...this has nothing to do with it. It is America's fault...:eusa_eh:

The US has had continuous presence in the Somali region for decades. The US-propped and well-resented government in Somalia actively watches out for US interest, as has been custom of noted imperialists in developing nations: To pacify the world of their imperialistic ambitions, noted Western bullies simply set up puppets in nations to serve them.

The US is in Somalia. Those Somalis know it and are fighting back US impositions in every possible manner. Just leave the Somalis alone in their nation to manage their business and I bet you will have nothing to fear.

Oh, I see Belligerent Drunk just conducted little search for temporary update. Tsk, tsk, tsk!

You should link up with "Truthmatters" - you guys have a lot in common.

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